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vImage macOS xcode14.0 rc

Israel Soto edited this page Sep 7, 2022 · 1 revision


diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2022-08-06 02:29:19.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2022-08-03 21:07:17.000000000 -0500
@@ -1151,46 +1151,6 @@
 #define         vImagePremultiplyData_BGRAFFFF( _src, _dest, _flags )           vImagePremultiplyData_RGBAFFFF((_src), (_dest), (_flags))
- *  @function vImagePremultiplyData_RGBA16F
- *  @abstract Multiply a RGBA16F color channel by its corresponding alpha
- *  @discussion
- *  This function multiplies color channels by the alpha channel.
- *  <pre>@textblock
- *      For each color channel:
- *
- *          float destColor = src * alpha;
- *          float destAlpha = alpha;
- *
- *      This function can work in place provided the following are true:
- *          If src overlaps with dest, src->data must be equal to dest->data
- *          If src also has a different rowBytes from dest, kvImageDoNotTile must be also passed in the flags
- *                  (It is not necessary to pass kvImageDoNotTile if src and dest do not overlap.)
- *  @/textblock </pre>
- *
- *      This function will for all 4 channel 16F / channel image formats with alpha first in memory.
- *      It does not have to be RGBA. Also available as vImagePremultiplyData_BGRA16F().
- *
- *  @param src      The color data to multiply with alpha
- *  @param dest     A preallocated vImage_Buffer where the results are written
- *  @param flags    The following flags are allowed:
- *  <pre>@textblock
- *          kvImageNoFlags                      Default operation
- *
- *          kvImageDoNotTile                    Turn off internal multithreading. This might be useful if you are already multithreading
- *                                              the work in your own tiling engine.
- *  @/textblock </pre>
- *  @result         The following result codes may occur:
- *  <pre>@textblock
- *          kvImageNoError                      Success.
- *
- *          kvImageRoiLargerThanInputBuffer     dest->width and dest->height must be less than or equal to corresponding
- *                                              dimensions in src and alpha
- *  @/textblock</pre>
- */
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImagePremultiplyData_RGBA16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2)   API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
-#define         vImagePremultiplyData_BGRA16F( _src, _dest, _flags )           vImagePremultiplyData_RGBA16F((_src), (_dest), (_flags))
  *  @function vImagePremultiplyData_ARGB16U
  *  @abstract Multiply a unsigned 16-bit ARGB color channel by its corresponding alpha
  *  @discussion
@@ -1572,43 +1532,6 @@
- *  @function vImageUnpremultiplyData_RGBA16F
- *  @abstract Divide the alpha channel from the color channels in a RGBA16F image
- *  @discussion
- *  This function divides color channels by the alpha channel.
- *      For each color channel:
- *      <pre>@textblock
- *          float destColor = destColor / alpha;
- *          float destAlpha = alpha;
- *      @/textblock </pre>
- *
- *      The positioning of only the alpha channel is important for interleaved formats for these functions.
- *      This function will work with other channel orders that have alpha last. It is also available as vImageUnpremultiplyData_BGRA16F().
- *
- *      This function can work in place provided the following are true:
- *          src->data must be equal to dest->data
- *          src->rowBytes must be equal to dest->rowBytes
- *
- *  @param src          The input image
- *  @param dest         A preallocated 16F destination buffer into which the result will be written.
- *  @param flags        The following flags are allowed:
- *      <pre>@textblock
- *                      kvImageNoFlags          Default operation
- *
- *                      kvImageDoNotTile        Disable internal multithreading.
- *      @/textblock </pre>
- *
- *  @result The following error codes may be returned:
- *      <pre>@textblock
- *                      kvImageNoError                      Success
- *
- *                      kvImageRoiLargerThanInputBuffer     dest->height or width is larger than the corresponding src or alpha dimension
- *      @/textblock </pre>
- */
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageUnpremultiplyData_RGBA16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2)    API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
-#define         vImageUnpremultiplyData_BGRA16F( _src, _dest, _flags )             vImageUnpremultiplyData_RGBA16F((_src), (_dest), (_flags))
  *  @function vImageUnpremultiplyData_ARGB16U
  *  @abstract Divide the alpha channel from the color channels in a ARGB16U image
  *  @discussion
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2022-08-06 02:29:19.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2022-08-03 21:07:17.000000000 -0500
@@ -1225,28 +1225,6 @@
                                                                    const vImage_Buffer *dest,      /* A planar buffer */
                                                                    vImage_Flags    flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(2)        API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.10), ios(8.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(8.0));
- @function vImageOverwriteChannelsWithScalar_Planar16F
- @abstract Fill the dest buffer with the scalar value.
- @param scalar
- A scalar value to fill the destination buffer.
- @param dest
- A pointer to a valid and initialized vImage_Buffer struct, that points to a buffer containing destination pixels.
- @param flags
- \p kvImageNoFlags          Default operation
- \p kvImageDoNotTile        Disable internal multithreading.
- @return kvImageNoError                     Success
- @return kvImageRoiLargerThanInputBuffer    The height and width of the destination must be less than or equal to the height and width of the src buffer, respectively.
- */
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageOverwriteChannelsWithScalar_Planar16F(    Pixel_16F     scalar,
-                                                                   const vImage_Buffer *dest,      /* A planar buffer */
-                                                                   vImage_Flags    flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(2)        API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
  @function vImageExtractChannel_ARGB8888
@@ -1464,26 +1442,6 @@
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageBufferFill_ARGBFFFF( const vImage_Buffer *dest, const Pixel_FFFF color, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.4), ios(5.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(5.0));
- @function vImageBufferFill_ARGB16F
- @abstract Fill the dest buffer with the pixel value.
- @param color
- A pixel value to fill the destination buffer.
- @param dest
- A pointer to a valid and initialized vImage_Buffer struct, that points to a buffer containing destination pixels.
- @param flags
- \p kvImageNoFlags          Default operation
- \p kvImageDoNotTile        Disable internal multithreading.
- @return kvImageNoError                     Success
- @return kvImageRoiLargerThanInputBuffer    The height and width of the destination must be less than or equal to the height and width of the src buffer, respectively.
- */
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageBufferFill_ARGB16F( const vImage_Buffer *dest, const Pixel_ARGB_16F color, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
  @function vImageBufferFill_CbCr8
  @abstract Fill the dest buffer with the pixel value.
@@ -1821,53 +1779,7 @@
                                                       vImage_Flags        flags )    VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2,3)
 API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.4), ios(5.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(5.0));
- @function vImagePermuteChannels_ARGB16F
- @abstract Reorder color channels within the buffer according to the permute map.
- @discussion For each pixel in src, do the following:
- @code
- Pixel_ARGB_16F srcPixel, result;
- for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
- result[i] = srcPixel[ permuteMap[i] ];
- @endcode
- The src buffer must be at least as large as the dest buffer in each dimension. (src.height >= dest.height && src.width >= dest.width)
- This function can work in place provided the following are true:
- For each buffer "buf" that overlaps with dest, buf->data must be equal to dest->data and buf->rowBytes >= dest->rowBytes
- If an overlapping buffer has a different rowBytes from dest, kvImageDoNotTile must be also passed in the flags
- This function may be used with any 4 channel 16-bit/channel format, such as RGBA16F, BGRA16F or AYUV16F.
- @param src
- A pointer to a valid and initialized vImage_Buffer struct, that points to a buffer containing the source pixels.
- @param dest
- A pointer to a valid and initialized vImage_Buffer struct, that points to a buffer containing destination pixels.
- @param permuteMap
- The map describing the permutation of the 4 color channels.
- Each value in the map must be 0,1,2, or 3.  A map of 0,1,2,3
- is a copy from src->dest while a map of 3,2,1,0 is permutes
- ARGB -> BGRA.  Providing a map value greater than 3 will
- result in the return of error kvImageInvalidParameter.
- @param flags
- \p kvImageNoFlags                     Default operation
- \p kvImageDoNotTile                   Disable internal multithreading.
- @return kvImageNoError                     Success
- @return kvImageInvalidParameter            When permuteMap > 3, which is invalid.
- @return kvImageRoiLargerThanInputBuffer    The height and width of the destination must be less than or equal to the height and width of the src buffer, respectively.
- */
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImagePermuteChannels_ARGB16F(const vImage_Buffer *src,
-                                                     const vImage_Buffer *dest,
-                                                     const uint8_t       permuteMap[4],
-                                                     vImage_Flags        flags )
-API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
  @function vImagePermuteChannelsWithMaskedInsert_ARGB8888
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2022-08-05 15:54:10.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2022-08-03 21:07:18.000000000 -0500
@@ -385,150 +385,6 @@
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageConvolve_PlanarF( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y,  const float *kernel, uint32_t kernel_height, uint32_t kernel_width, Pixel_F backgroundColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.3), ios(5.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(5.0));
- *  @function vImageConvolve_Planar16F
- *  @abstract General convolution on a Planar16F image.
