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Genre Fields Index and Display

Banu Hapeloglu Kutlu edited this page Jan 23, 2019 · 16 revisions

We will be using Genres for faceting, keyword search, and display in item records. Because of the evolution of genres in MARC data, information about Genre may either be found in the Genre subfield of a regular subject (650) or in a separate field dedicated to Genre (655).

Genres may come from a variety of vocabularies. For the purposes of faceting and display, we'll want to stick to a few major ones. However, for search we might as well include all of them. This could lead to some very strange data being indexed in search. Some genres, particularly in film, are long textual statements. However, if they contain appropriate keywords, then it makes sense to use them.

Genre Fields

MARC Field indicator subfield description
650 *0 v Main subject field, subfield v is used for genre information. Indicator 2 with value of 0 means it comes from Library of Congress controlled list.
655 *0 a Main genre field, subfield a is primary field. Indicator 2 with value of 0 means it comes from Library of Congress controlled list. To be used for faceting.
655 *0 abcvxyz Main genre field. Indicator 2 with value of 0 means it comes from Library of Congress controlled list. All subfields to be used for display and for search indexing.
655 *7 a Main genre field, subfield a is primary field. Indicator 2 with value of 7 means it comes from another list. We will want to restrict which of these we use so we don't end up with a wide variety of values and duplication. Use subfield 2 to distinguish. To be used for faceting.
655 *7 abcvxyz Main genre field, all subfields. Indicator 2 with value of 7 means it comes from another list. We will want to restrict sources for display (using the values from subfield 2) but not for indexing.

Genre Fields for Keyword Search

We index the full genre content of fields for search (to be included in keyword searching, possibly in an advanced field, but not MVP). For 650, we use only LC genres. Genre is only in subfield v so this doesn't change. We index all second indicator 7s.

  • genre_tsim

Genre Faceting

  • For sidebar facet labeled Genre, we index the following fields, with accompanying conditional. This will parallel our Subject sidebar facet in many ways, but not overlap.

    Genre - genre_facet_ssim

    655|*7|a IF subfield 2 == lcgft OR fast
  • For genre links, we index the following fields. This facet is not displayed on the sidebar but only used for genre links



Genre Display

We display the full version of only our preferred genres (i.e. limiting based on the values of subfield 2 in 655|*7). This should link using the genre full facet. We're leaving the 650v out of display because it will be displayed in Subjects.

Genre(s) - genre_display_ssim

655|*7|abcvxyz IF subfield 2 == lcgft OR fast
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