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2017 01 25 Environments WG Meeting

Todd Gamblin edited this page May 25, 2017 · 29 revisions


  1. Todd Gamblin (LLNL)
  2. Brett Viren (BNL)
  3. Massimiliano Culpo (EPFL)
  4. Elizabeth Fischer (NASA-GISS)
  5. Jim Amundson (Fermilab)
  6. Patrick Gartung (Fermilab)
  7. Peter Scheibel (LLNL)
  8. Mario Melara (NERSC)
  9. Matthew Krafczyk (NCSA)
  10. Greg Lee (LLNL)
  11. Greg Becker (LLNL)
  12. Matt Belhorn (ORNL)
  13. Ivo Jimenez (UCSC)

Preliminary brainstorming

Wow, there was a lot of feedback.

  1. Spack Environments WG
  2. Elizabeth's Conceptual Framework for Environments
  3. Elizabeth's WG use case
  4. Massimiliano Culpo's developer requirements
  5. Brett Viren's ideas
  6. Brett's use cases
  7. Matthew Krafczyk's WG ideas

Distilling feedback into requirements


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