- *  @discussion This filter applies a convolution filter of your choosing to a Planar16F image.
- *              The kernel values are specified as 32-bit single-precision floats and the
- *              weighted average is also computed in single precision by default. However, if
- *              the flag kvImageUseFP16Accumulator is set all internal filtering operations will
- *              use 16-bit half-precision floating-point arithmetic when the CPU architecture
- *              supports it. This results in up to 2x performance improvements but at the
- *              expense of a less precise result; typically 2-3 bits of precision is lost.
- *
- *              For each pixel:
- *      <pre>@textblock
- *          for each pixel[y][x] in image{
- *              // sum is declared as type _Float16 when the flag kvImageUseFP16Accumulator is set
- *              float sum = 0;
- *
- *              // Calculate weighted average over kernel area
- *              for each kernel_element[i][j] in kernel{
- *                  sum += kernel_element[i][j] *
- *                          pixel[y+i+srcOffsetToROI_Y-kernel_height/2]
- *                               [x+j+srcOffsetToROI_X- kernel_width/2];
- *              }
- *
- *              // write out result
- *              result[y][x] = (_Float16)sum;
- *          }
- *      @/textblock </pre>
- *              (Above, we imagine the kernel to be a 2D array of size kernel_height by kernel_width.
- *              However, in practice it is passed in as a contiguous 1D array of size kernel_height *
- *              kernel_width.)
- *
- *              This filter does not work in place.
- *
- *  @param src              The input image
- *
- *  @param dest             A pointer to a preallocated vImage_Buffer to receive the result image.
- *                          This may not alias the src image.
- *
- *  @param tempBuffer       An optional pointer to a region of memory to use as a working area during
- *                          computation.  The size of the tempBuffer is given by calling the function
- *                          with the same parameters and the kvImageGetTempBufferSize flag, in which case
- *                          the size is returned instead of an error code from the left hand side.
- *                          You may pass NULL here, in which case a region of memory of similar size
- *                          will be allocated by the function and freed before it returns.  Temp Buffers
- *                          are a way of avoiding lost time due to VM faults to initialize newly allocated
- *                          buffers. If you will be calling this function repeatedly with similar parameters
- *                          you should use a temp buffer. If the function is called from different threads
- *                          concurrently, a different temp buffer should be used for each.
- *
- *  @param srcOffsetToROI_X An offset used in tiling to shift the position of the destination image
- *                          relative to the src image. Typically this is 0. Non-Zero values are needed
- *                          when the destination tile is not aligned with the left edge of the image.
- *
- *  @param srcOffsetToROI_Y An offset used in tiling to shift the position of the destination image
- *                          relative to the src image. Typically this is 0. Non-Zero values are needed
- *                          when the destination tile is not aligned with the top edge of the image.
- *
- *  @param kernel           A pointer to a 1D array of weights of dimension kernel_height x kernel_width.
- *                          For example, for a simple 3x3 blur, it might be:
- *                          <pre>@textblock
- *                          const float kernel[9] =   { 1./16, 2./16, 1./16,
- *                                                      2./16, 4./16, 2./16,
- *                                                      1./16, 2./16, 1./16 };
- *                          @/textblock </pre>
- *
- *  @param kernel_height    The height of the 2D table of weights passed in as kernel. It must be an odd number.
- *
- *  @param kernel_width     The width of the 2D table of weights passed in as kernel. It must be an odd number.
- *
- *  @param backgroundColor  When the kvImageBackgroundColorFill edging mode is active, the backgroundColor
- *                          parameter provides the background color to be used for missing pixels when the
- *                          kernel extends off the edge of the image.
- *
- *  @param flags            The following flags are allowed:
- *      <pre>@textblock
- *              kvImageCopyInPlace          If any pixels covered by the kernel do no not exist, simply
- *                                          copy the corresponding source pixel to the destination. This
- *                                          will result in a ring off unconvolved content at the edges
- *                                          and convolved content in the middle.
- *
- *              kvImageBackgroundColorFill  Substitute in the provided background color for missing pixels.
- *                                          For a blur filter this will look like the edges of the image
- *                                          have been blurred into a particular color. This is usually
- *                                          appropriate when the color of the surface onto which the image
- *                                          will be drawn is known.  You can also use {Alpha = 0, color = 0}
- *                                          as a background color, and let the downstream image compositor
- *                                          blend in the background color. In this case, the result image
- *                                          should be treated as a premultiplied image.
- *
- *              kvImageEdgeExtend           Substitute in the nearest defined pixel for missing pixels.
- *                                          This is better when the image is drawn into a frame or other
- *                                          context where the background is not expected to contribute to
- *                                          the final content.
- *
- *              kvImageTruncateKernel       This is similar to kvImageEdgeExtend, except that edge pixels are
- *                                          simply ignored, and the bias and divisor are adjusted accordingly.
- *                                          Because of the complication at the edges, this edging mode can
- *                                          be significantly slower than the others. It can be numerically
- *                                          unstable if the sum over any rectangular subsection of the kernel
- *                                          is zero, which can result in division by zero during the computation.
- *                                          The results for this edging mode are usually quite visually similar
- *                                          to kvImageEdgeExtend.
- *
- *              kvImageGetTempBufferSize    Instead of calculating the convolution of the image, return the
- *                                          size of the temp buffer needed for this set of parameters. Does
- *                                          not touch the src or dest image.
- *
- *              kvImageDoNotTile                     Disable internal multithreading.
- *
- *              kvImageUseFP16Accumulator  Enable 16-bit half-precision floating-point arithmetic when computing the
- *                                          kernel averages when the CPU architecture supports it.
- *
- *      @/textblock </pre>
- *                          The first four flags listed are edging modes. One and only one edging mode must be
- *                          provided. If no edging mode is provided (e.g. kvImageNoFlags), then an error will
- *                          be returned.
- *
- *  @return One of the following error codes may be returned:
- *      <pre>@textblock
- *          kvImageNoError              Success.
- *              >= 0                    If kvImageGetTempBufferSize is passed, this is the size of
- *                                      the temp buffer to use with this function and this set of
- *                                      parameters.
- *
- *          kvImageInvalidEdgeStyle     One and only one of the following flags must be provided:
- *                                         { kvImageCopyInPlace, kvImageBackgroundColorFill,
- *                                           kvImageEdgeExtend,  kvImageTruncateKernel }
- *
- *          kvImageRoiLargerThanInputBuffer The dest->width and height must be less than or equal
- *                                          to corresponding dimensions of the source buffer.
- *
- *          kvImageInvalidOffset_X      The destination width + srcOffsetToROI_X > src->width
- *
- *          kvImageInvalidOffset_Y      The destination height + srcOffsetToROI_Y > src->height
- *
- *          kvImageNullPointerArgument  kernel may not be NULL
- *
- *          kvImageMemoryAllocationError Could not allocate memory to serve as a temp buffer.
- *
- *          kvImageInvalidKernelSize    The kernel height and width must be odd numbers.
- *      @/textblock </pre>
- */
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageConvolve_Planar16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y,  const float *kernel, uint32_t kernel_height, uint32_t kernel_width, Pixel_16F backgroundColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
  *  @function vImageConvolve_ARGB8888
@@ -837,44 +693,27 @@
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageConvolve_ARGBFFFF( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y,  const float *kernel, uint32_t kernel_height, uint32_t kernel_width, const Pixel_FFFF backgroundColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.3), ios(5.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(5.0));
- *  @function vImageConvolve_ARGB16F
- *  @abstract General convolution on a ARGB16F image of any channel order.
- *  @discussion This filter applies a convolution filter of your choosing to a ARGB16F image.
- *              This filter will work on any four-channel, half-float per component image format, not just ARGB.
- *              The kernel values are specified as 32-bit single-precision floats and the
- *              weighted average is also computed in single precision by default. However, if
- *              the flag kvImageUseFP16Accumulator is set all internal filtering operations will
- *              use 16-bit half-precision floating-point arithmetic when the CPU architecture
- *              supports it. This results in up to 2x performance improvements but at the
- *              expense of a less precise result; typically 2-3 bits of precision is lost.
- *
+ *  @function vImageConvolveWithBias_Planar8
+ *  @abstract General convolution on a Planar8 image with added bias.
+ *  @discussion This filter applies a convolution filter of your choosing to a Planar8 image.
