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Serials (Title, Previous, and Successive Publications)

Banu Hapeloglu Kutlu edited this page Apr 16, 2019 · 2 revisions

Serials titles are indexed as part of their records. The 780 and 785 fields are used to link previous versions of the serial and successive versions of the serial. These may be exact matches, titles which are split, titles which are merged, etc. For example, some large journals get split into several titles, Phys Rev A, B, C, etc. Some journals are taken over by another group. Some journals change title because they're being run by students and those students get overly-excited about terms like "Forum" vs. "Review."

Serials Title Change Mapping

MARC fields description
245ab see Title fields
780 preceding entry - different indicators specify whether the current title fully, partly, etc., continues the previous serial, in this entry
785 succeeding entry - different indicators specify whether the listed title fully, partly, etc., continues this current serial

Serials Title Change Search

Included in keyword search.

Serials Title Change Facets


Serials Title Change Display

On each record, the titles in these fields will be linked to search for that title, specifically the title_245ab_tsim title. The previous and succeeding issues are the 245 title not the 440/490 title (which is of a series vs. a serial).

MARC Fields Label
780|00|iabdghkmnopqrstuxyz3:780|02|iabdghkmnopqrstuxyz3 Continues
780|01|iabdghkmnopqrstuxyz3:780|03|iabdghkmnopqrstuxyz3 Continues in Part
780|04|iabdghkmnopqrstuxyz3 Formed From
780|05|iabdghkmnopqrstuxyz3 Absorbs
780|06|iabdghkmnopqrstuxyz3 Absorbs in Part
780|07|iabdghkmnopqrstuxyz3 Separated From
785|00|iabdghkmnopqrstuxyz3:785|02|iabdghkmnopqrstuxyz3 Continued By
785|01|iabdghkmnopqrstuxyz3:785|03|iabdghkmnopqrstuxyz3 Continued in Part By
785|04|iabdghkmnopqrstuxyz3 Absorbed By
785|05|iabdghkmnopqrstuxyz3 Absorbed in Part BY
785|06|iabdghkmnopqrstuxyz3 Split Into
785|07|iabdghkmnopqrstuxyz3 Merged to Form
785|08|iabdghkmnopqrstuxyz3 Changed Back To

Serials Title Change Advanced Search

Preceding and succeeding entries are Not included in the Advanced Search. 245ab title is already a part of Title search in the Advanced Search.

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