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Availability Display

Ruth edited this page Apr 26, 2024 · 13 revisions


Display Fields

Display the values from the following XPaths in the following fields:

Call Number Material Location
TitleInfo/CallInfo/callNumber TitleInfo/CallInfo/ItemInfo/itemTypeID TitleInfo/CallInfo/ItemInfo/currentLocationID

If WebServices cannot be reached, the following error message should be displayed instead of Availability: "Please check back shortly for item availability or ask a librarian for assistance."

Data Structure

The following is an outline of the sections of the XML availability response from the CAT and the data you can expect.

Title Info

TitleInfo contains:

field description expectation min/max occurrences
titleID the catekey always {1,1}
CallInfo Contains info for each unique call number/library pairing, nested to contain items to which it applies always should have at least one if we have copies {1,~}
numberOfBoundwithLinks provides an integer of how many linked bound-with items are involved. 0 if none. always occurs if we include parameter &includeBoundTogether=true {1,1}
BoundwithLinkInfo contains brief record info about things which are bound-with the titleid, including one entry for the title itself if some/all items are bound with, then it will occur {0,~}

Title Availability Info

This section will be used to trigger information about whether there are available copies and whether copies can be put on hold.

Parent XML field: TitleAvailabilityInfo - occurs once

field description expectation anticipated trigger min/max occurrences
holdable value: true/false. whether any copies of this can be put on hold (for example, it may also include copies in Reference or Special Collections). required this should trigger whether "I Want It" appears {1,1}
totalCopiesAvailable The number of ITEMS (including Online holdings) attached to a record which are currently not checked out. It might be 800 different volumes of a serial publication. It might be 5 copies of the same item. It might have 0 copes available but we might have 20 items, all checked out. It might be 2 copies available but they're ON-ORDER or on reference. required not usable for hold placement or triggering ILL, this is documented so that we don't accidentally try to use it. {1,1}

Call Info

Sirsi breaks down its holdings information by "Call Number" records. Each call number record is associated with:

  1. a library
  2. a call number
  3. one or more items

If 5 copies of the same book are held at 5 different libraries, it will have 5 separate call number records. If a single library has volumes 1-5 of a series (or multi-volume work), it will have separate Call Info records for each of the separate call number. If two items are in the same library but in different shelving locations, this information will be on the Item Info subsection.

When using this data, we group these together by library, then display info about call numbers by row below.

Parent XML field: CallInfo - minimum one occurrence.

field expectation anticipated trigger description
libraryID required use to group into libraries An ID code for the library in which the item(s) from this call number are held, including ONLINE.
classificationID required we don't display or act on this describes the kind of classification used. Probably most important whether or not it's "LC" - Library of Congress or another system.
callNumber required use to display call number if online, Call Number is "Electronic resource" (note - we will try to do other ways of displaying online and focus on links).
numberOfCopies required not currently beign used an integer of the number of items in this call number record.

Item Info

Parent XML field: ItemInfo - minimum one occurrence? (bound-withs?)

field expectation anticipated trigger description
homeLocationID required Do we use this to group to locations? the ID of the region of the library in which it could be found assuming it's available, e.g. libraryID = UP-PAT and homeLocationID = PATERNO-4.
currentLocationID required Map to handle actual item by item display. Also use to trigger the I Want It->ILL when all items have currentLocationID in locations that trigger ILL requests including CHECKEDOUT, etc.
chargeable required Currently not using. values: true/false. Essentially whether a book is on hand or not. Reference books and others which require special handling are still chargeable->true.
itemTypeID required use to display an item type item types
reserveCirculationRule only if on course reserve we could use this to display info about how long course reserve items can be checked out maps to circ rules
dueDate only exists if item is checked out. use to display when a checked out item on course reserve is expected back, only use if reserveCirculationRule exists? do we use this formatted in a quasi-compliant way, check on what it shows in Workflows before implementing.

Bound With Info

if /numberOfBoundwithLinks != 0, then check each for bound with in each entry field and display info about it below. We could also choose to check for /BoundwithLinkInfo exists. [update question: what are we doing now?]

Display on Search Results Page

  • At bottom of each record, a large button to expand to View Availability.
  • Followed by a list of one library, 2 libraries, or say "Multiple Libraries.".

Display Expanded Holdings on Search Results

When you expand the Availability box in search results box, you see items grouped by library:

  • Group by libraries
  • For each library, display max 4 items with View More.
  • Do we have a max number of libraries before we force viewing more?
  • If homeLocationIDs in more than one location in a single library, break into separate parts. example: a copy in Paterno stacks + a copy in Paterno leisure reading

Display on Single Item Holdings Page

Label: Availability

  • Group by libraries
  • For each library, display max 4 items, with a view more link.
  • If homeLocationIDs in more than one location in a single library, break into separate parts. example: a copy in Paterno stacks + a copy in Paterno leisure reading

Display of Online Items

Sample Data

Single Item Sample Data

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<LookupTitleInfoResponse xmlns="">
      <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Penn State Shenango</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
      <callNumber>PN1997.2.B6893 2015 DVD</callNumber>

Online-Only Sample Data

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<LookupTitleInfoResponse xmlns="">
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Online Resource</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <callNumber>Electronic resource</callNumber>
                <staffNote>{360 MARC}</staffNote>