  *              For each pixel:
  *      <pre>@textblock
  *          for each pixel[y][x] in image{
- *              // Sums are declared as type _Float16 when the flag kvImageUseFP16Accumulator is set
- *              float sumA = 0;
- *              float sumR = 0;
- *              float sumG = 0;
- *              float sumB = 0;
+ *              int sum = 0;
  *              // Calculate weighted average over kernel area
  *              for each kernel_element[i][j] in kernel{
- *                  sumA += kernel_element[i][j] *
- *                          pixel[y+i+srcOffsetToROI_Y-kernel_height/2] [x+j+srcOffsetToROI_X- kernel_width/2][0];
- *                  sumR += kernel_element[i][j] *
- *                          pixel[y+i+srcOffsetToROI_Y-kernel_height/2] [x+j+srcOffsetToROI_X- kernel_width/2][1];
- *                  sumG += kernel_element[i][j] *
- *                          pixel[y+i+srcOffsetToROI_Y-kernel_height/2] [x+j+srcOffsetToROI_X- kernel_width/2][2];
- *                  sumB += kernel_element[i][j] *
- *                          pixel[y+i+srcOffsetToROI_Y-kernel_height/2] [x+j+srcOffsetToROI_X- kernel_width/2][3];
+ *                  sum += kernel_element[i][j] *
+ *                          pixel[y+i+srcOffsetToROI_Y-kernel_height/2]
+ *                               [x+j+srcOffsetToROI_X- kernel_width/2];
  *              }
+ *              // Correct for the scaling introduced by multiplying by the weights table
+ *              sum = (sum + bias) / divisor;
  *              // write out result
- *              result[y][x][0] = (_Float16)sumA;
- *              result[y][x][1] = (_Float16)sumR;
- *              result[y][x][2] = (_Float16)sumG;
- *              result[y][x][3] = (_Float16)sumB;
+ *              result[y][x] = CLAMP(sum, 0, 255);
  *          }
  *      @/textblock </pre>
  *              (Above, we imagine the kernel to be a 2D array of size kernel_height by kernel_width.
@@ -910,15 +749,29 @@
  *  @param kernel           A pointer to a 1D array of weights of dimension kernel_height x kernel_width.
  *                          For example, for a simple 3x3 blur, it might be:
  *                          <pre>@textblock
- *                          const float kernel[9] =   { 1./16, 2./16, 1./16,
- *                                                      2./16, 4./16, 2./16,
- *                                                      1./16, 2./16, 1./16 };
+ *                          const int16_t kernel[9] = { 1, 2, 1,
+ *                                                      2, 4, 2,
+ *                                                      1, 2, 1 };
  *                          @/textblock </pre>
+ *                          The kernel values may not sum in any combination to be outside the range
+ *                          [-2**23, 2**23), or modulo overflow in the accumulator may result.
+ *
  *  @param kernel_height    The height of the 2D table of weights passed in as kernel. It must be an odd number.
  *  @param kernel_width     The width of the 2D table of weights passed in as kernel. It must be an odd number.
+ *  @param divisor          The weighted sum of nearby pixels is typically a large number, which must be corrected
+ *                          to fit back into the image format of the destination image. The correction factor
+ *                          is passed in as divisor here, and is divided from the sum before the result is
+ *                          returned. Typically, the divisor is the sum over the area of the kernel. If the divisor
+ *                          is 0, 1 will be used instead.
+ *
+ *  @param bias             This value is added to the sum of weighted pixels before the divisor is applied.
+ *                          It can serve to both control rounding and adjust the brightness of the result.
+ *                          A large bias (e.g 128 * divisor) may be required for some kernels to return
+ *                          representable results, such as edge detection filters.
+ *
  *  @param backgroundColor  When the kvImageBackgroundColorFill edging mode is active, the backgroundColor
  *                          parameter provides the background color to be used for missing pixels when the
  *                          kernel extends off the edge of the image.
@@ -957,10 +810,7 @@
  *                                          size of the temp buffer needed for this set of parameters. Does
  *                                          not touch the src or dest image.
- *              kvImageDoNotTile                     Disable internal multithreading.
- *
- *              kvImageUseFP16Accumulator  Enable 16-bit half-precision floating-point arithmetic when computing the
- *                                          kernel averages when the CPU architecture supports it.
+ *              kvImageDoNotTile            Disable internal multithreading.
  *      @/textblock </pre>
  *                          The first four flags listed are edging modes. One and only one edging mode must be
@@ -992,476 +842,26 @@
  *          kvImageInvalidKernelSize    The kernel height and width must be odd numbers.
  *      @/textblock </pre>
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageConvolve_ARGB16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y,  const float *kernel, uint32_t kernel_height, uint32_t kernel_width, const Pixel_ARGB_16F backgroundColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
- *  @function vImageConvolveWithBias_Planar8
- *  @abstract General convolution on a Planar8 image with added bias.
- *  @discussion This filter applies a convolution filter of your choosing to a Planar8 image.
- *              For each pixel:
- *      <pre>@textblock
- *          for each pixel[y][x] in image{
- *              int sum = 0;
- *
- *              // Calculate weighted average over kernel area
- *              for each kernel_element[i][j] in kernel{
- *                  sum += kernel_element[i][j] *
- *                          pixel[y+i+srcOffsetToROI_Y-kernel_height/2]
- *                               [x+j+srcOffsetToROI_X- kernel_width/2];
- *              }
- *              // Correct for the scaling introduced by multiplying by the weights table
- *              sum = (sum + bias) / divisor;
- *
- *              // write out result
- *              result[y][x] = CLAMP(sum, 0, 255);
- *          }
- *      @/textblock </pre>
- *              (Above, we imagine the kernel to be a 2D array of size kernel_height by kernel_width.
- *              However, in practice it is passed in as a contiguous 1D array of size kernel_height *
- *              kernel_width.)
- *
- *              This filter does not work in place.
- *
- *  @param src              The input image
- *
- *  @param dest             A pointer to a preallocated vImage_Buffer to receive the result image.
- *                          This may not alias the src image.
- *
- *  @param tempBuffer       An optional pointer to a region of memory to use as a working area during
- *                          computation.  The size of the tempBuffer is given by calling the function
- *                          with the same parameters and the kvImageGetTempBufferSize flag, in which case
- *                          the size is returned instead of an error code from the left hand side.
- *                          You may pass NULL here, in which case a region of memory of similar size
- *                          will be allocated by the function and freed before it returns.  Temp Buffers
- *                          are a way of avoiding lost time due to VM faults to initialize newly allocated
- *                          buffers. If you will be calling this function repeatedly with similar parameters
- *                          you should use a temp buffer. If the function is called from different threads
- *                          concurrently, a different temp buffer should be used for each.
- *
- *  @param srcOffsetToROI_X An offset used in tiling to shift the position of the destination image
- *                          relative to the src image. Typically this is 0. Non-Zero values are needed
- *                          when the destination tile is not aligned with the left edge of the image.
- *
- *  @param srcOffsetToROI_Y An offset used in tiling to shift the position of the destination image
- *                          relative to the src image. Typically this is 0. Non-Zero values are needed
- *                          when the destination tile is not aligned with the top edge of the image.
- *
- *  @param kernel           A pointer to a 1D array of weights of dimension kernel_height x kernel_width.
- *                          For example, for a simple 3x3 blur, it might be:
- *                          <pre>@textblock
- *                          const int16_t kernel[9] = { 1, 2, 1,
- *                                                      2, 4, 2,
- *                                                      1, 2, 1 };
- *                          @/textblock </pre>
- *
- *                          The kernel values may not sum in any combination to be outside the range
- *                          [-2**23, 2**23), or modulo overflow in the accumulator may result.
- *
- *  @param kernel_height    The height of the 2D table of weights passed in as kernel. It must be an odd number.
- *
- *  @param kernel_width     The width of the 2D table of weights passed in as kernel. It must be an odd number.
- *
- *  @param divisor          The weighted sum of nearby pixels is typically a large number, which must be corrected
- *                          to fit back into the image format of the destination image. The correction factor
- *                          is passed in as divisor here, and is divided from the sum before the result is
- *                          returned. Typically, the divisor is the sum over the area of the kernel. If the divisor
- *                          is 0, 1 will be used instead.
- *
- *  @param bias             This value is added to the sum of weighted pixels before the divisor is applied.
- *                          It can serve to both control rounding and adjust the brightness of the result.
- *                          A large bias (e.g 128 * divisor) may be required for some kernels to return
- *                          representable results, such as edge detection filters.
- *
- *  @param backgroundColor  When the kvImageBackgroundColorFill edging mode is active, the backgroundColor
- *                          parameter provides the background color to be used for missing pixels when the
- *                          kernel extends off the edge of the image.
- *
- *  @param flags            The following flags are allowed:
- *      <pre>@textblock
- *              kvImageCopyInPlace          If any pixels covered by the kernel do no not exist, simply
- *                                          copy the corresponding source pixel to the destination. This
- *                                          will result in a ring off unconvolved content at the edges
- *                                          and convolved content in the middle.
- *
- *              kvImageBackgroundColorFill  Substitute in the provided background color for missing pixels.
- *                                          For a blur filter this will look like the edges of the image
- *                                          have been blurred into a particular color. This is usually
- *                                          appropriate when the color of the surface onto which the image
- *                                          will be drawn is known.  You can also use {Alpha = 0, color = 0}
- *                                          as a background color, and let the downstream image compositor
- *                                          blend in the background color. In this case, the result image
- *                                          should be treated as a premultiplied image.
- *
- *              kvImageEdgeExtend           Substitute in the nearest defined pixel for missing pixels.
- *                                          This is better when the image is drawn into a frame or other
- *                                          context where the background is not expected to contribute to
- *                                          the final content.
- *
- *              kvImageTruncateKernel       This is similar to kvImageEdgeExtend, except that edge pixels are
- *                                          simply ignored, and the bias and divisor are adjusted accordingly.
- *                                          Because of the complication at the edges, this edging mode can
- *                                          be significantly slower than the others. It can be numerically
- *                                          unstable if the sum over any rectangular subsection of the kernel
- *                                          is zero, which can result in division by zero during the computation.
- *                                          The results for this edging mode are usually quite visually similar
- *                                          to kvImageEdgeExtend.
- *
- *              kvImageGetTempBufferSize    Instead of calculating the convolution of the image, return the
- *                                          size of the temp buffer needed for this set of parameters. Does
- *                                          not touch the src or dest image.
- *
- *              kvImageDoNotTile            Disable internal multithreading.
- *
- *      @/textblock </pre>
- *                          The first four flags listed are edging modes. One and only one edging mode must be
- *                          provided. If no edging mode is provided (e.g. kvImageNoFlags), then an error will
- *                          be returned.
- *
- *  @return One of the following error codes may be returned:
- *      <pre>@textblock
- *          kvImageNoError              Success.
- *              >= 0                    If kvImageGetTempBufferSize is passed, this is the size of
- *                                      the temp buffer to use with this function and this set of
- *                                      parameters.
- *
- *          kvImageInvalidEdgeStyle     One and only one of the following flags must be provided:
- *                                         { kvImageCopyInPlace, kvImageBackgroundColorFill,
- *                                           kvImageEdgeExtend,  kvImageTruncateKernel }
- *
- *          kvImageRoiLargerThanInputBuffer The dest->width and height must be less than or equal
- *                                          to corresponding dimensions of the source buffer.
- *
- *          kvImageInvalidOffset_X      The destination width + srcOffsetToROI_X > src->width
- *
- *          kvImageInvalidOffset_Y      The destination height + srcOffsetToROI_Y > src->height
- *
- *          kvImageNullPointerArgument  kernel may not be NULL
- *
- *          kvImageMemoryAllocationError Could not allocate memory to serve as a temp buffer.
- *
- *          kvImageInvalidKernelSize    The kernel height and width must be odd numbers.
- *      @/textblock </pre>
- */
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageConvolveWithBias_Planar8( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y,  const int16_t *kernel, uint32_t kernel_height, uint32_t kernel_width, int32_t divisor, int32_t bias, Pixel_8 backgroundColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.4), ios(5.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(5.0));
+VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageConvolveWithBias_Planar8( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y,  const int16_t *kernel, uint32_t kernel_height, uint32_t kernel_width, int32_t divisor, int32_t bias, Pixel_8 backgroundColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.4), ios(5.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(5.0));
  *  @function vImageConvolveWithBias_PlanarF
  *  @abstract General convolution on a PlanarF image with added bias.
- *  @discussion This filter applies a convolution filter of your choosing to a PlanarF image.
- *              For each pixel:
- *      <pre>@textblock
- *          for each pixel[y][x] in image{
- *              float sum = bias;
- *
- *              // Calculate weighted average over kernel area
- *              for each kernel_element[i][j] in kernel{
- *                  sum += kernel_element[i][j] *
- *                          pixel[y+i+srcOffsetToROI_Y-kernel_height/2]
- *                               [x+j+srcOffsetToROI_X- kernel_width/2];
- *              }
- *
- *              // write out result
- *              result[y][x] = sum;
- *          }
- *      @/textblock </pre>
- *              (Above, we imagine the kernel to be a 2D array of size kernel_height by kernel_width.
- *              However, in practice it is passed in as a contiguous 1D array of size kernel_height *
- *              kernel_width.)
- *
- *              This filter does not work in place.
- *
- *  @param src              The input image
- *
- *  @param dest             A pointer to a preallocated vImage_Buffer to receive the result image.
- *                          This may not alias the src image.
- *
- *  @param tempBuffer       An optional pointer to a region of memory to use as a working area during
- *                          computation.  The size of the tempBuffer is given by calling the function
- *                          with the same parameters and the kvImageGetTempBufferSize flag, in which case
- *                          the size is returned instead of an error code from the left hand side.
- *                          You may pass NULL here, in which case a region of memory of similar size
- *                          will be allocated by the function and freed before it returns.  Temp Buffers
- *                          are a way of avoiding lost time due to VM faults to initialize newly allocated
- *                          buffers. If you will be calling this function repeatedly with similar parameters
- *                          you should use a temp buffer. If the function is called from different threads
- *                          concurrently, a different temp buffer should be used for each.
- *
- *  @param srcOffsetToROI_X An offset used in tiling to shift the position of the destination image
- *                          relative to the src image. Typically this is 0. Non-Zero values are needed
- *                          when the destination tile is not aligned with the left edge of the image.
- *
- *  @param srcOffsetToROI_Y An offset used in tiling to shift the position of the destination image
- *                          relative to the src image. Typically this is 0. Non-Zero values are needed
- *                          when the destination tile is not aligned with the top edge of the image.
- *
- *  @param kernel           A pointer to a 1D array of weights of dimension kernel_height x kernel_width.
- *                          For example, for a simple 3x3 blur, it might be:
- *                          <pre>@textblock
- *                          const float kernel[9] =   { 1./16, 2./16, 1./16,
- *                                                      2./16, 4./16, 2./16,
- *                                                      1./16, 2./16, 1./16 };
- *                          @/textblock </pre>
- *
- *  @param kernel_height    The height of the 2D table of weights passed in as kernel. It must be an odd number.
- *
- *  @param kernel_width     The width of the 2D table of weights passed in as kernel. It must be an odd number.
- *
- *  @param bias             This value is added to the sum of weighted pixels.
- *
- *  @param backgroundColor  When the kvImageBackgroundColorFill edging mode is active, the backgroundColor
- *                          parameter provides the background color to be used for missing pixels when the
- *                          kernel extends off the edge of the image.
- *
- *  @param flags            The following flags are allowed:
- *      <pre>@textblock
- *              kvImageCopyInPlace          If any pixels covered by the kernel do no not exist, simply
- *                                          copy the corresponding source pixel to the destination. This
- *                                          will result in a ring off unconvolved content at the edges
- *                                          and convolved content in the middle.
- *
- *              kvImageBackgroundColorFill  Substitute in the provided background color for missing pixels.
- *                                          For a blur filter this will look like the edges of the image
- *                                          have been blurred into a particular color. This is usually
- *                                          appropriate when the color of the surface onto which the image
- *                                          will be drawn is known.  You can also use {Alpha = 0, color = 0}
- *                                          as a background color, and let the downstream image compositor
- *                                          blend in the background color. In this case, the result image
- *                                          should be treated as a premultiplied image.
- *
- *              kvImageEdgeExtend           Substitute in the nearest defined pixel for missing pixels.
- *                                          This is better when the image is drawn into a frame or other
- *                                          context where the background is not expected to contribute to
- *                                          the final content.
- *
- *              kvImageTruncateKernel       This is similar to kvImageEdgeExtend, except that edge pixels are
- *                                          simply ignored, and the bias and divisor are adjusted accordingly.
- *                                          Because of the complication at the edges, this edging mode can
- *                                          be significantly slower than the others. It can be numerically
- *                                          unstable if the sum over any rectangular subsection of the kernel
- *                                          is zero, which can result in division by zero during the computation.
- *                                          The results for this edging mode are usually quite visually similar
- *                                          to kvImageEdgeExtend.
- *
- *              kvImageGetTempBufferSize    Instead of calculating the convolution of the image, return the
- *                                          size of the temp buffer needed for this set of parameters. Does
- *                                          not touch the src or dest image.
- *
- *              kvImageDoNotTile            Disable internal multithreading.
- *
- *      @/textblock </pre>
- *                          The first four flags listed are edging modes. One and only one edging mode must be
- *                          provided. If no edging mode is provided (e.g. kvImageNoFlags), then an error will
- *                          be returned.
- *
- *  @return One of the following error codes may be returned:
- *      <pre>@textblock
- *          kvImageNoError              Success.
- *              >= 0                    If kvImageGetTempBufferSize is passed, this is the size of
- *                                      the temp buffer to use with this function and this set of
- *                                      parameters.
- *
- *          kvImageInvalidEdgeStyle     One and only one of the following flags must be provided:
- *                                         { kvImageCopyInPlace, kvImageBackgroundColorFill,
- *                                           kvImageEdgeExtend,  kvImageTruncateKernel }
- *
- *          kvImageRoiLargerThanInputBuffer The dest->width and height must be less than or equal
- *                                          to corresponding dimensions of the source buffer.