Multiple Libraries and Items Sample Data

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<LookupTitleInfoResponse xmlns="">
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Penn State Erie</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Penn State Harrisburg</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Penn State Schuylkill</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Microforms Library (UP)</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Pattee Library and Paterno Library Stacks
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Annex (UP)</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Physical and Mathematical Sciences Library
            <callNumber>Q1.N2 v.1 1869/70</callNumber>
            <callNumber>Q1.N2 v.2 1870</callNumber>
                <staffNote>{Digitized Copy Instructions: Do not delete or replace the
            <callNumber>Q1.N2 v.3 1870/71</callNumber>
                <staffNote>{Digitized Copy Instructions: Do not delete or replace the
            <callNumber>Q1.N2 v.4 1874</callNumber>
                <staffNote>{Digitized Copy Instructions: Do not delete or replace the
            <callNumber>Q1.N2 v.5 1871/72</callNumber>
                <staffNote>{Digitized Copy Instructions: Do not delete or replace the
            <callNumber>Q1.N2 v.6 1872</callNumber>
                <staffNote>{Digitized Copy Instructions: Do not delete or replace the
            <callNumber>Q1.N2 v.7 1872/73</callNumber>

Checked Out Sample Data

(this item has been edited down to two copies available at different libraries and one checked out)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<LookupTitleInfoResponse xmlns="">
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Penn State Harrisburg</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Penn State New Kensington</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <callNumber>BF1548.V53 1993</callNumber>
            <callNumber>BF1548.V53 1993</callNumber>
            <callNumber>BF1548.V53 1993</callNumber>

(same library, same item: one on shelf, one checked out)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<LookupTitleInfoResponse xmlns="">
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Penn State Abington</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <callNumber>D767.25.H6H4 1989</callNumber>

Course Reserve Sample Data

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<LookupTitleInfoResponse xmlns="">
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Penn State Erie</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Penn State Wilkes-Barre</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <libraryWithAvailableResvCopies>Penn State Abington</libraryWithAvailableResvCopies>
            <libraryWithAvailableResvCopies>Penn State Brandywine</libraryWithAvailableResvCopies>
            <callNumber>GN346.S86 2012</callNumber>
            <callNumber>GN346.S86 2012</callNumber>
            <callNumber>GN346.S86 2012</callNumber>
            <callNumber>GN346.S86 2012</callNumber>
            <callNumber>GN346.S86 2012</callNumber>

Multiple Items/Volumes, 1 Checked Out Sample Data

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<LookupTitleInfoResponse xmlns="">
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Pattee Library and Paterno Library Stacks
            <callNumber>DS110.B394E93 2006 v.1</callNumber>
            <callNumber>DS110.B394E93 2006 v.2</callNumber>
            <callNumber>DS110.B394E93 2006 v.3</callNumber>
            <callNumber>DS110.B394E93 v.4</callNumber>

On Course Reserve and Regular Shelf Sample Data

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<LookupTitleInfoResponse xmlns="">
            <libraryWithAvailableResvCopies>Pattee Library and Paterno Library Stacks
            <callNumber>LB1025.3.H67 2010</callNumber>
            <callNumber>LB1025.3.H67 2010</callNumber>

Mix of Checked Out and This Copy Is Not Available Please Request Via Inter-Library Loan

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<LookupTitleInfoResponse xmlns="">
            <callNumber>E909.O24A3 2018</callNumber>
            <callNumber>E909.O24A3 2018</callNumber>
                <staffNote>{Baker &amp; Taylor lease plan book}</staffNote>
                <staffNote>{Baker &amp; Taylor lease plan book}</staffNote>
                <staffNote>{Baker &amp; Taylor lease plan book}</staffNote>
                <staffNote>{Baker &amp; Taylor lease plan book}</staffNote>
                <staffNote>{Baker &amp; Taylor lease plan book}</staffNote>

On-Order Sample Data


In Transit Info

Note: this is an old request and still not something we do -- leaving it documented because it's documented and potentially of interest.

We've had a request from some circulation workers that we show what "In Transit" actually means. Right now, we just have the field currentLocationID = "INTRANSIT" which has no real content they can use. Students ask things like where it's going and when. We have system type information in the following fields:

code definition sample value
transitSourceLibraryID library ID from which the item is coming UP-PAT
transitDestinationLibraryID library ID of destination library ALTOONA
transitReason values include: LIBRARY, HOLD LIBRARY
transitDate date/time it went in transit? 2019-11-13T11:29:00.041-05:00 at 11:29am?

We could use this to display something like:

In Transit from Pattee and Paterno Libraries to Altoona (updated: 2019-11-13 11:29am)

Sample Data

<LookupTitleInfoResponse xmlns="">
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Penn State Abington</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Penn State Beaver</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Penn State Erie</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Penn State Berks</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Penn State Fayette</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Penn State Mont Alto</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Penn State New Kensington</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Penn State Schuylkill</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Penn State Shenango</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Penn State Scranton</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Penn State York</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Pattee Library and Paterno Library Stacks
            <libraryWithAvailableResvCopies>Penn State Greater
            <callNumber>BF76.7.P83 2020</callNumber>
            <callNumber>BF76.7.P83 2020</callNumber>
            <callNumber>BF76.7.P83 2020</callNumber>
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