- *
- *          kvImageInvalidOffset_X      The destination width + srcOffsetToROI_X > src->width
- *
- *          kvImageInvalidOffset_Y      The destination height + srcOffsetToROI_Y > src->height
- *
- *          kvImageNullPointerArgument  kernel may not be NULL
- *
- *          kvImageMemoryAllocationError Could not allocate memory to serve as a temp buffer.
- *
- *          kvImageInvalidKernelSize    The kernel height and width must be odd numbers.
- *      @/textblock </pre>
- */
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageConvolveWithBias_PlanarF( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y,  const float *kernel, uint32_t kernel_height, uint32_t kernel_width, float bias, Pixel_F backgroundColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.4), ios(5.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(5.0));
- *  @function vImageConvolveWithBias_Planar16F
- *  @abstract General convolution on a Planar16F image.
- *  @discussion This filter applies a convolution filter of your choosing to a Planar16F image.
- *              The kernel values are specified as 32-bit single-precision floats and the
- *              weighted average is also computed in single precision by default. However, if
- *              the flag kvImageUseFP16Accumulator is set all internal filtering operations will
- *              use 16-bit half-precision floating-point arithmetic when the CPU architecture
- *              supports it. This results in up to 2x performance improvements but at the
- *              expense of a less precise result; typically 2-3 bits of precision is lost.
- *
- *              For each pixel:
- *      <pre>@textblock
- *          for each pixel[y][x] in image{
- *              // sum is declared as type _Float16 when the flag kvImageUseFP16Accumulator is set
- *              float sum = bias;
- *
- *              // Calculate weighted average over kernel area
- *              for each kernel_element[i][j] in kernel{
- *                  sum += kernel_element[i][j] *
- *                          pixel[y+i+srcOffsetToROI_Y-kernel_height/2]
- *                               [x+j+srcOffsetToROI_X- kernel_width/2];
- *              }
- *
- *              // write out result
- *              result[y][x] = (_Float16)sum;
- *          }
- *      @/textblock </pre>
- *              (Above, we imagine the kernel to be a 2D array of size kernel_height by kernel_width.
- *              However, in practice it is passed in as a contiguous 1D array of size kernel_height *
- *              kernel_width.)
- *
- *              This filter does not work in place.
- *
- *  @param src              The input image
- *
- *  @param dest             A pointer to a preallocated vImage_Buffer to receive the result image.
- *                          This may not alias the src image.
- *
- *  @param tempBuffer       An optional pointer to a region of memory to use as a working area during
- *                          computation.  The size of the tempBuffer is given by calling the function
- *                          with the same parameters and the kvImageGetTempBufferSize flag, in which case
- *                          the size is returned instead of an error code from the left hand side.
- *                          You may pass NULL here, in which case a region of memory of similar size
- *                          will be allocated by the function and freed before it returns.  Temp Buffers
- *                          are a way of avoiding lost time due to VM faults to initialize newly allocated
- *                          buffers. If you will be calling this function repeatedly with similar parameters
- *                          you should use a temp buffer. If the function is called from different threads
- *                          concurrently, a different temp buffer should be used for each.
- *
- *  @param srcOffsetToROI_X An offset used in tiling to shift the position of the destination image
- *                          relative to the src image. Typically this is 0. Non-Zero values are needed
- *                          when the destination tile is not aligned with the left edge of the image.
- *
- *  @param srcOffsetToROI_Y An offset used in tiling to shift the position of the destination image
- *                          relative to the src image. Typically this is 0. Non-Zero values are needed
- *                          when the destination tile is not aligned with the top edge of the image.
- *
- *  @param kernel           A pointer to a 1D array of weights of dimension kernel_height x kernel_width.
- *                          For example, for a simple 3x3 blur, it might be:
- *                          <pre>@textblock
- *                          const float kernel[9] =   { 1./16, 2./16, 1./16,
- *                                                      2./16, 4./16, 2./16,
- *                                                      1./16, 2./16, 1./16 };
- *                          @/textblock </pre>
- *
- *  @param kernel_height    The height of the 2D table of weights passed in as kernel. It must be an odd number.
- *
- *  @param kernel_width     The width of the 2D table of weights passed in as kernel. It must be an odd number.
- *
- *  @param bias             This value is added to the sum of weighted pixels.
- *
- *  @param backgroundColor  When the kvImageBackgroundColorFill edging mode is active, the backgroundColor
- *                          parameter provides the background color to be used for missing pixels when the
- *                          kernel extends off the edge of the image.
- *
- *  @param flags            The following flags are allowed:
- *      <pre>@textblock
- *              kvImageCopyInPlace          If any pixels covered by the kernel do no not exist, simply
- *                                          copy the corresponding source pixel to the destination. This
- *                                          will result in a ring off unconvolved content at the edges
- *                                          and convolved content in the middle.
- *
- *              kvImageBackgroundColorFill  Substitute in the provided background color for missing pixels.
- *                                          For a blur filter this will look like the edges of the image
- *                                          have been blurred into a particular color. This is usually
- *                                          appropriate when the color of the surface onto which the image
- *                                          will be drawn is known.  You can also use {Alpha = 0, color = 0}
- *                                          as a background color, and let the downstream image compositor
- *                                          blend in the background color. In this case, the result image
- *                                          should be treated as a premultiplied image.
- *
- *              kvImageEdgeExtend           Substitute in the nearest defined pixel for missing pixels.
- *                                          This is better when the image is drawn into a frame or other
- *                                          context where the background is not expected to contribute to
- *                                          the final content.
- *
- *              kvImageTruncateKernel       This is similar to kvImageEdgeExtend, except that edge pixels are
- *                                          simply ignored, and the bias and divisor are adjusted accordingly.
- *                                          Because of the complication at the edges, this edging mode can
- *                                          be significantly slower than the others. It can be numerically
- *                                          unstable if the sum over any rectangular subsection of the kernel
- *                                          is zero, which can result in division by zero during the computation.
- *                                          The results for this edging mode are usually quite visually similar
- *                                          to kvImageEdgeExtend.
- *
- *              kvImageGetTempBufferSize    Instead of calculating the convolution of the image, return the
- *                                          size of the temp buffer needed for this set of parameters. Does
- *                                          not touch the src or dest image.
- *
- *              kvImageDoNotTile                     Disable internal multithreading.
- *
- *              kvImageUseFP16Accumulator  Enable 16-bit half-precision floating-point arithmetic when computing the
- *                                          kernel averages when the CPU architecture supports it.
- *
- *      @/textblock </pre>
- *                          The first four flags listed are edging modes. One and only one edging mode must be
- *                          provided. If no edging mode is provided (e.g. kvImageNoFlags), then an error will
- *                          be returned.
- *
- *  @return One of the following error codes may be returned:
- *      <pre>@textblock
- *          kvImageNoError              Success.
- *              >= 0                    If kvImageGetTempBufferSize is passed, this is the size of
- *                                      the temp buffer to use with this function and this set of
- *                                      parameters.
- *
- *          kvImageInvalidEdgeStyle     One and only one of the following flags must be provided:
- *                                         { kvImageCopyInPlace, kvImageBackgroundColorFill,
- *                                           kvImageEdgeExtend,  kvImageTruncateKernel }
- *
- *          kvImageRoiLargerThanInputBuffer The dest->width and height must be less than or equal
- *                                          to corresponding dimensions of the source buffer.
- *
- *          kvImageInvalidOffset_X      The destination width + srcOffsetToROI_X > src->width
- *
- *          kvImageInvalidOffset_Y      The destination height + srcOffsetToROI_Y > src->height
- *
- *          kvImageNullPointerArgument  kernel may not be NULL
- *
- *          kvImageMemoryAllocationError Could not allocate memory to serve as a temp buffer.
- *
- *          kvImageInvalidKernelSize    The kernel height and width must be odd numbers.
- *      @/textblock </pre>
- */
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageConvolveWithBias_Planar16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y,  const float *kernel, uint32_t kernel_height, uint32_t kernel_width, float bias, Pixel_16F backgroundColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
- *  @function vImageConvolveWithBias_ARGB8888
- *  @abstract General convolution on a ARGB888 image of any channel order with bias.
- *  @discussion This filter applies a convolution filter of your choosing to a ARGB8888 image.
- *              This filter will work on any four-channel, 8-bit per component image format, not just ARGB.
+ *  @discussion This filter applies a convolution filter of your choosing to a PlanarF image.
  *              For each pixel:
  *      <pre>@textblock
  *          for each pixel[y][x] in image{
- *              int sumA = 0;
- *              int sumR = 0;
- *              int sumG = 0;
- *              int sumB = 0;
+ *              float sum = bias;
  *              // Calculate weighted average over kernel area
  *              for each kernel_element[i][j] in kernel{
- *                  sumA += kernel_element[i][j] *
- *                          pixel[y+i+srcOffsetToROI_Y-kernel_height/2][x+j+srcOffsetToROI_X- kernel_width/2][0];
- *                  sumR += kernel_element[i][j] *
- *                          pixel[y+i+srcOffsetToROI_Y-kernel_height/2][x+j+srcOffsetToROI_X- kernel_width/2][1];
- *                  sumG += kernel_element[i][j] *
- *                          pixel[y+i+srcOffsetToROI_Y-kernel_height/2][x+j+srcOffsetToROI_X- kernel_width/2][2];
- *                  sumB += kernel_element[i][j] *
- *                          pixel[y+i+srcOffsetToROI_Y-kernel_height/2][x+j+srcOffsetToROI_X- kernel_width/2][3];
+ *                  sum += kernel_element[i][j] *
+ *                          pixel[y+i+srcOffsetToROI_Y-kernel_height/2]
+ *                               [x+j+srcOffsetToROI_X- kernel_width/2];
  *              }
- *              // Correct for the scaling introduced by multiplying by the weights table
- *              sumA = (sumA + bias[0]) / divisor;
- *              sumR = (sumR + bias[1]) / divisor;
- *              sumG = (sumG + bias[2]) / divisor;
- *              sumB = (sumB + bias[3]) / divisor;
  *              // write out result
- *              result[y][x][0] = CLAMP(sumA, 0, 255);
- *              result[y][x][1] = CLAMP(sumR, 0, 255);
- *              result[y][x][2] = CLAMP(sumG, 0, 255);
- *              result[y][x][3] = CLAMP(sumB, 0, 255);
+ *              result[y][x] = sum;
  *          }
  *      @/textblock </pre>
  *              (Above, we imagine the kernel to be a 2D array of size kernel_height by kernel_width.
@@ -1470,7 +870,6 @@
  *              This filter does not work in place.
- *
  *  @param src              The input image
  *  @param dest             A pointer to a preallocated vImage_Buffer to receive the result image.
@@ -1498,28 +897,16 @@
  *  @param kernel           A pointer to a 1D array of weights of dimension kernel_height x kernel_width.
  *                          For example, for a simple 3x3 blur, it might be:
  *                          <pre>@textblock
- *                          const int16_t kernel[9] = { 1, 2, 1,
- *                                                      2, 4, 2,
- *                                                      1, 2, 1 };
+ *                          const float kernel[9] =   { 1./16, 2./16, 1./16,
+ *                                                      2./16, 4./16, 2./16,
+ *                                                      1./16, 2./16, 1./16 };
  *                          @/textblock </pre>
- *                          The kernel values may not sum in any combination to be outside the range
- *                          [-2**23, 2**23), or modulo overflow in the accumulator may result.
- *
  *  @param kernel_height    The height of the 2D table of weights passed in as kernel. It must be an odd number.
  *  @param kernel_width     The width of the 2D table of weights passed in as kernel. It must be an odd number.
- *  @param divisor          The weighted sum of nearby pixels is typically a large number, which must be corrected
- *                          to fit back into the image format of the destination image. The correction factor
- *                          is passed in as divisor here, and is divided from the sum before the result is
- *                          returned. Typically, the divisor is the sum over the area of the kernel. If the divisor
- *                          is 0, 1 will be used instead.
- *
- *  @param bias             This value is added to the sum of weighted pixels before the divisor is applied.
- *                          It can serve to both control rounding and adjust the brightness of the result.
- *                          A large bias (e.g 128 * divisor) may be required for some kernels, such as edge
- *                          detection filters, to return representable results.
+ *  @param bias             This value is added to the sum of weighted pixels.
  *  @param backgroundColor  When the kvImageBackgroundColorFill edging mode is active, the backgroundColor
  *                          parameter provides the background color to be used for missing pixels when the
@@ -1591,38 +978,44 @@
  *          kvImageInvalidKernelSize    The kernel height and width must be odd numbers.
  *      @/textblock </pre>
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageConvolveWithBias_ARGB8888( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y,  const int16_t *kernel, uint32_t kernel_height, uint32_t kernel_width, int32_t divisor, int32_t bias, const Pixel_8888 backgroundColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.4), ios(5.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(5.0));
+VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageConvolveWithBias_PlanarF( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y,  const float *kernel, uint32_t kernel_height, uint32_t kernel_width, float bias, Pixel_F backgroundColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.4), ios(5.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(5.0));
- *  @function vImageConvolveWithBias_ARGBFFFF
- *  @abstract General convolution on a ARGBFFFF image of any channel order with bias.
- *  @discussion This filter applies a convolution filter of your choosing to a ARGBFFFF image.
- *              This filter will work on any four-channel, float per component image format, not just ARGB.
+ *  @function vImageConvolveWithBias_ARGB8888
+ *  @abstract General convolution on a ARGB888 image of any channel order with bias.
+ *  @discussion This filter applies a convolution filter of your choosing to a ARGB8888 image.
+ *              This filter will work on any four-channel, 8-bit per component image format, not just ARGB.
  *              For each pixel:
  *      <pre>@textblock
  *          for each pixel[y][x] in image{
- *              float sumA = bias[0];
- *              float sumR = bias[1];
- *              float sumG = bias[2];
- *              float sumB = bias[3];
+ *              int sumA = 0;
+ *              int sumR = 0;
+ *              int sumG = 0;
+ *              int sumB = 0;
  *              // Calculate weighted average over kernel area
  *              for each kernel_element[i][j] in kernel{
  *                  sumA += kernel_element[i][j] *
- *                          pixel[y+i+srcOffsetToROI_Y-kernel_height/2] [x+j+srcOffsetToROI_X- kernel_width/2][0];
+ *                          pixel[y+i+srcOffsetToROI_Y-kernel_height/2][x+j+srcOffsetToROI_X- kernel_width/2][0];
  *                  sumR += kernel_element[i][j] *
- *                          pixel[y+i+srcOffsetToROI_Y-kernel_height/2] [x+j+srcOffsetToROI_X- kernel_width/2][1];
+ *                          pixel[y+i+srcOffsetToROI_Y-kernel_height/2][x+j+srcOffsetToROI_X- kernel_width/2][1];
  *                  sumG += kernel_element[i][j] *
- *                          pixel[y+i+srcOffsetToROI_Y-kernel_height/2] [x+j+srcOffsetToROI_X- kernel_width/2][2];
+ *                          pixel[y+i+srcOffsetToROI_Y-kernel_height/2][x+j+srcOffsetToROI_X- kernel_width/2][2];
  *                  sumB += kernel_element[i][j] *
- *                          pixel[y+i+srcOffsetToROI_Y-kernel_height/2] [x+j+srcOffsetToROI_X- kernel_width/2][3];
+ *                          pixel[y+i+srcOffsetToROI_Y-kernel_height/2][x+j+srcOffsetToROI_X- kernel_width/2][3];
  *              }
+ *              // Correct for the scaling introduced by multiplying by the weights table
+ *              sumA = (sumA + bias[0]) / divisor;
+ *              sumR = (sumR + bias[1]) / divisor;
+ *              sumG = (sumG + bias[2]) / divisor;
+ *              sumB = (sumB + bias[3]) / divisor;
  *              // write out result
- *              result[y][x][0] = sumA;
- *              result[y][x][1] = sumR;
- *              result[y][x][2] = sumG;
- *              result[y][x][3] = sumB;
+ *              result[y][x][0] = CLAMP(sumA, 0, 255);
+ *              result[y][x][1] = CLAMP(sumR, 0, 255);
+ *              result[y][x][2] = CLAMP(sumG, 0, 255);
+ *              result[y][x][3] = CLAMP(sumB, 0, 255);
  *          }
  *      @/textblock </pre>
  *              (Above, we imagine the kernel to be a 2D array of size kernel_height by kernel_width.
@@ -1631,6 +1024,7 @@
  *              This filter does not work in place.
+ *
  *  @param src              The input image
  *  @param dest             A pointer to a preallocated vImage_Buffer to receive the result image.
@@ -1658,16 +1052,28 @@
  *  @param kernel           A pointer to a 1D array of weights of dimension kernel_height x kernel_width.
  *                          For example, for a simple 3x3 blur, it might be:
  *                          <pre>@textblock
- *                          const float kernel[9] =   { 1./16, 2./16, 1./16,
- *                                                      2./16, 4./16, 2./16,
- *                                                      1./16, 2./16, 1./16 };
+ *                          const int16_t kernel[9] = { 1, 2, 1,
+ *                                                      2, 4, 2,
+ *                                                      1, 2, 1 };
  *                          @/textblock </pre>
+ *                          The kernel values may not sum in any combination to be outside the range
+ *                          [-2**23, 2**23), or modulo overflow in the accumulator may result.
+ *
  *  @param kernel_height    The height of the 2D table of weights passed in as kernel. It must be an odd number.
  *  @param kernel_width     The width of the 2D table of weights passed in as kernel. It must be an odd number.
- *  @param bias             This value is added to the sum of weighted pixels.
+ *  @param divisor          The weighted sum of nearby pixels is typically a large number, which must be corrected
+ *                          to fit back into the image format of the destination image. The correction factor
+ *                          is passed in as divisor here, and is divided from the sum before the result is
+ *                          returned. Typically, the divisor is the sum over the area of the kernel. If the divisor
+ *                          is 0, 1 will be used instead.
+ *
+ *  @param bias             This value is added to the sum of weighted pixels before the divisor is applied.
+ *                          It can serve to both control rounding and adjust the brightness of the result.
+ *                          A large bias (e.g 128 * divisor) may be required for some kernels, such as edge
+ *                          detection filters, to return representable results.
  *  @param backgroundColor  When the kvImageBackgroundColorFill edging mode is active, the backgroundColor
  *                          parameter provides the background color to be used for missing pixels when the
@@ -1739,28 +1145,20 @@
  *          kvImageInvalidKernelSize    The kernel height and width must be odd numbers.
  *      @/textblock </pre>
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageConvolveWithBias_ARGBFFFF( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y,  const float *kernel, uint32_t kernel_height, uint32_t kernel_width, float bias,  const Pixel_FFFF backgroundColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.4), ios(5.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(5.0));
+VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageConvolveWithBias_ARGB8888( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y,  const int16_t *kernel, uint32_t kernel_height, uint32_t kernel_width, int32_t divisor, int32_t bias, const Pixel_8888 backgroundColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.4), ios(5.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(5.0));
- *  @function vImageConvolveWithBias_ARGB16F
- *  @abstract General convolution on a ARGB16F image of any channel order.
- *  @discussion This filter applies a convolution filter of your choosing to a ARGB16F image.
- *              This filter will work on any four-channel, half-float per component image format, not just ARGB.
- *              The kernel values are specified as 32-bit single-precision floats and the
- *              weighted average is also computed in single precision by default. However, if
- *              the flag kvImageUseFP16Accumulator is set all internal filtering operations will
- *              use 16-bit half-precision floating-point arithmetic when the CPU architecture
- *              supports it. This results in up to 2x performance improvements but at the
- *              expense of a less precise result; typically 2-3 bits of precision is lost.
- *
+ *  @function vImageConvolveWithBias_ARGBFFFF
+ *  @abstract General convolution on a ARGBFFFF image of any channel order with bias.
+ *  @discussion This filter applies a convolution filter of your choosing to a ARGBFFFF image.
+ *              This filter will work on any four-channel, float per component image format, not just ARGB.
  *              For each pixel:
  *      <pre>@textblock
  *          for each pixel[y][x] in image{
- *              // Sums are declared as type _Float16 when the flag kvImageUseFP16Accumulator is set
- *              float sumA = bias;
- *              float sumR = bias;
- *              float sumG = bias;
- *              float sumB = bias;
+ *              float sumA = bias[0];
+ *              float sumR = bias[1];
+ *              float sumG = bias[2];
+ *              float sumB = bias[3];
  *              // Calculate weighted average over kernel area
  *              for each kernel_element[i][j] in kernel{
@@ -1775,10 +1173,10 @@
  *              }
  *              // write out result
- *              result[y][x][0] = (_Float16)sumA;
- *              result[y][x][1] = (_Float16)sumR;
- *              result[y][x][2] = (_Float16)sumG;
- *              result[y][x][3] = (_Float16)sumB;
+ *              result[y][x][0] = sumA;
+ *              result[y][x][1] = sumR;
+ *              result[y][x][2] = sumG;
+ *              result[y][x][3] = sumB;
  *          }
  *      @/textblock </pre>
  *              (Above, we imagine the kernel to be a 2D array of size kernel_height by kernel_width.
@@ -1863,10 +1261,7 @@
  *                                          size of the temp buffer needed for this set of parameters. Does
  *                                          not touch the src or dest image.
- *              kvImageDoNotTile                     Disable internal multithreading.
- *
- *              kvImageUseFP16Accumulator  Enable 16-bit half-precision floating-point arithmetic when computing the
- *                                          kernel averages when the CPU architecture supports it.
+ *              kvImageDoNotTile            Disable internal multithreading.
  *      @/textblock </pre>
  *                          The first four flags listed are edging modes. One and only one edging mode must be
@@ -1898,7 +1293,8 @@
  *          kvImageInvalidKernelSize    The kernel height and width must be odd numbers.
  *      @/textblock </pre>
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageConvolveWithBias_ARGB16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y,  const float *kernel, uint32_t kernel_height, uint32_t kernel_width, float bias, const Pixel_ARGB_16F backgroundColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
+VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageConvolveWithBias_ARGBFFFF( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y,  const float *kernel, uint32_t kernel_height, uint32_t kernel_width, float bias,  const Pixel_FFFF backgroundColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.4), ios(5.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(5.0));
  *  @function vImageConvolveMultiKernel_ARGB8888
@@ -3785,150 +3181,6 @@
                           float bias, Pixel_F backgroundColor, vImage_Flags flags)
     VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.0), ios(14.0), watchos(7.0), tvos(14.0));
- *  @function vImageSepConvolve_Planar16F
- *  @abstract Separable convolution on a Planar16F image.
- *  @discussion This filter applies two separate 1D filters along the rows and columns of a Planar16F image.
- *              The weighted average is computed with single-precision floating-point kernel values.  However, if
- *              the flag kvImageUseFP16Accumulator is set all internal filtering operations will
- *              use 16-bit half-precision floating-point arithmetic when the CPU architecture
- *              supports it. This results in up to 2x performance improvements but at the
- *              expense of a less precise result; typically 2-3 bits of precision is lost.
- *
- *              For each pixel:
- *      <pre>@textblock
- *          for each pixel[y][x] in image {
- *              float sum = bias;
- *
- *              // Calculate weighted average over kernel area
- *              for each kernelY_element[i] in kernelY {
- *                  for each kernelX_element[j] in kernelX {
- *                  sum += kernelY_element[i] * kernelX_element[j] *
- *                          (float)pixel[y+i+srcOffsetToROI_Y-kernel_height/2]
- *                               [x+j+srcOffsetToROI_X- kernel_width/2];
- *                  }
- *              }
- *
- *              // Convert to half precisio and write out result
- *              result[y][x] = (_Float16)sum;
- *          }
- *      @/textblock </pre>
- *
- *              This filter does not work in place.
- *
- *  @param src              The input image
- *
- *  @param dest             A pointer to a preallocated vImage_Buffer to receive the result image.
- *                          This may not alias the src image.
- *
- *  @param tempBuffer       An optional pointer to a region of memory to use as a working area during
- *                          computation.  The size of the tempBuffer is given by calling the function
- *                          with the same parameters and the kvImageGetTempBufferSize flag, in which case
- *                          the size is returned instead of an error code from the left hand side.
- *                          You may pass NULL here, in which case a region of memory of similar size
- *                          will be allocated by the function and freed before it returns.  Temp Buffers
- *                          are a way of avoiding lost time due to VM faults to initialize newly allocated
- *                          buffers. If you will be calling this function repeatedly with similar parameters
- *                          you should use a temp buffer. If the function is called from different threads
- *                          concurrently, a different temp buffer should be used for each.
- *
- *  @param srcOffsetToROI_X An offset used in tiling to shift the position of the destination image
- *                          relative to the src image. Typically this is 0. Non-Zero values are needed
- *                          when the destination tile is not aligned with the left edge of the image.
- *
- *  @param srcOffsetToROI_Y An offset used in tiling to shift the position of the destination image
- *                          relative to the src image. Typically this is 0. Non-Zero values are needed
- *                          when the destination tile is not aligned with the top edge of the image.
- *
- *  @param kernelX          A pointer to a 1D array of weights of dimension kernelX_width.
- *
- *  @param kernelX_width    The width of the 1D array of weights passed in as kernelX. It must be an odd number.
- *
- *  @param kernelY          A pointer to a 1D array of weights of dimension kernelY_width.
- *
- *  @param kernelY_width    The width of the 1D array of weights passed in as kernelY. It must be an odd number.
- *
- *  @param bias             This value is added to the sum of weighted pixels.
- *
- *  @param backgroundColor  When the kvImageBackgroundColorFill edging mode is active, the backgroundColor
- *                          parameter provides the background color to be used for missing pixels when the
- *                          kernel extends off the edge of the image.
- *
- *  @param flags            The following flags are allowed:
- *      <pre>@textblock
- *              kvImageCopyInPlace          If any pixels covered by the kernel do no not exist, simply
- *                                          copy the corresponding source pixel to the destination. This
- *                                          will result in a ring off unconvolved content at the edges
- *                                          and convolved content in the middle.
- *
- *              kvImageBackgroundColorFill  Substitute in the provided background color for missing pixels.
- *                                          For a blur filter this will look like the edges of the image
- *                                          have been blurred into a particular color. This is usually
- *                                          appropriate when the color of the surface onto which the image
- *                                          will be drawn is known.  You can also use {Alpha = 0, color = 0}
- *                                          as a background color, and let the downstream image compositor
- *                                          blend in the background color. In this case, the result image
- *                                          should be treated as a premultiplied image.
- *
- *              kvImageEdgeExtend           Substitute in the nearest defined pixel for missing pixels.
- *                                          This is better when the image is drawn into a frame or other
- *                                          context where the background is not expected to contribute to
- *                                          the final content.
- *
- *              kvImageTruncateKernel       This is similar to kvImageEdgeExtend, except that edge pixels are
- *                                          simply ignored, and the bias and divisor are adjusted accordingly.
- *                                          Because of the complication at the edges, this edging mode can
- *                                          be significantly slower than the others. It can be numerically
- *                                          unstable if the sum over any rectangular subsection of the kernel
- *                                          is zero, which can result in division by zero during the computation.
- *                                          The results for this edging mode are usually quite visually similar
- *                                          to kvImageEdgeExtend.
- *
- *              kvImageGetTempBufferSize    Instead of calculating the convolution of the image, return the
- *                                          size of the temp buffer needed for this set of parameters. Does
- *                                          not touch the src or dest image.
- *
- *              kvImageDoNotTile            Disable internal multithreading.
- *
- *              kvImageUseFP16Accumulator  Enable 16-bit half-precision floating-point arithmetic when computing the
- *                                          kernel averages when the CPU architecture supports it.
- *
- *      @/textblock </pre>
- *                          The first four flags listed are edging modes. One and only one edging mode must be
- *                          provided. If no edging mode is provided (e.g. kvImageNoFlags), then an error will
- *                          be returned.
- *
- *  @return One of the following error codes may be returned:
- *      <pre>@textblock
- *          kvImageNoError              Success.
- *              >= 0                    If kvImageGetTempBufferSize is passed, this is the size of
- *                                      the temp buffer to use with this function and this set of
- *                                      parameters.
- *
- *          kvImageInvalidEdgeStyle     One and only one of the following flags must be provided:
- *                                         { kvImageCopyInPlace, kvImageBackgroundColorFill,
- *                                           kvImageEdgeExtend,  kvImageTruncateKernel }
- *
- *          kvImageRoiLargerThanInputBuffer The dest->width and height must be less than or equal
- *                                          to corresponding dimensions of the source buffer.
- *
- *          kvImageInvalidOffset_X      The destination width + srcOffsetToROI_X > src->width
- *
- *          kvImageInvalidOffset_Y      The destination height + srcOffsetToROI_Y > src->height
- *
- *          kvImageNullPointerArgument  kernel may not be NULL
- *
- *          kvImageMemoryAllocationError Could not allocate memory to serve as a temp buffer.
- *
- *          kvImageInvalidKernelSize    The kernel sizes must be odd numbers.
- *      @/textblock </pre>
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error
-vImageSepConvolve_Planar16F(const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer,
-                            vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y,
-                            const float *kernelX, uint32_t kernelX_width, const float *kernelY, uint32_t kernelY_width,
-                            float bias, Pixel_16F backgroundColor, vImage_Flags flags)
-    VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
 *  @function vImageSepConvolve_Planar16U
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2022-08-05 12:47:43.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2022-08-03 21:07:18.000000000 -0500
@@ -145,9 +145,6 @@
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageRotate_ARGB16U( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, float angleInRadians, const Pixel_ARGB_16U backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2)    API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(7.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageRotate_ARGB16S( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, float angleInRadians, const Pixel_ARGB_16S backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2)    API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(7.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageRotate_ARGBFFFF( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, float angleInRadians, const Pixel_FFFF backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2)    API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.3), ios(5.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(5.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageRotate_Planar16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, float angleInRadians, const Pixel_16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2)    API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageRotate_CbCr16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, float angleInRadians, const Pixel_16F16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2)    API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageRotate_ARGB16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, float angleInRadians, const Pixel_ARGB_16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2)    API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
  * vImageScale_<fmt>
@@ -182,22 +179,14 @@
  * of the filter.
  * vImageScale_<fmt>() does not work in place
- * The ARGB8888, ARGB16U, ARGB16S, ARGB16F and ARGBFFFF functions work equally well on
+ * The ARGB8888, ARGB16U, ARGB16S and ARGBFFFF functions work equally well on
  * other channel orderings of 4-channel images, such as RGBA or BGRA.
  * Acceptable flags are kvImageEdgeExtend, kvImageDoNotTile,
- * kvImageHighQualityResampling, kvImageNoFlags and, for 16F images,
- * kvImageUseFP16Accumulator (see further details below).
+ * kvImageHighQualityResampling, kvImageNoFlags.
  * If no edging mode is passed, kvImageEdgeExtend is used.
- *
- * For the scaling functions operating on Planar16F, CbCr16F, and ARGB16F images,
- * the flag kvImageUseFP16Accumulator is also allowed. This will enforce all
- * internal filtering operations to use 16-bit half-precision floating-point
- * arithmetic rather than the default 32-bit single-precision arithmetic when
- * the architecture of the CPU supports it. This results in up to 2x performance
- * improvements but at the expense of a less precise result; typically 2-3 bits
- * of precision is lost.
+ * Developers using vImageScale_<fmt> on MacOS X.3 should pass kvImageEdgeExtend
+ * in the flags field to avoid ringing artifacts at the edges of images
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageScale_Planar8( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2)    API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.3), ios(5.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(5.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageScale_Planar16S( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2)    API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.10), ios(8.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(8.0));
@@ -207,9 +196,6 @@
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageScale_ARGB16U( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2)    API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(7.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageScale_ARGB16S( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2)    API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(7.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageScale_ARGBFFFF( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2)    API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.3), ios(5.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(5.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageScale_Planar16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2)    API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageScale_CbCr16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2)    API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageScale_ARGB16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2)    API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error
@@ -272,9 +258,6 @@
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageAffineWarp_ARGB16U( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, const vImage_AffineTransform *transform, const Pixel_ARGB_16U backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2,4) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(7.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageAffineWarp_ARGB16S( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, const vImage_AffineTransform *transform, const Pixel_ARGB_16S backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2,4) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(7.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageAffineWarp_ARGBFFFF( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, const vImage_AffineTransform *transform, const Pixel_FFFF backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2,4) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.3), ios(5.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(5.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageAffineWarp_Planar16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, const vImage_AffineTransform *transform, const Pixel_16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2,4) API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageAffineWarp_CbCr16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, const vImage_AffineTransform *transform, const Pixel_16F16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2,4) API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageAffineWarp_ARGB16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, const vImage_AffineTransform *transform, const Pixel_ARGB_16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2,4) API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
 /* A single precision transformation matrix is often not enough. This one uses double precision. */
@@ -284,9 +267,6 @@
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageAffineWarpD_ARGB16U( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, const vImage_AffineTransform_Double *transform, const Pixel_ARGB_16U backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2,4) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(7.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageAffineWarpD_ARGB16S( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, const vImage_AffineTransform_Double *transform, const Pixel_ARGB_16S backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2,4) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(7.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageAffineWarpD_ARGBFFFF( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, const vImage_AffineTransform_Double *transform, const Pixel_FFFF backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2,4) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.8), ios(6.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(6.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageAffineWarpD_Planar16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, const vImage_AffineTransform_Double *transform, const Pixel_16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2,4) API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageAffineWarpD_CbCr16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, const vImage_AffineTransform_Double *transform, const Pixel_16F16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2,4) API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageAffineWarpD_ARGB16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, void *tempBuffer, const vImage_AffineTransform_Double *transform, const Pixel_ARGB_16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2,4) API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
@@ -330,9 +310,6 @@
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageHorizontalReflect_ARGB16U( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(7.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageHorizontalReflect_ARGB16S( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(7.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageHorizontalReflect_ARGBFFFF( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.3), ios(5.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(5.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageHorizontalReflect_Planar16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageHorizontalReflect_CbCr16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageHorizontalReflect_ARGB16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageVerticalReflect_Planar8( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.3), ios(5.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(5.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageVerticalReflect_Planar16U( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(6.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(6.0));
@@ -341,9 +318,6 @@
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageVerticalReflect_ARGB16U( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(7.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageVerticalReflect_ARGB16S( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(7.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageVerticalReflect_ARGBFFFF( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.3), ios(5.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(5.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageVerticalReflect_Planar16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageVerticalReflect_CbCr16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageVerticalReflect_ARGB16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
  *     The Rotate90 function does simple 0, 90, 180 or 270 degree rotation according to the value of a rotation constant
@@ -382,9 +356,6 @@
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageRotate90_ARGB16U( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, uint8_t rotationConstant, const Pixel_ARGB_16U backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2,4) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(7.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageRotate90_ARGB16S( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, uint8_t rotationConstant, const Pixel_ARGB_16S backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2,4) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(7.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageRotate90_ARGBFFFF( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, uint8_t rotationConstant, const Pixel_FFFF backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2,4) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.3), ios(5.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(5.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageRotate90_Planar16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, uint8_t rotationConstant, const Pixel_16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.1), ios(15.0), watchos(8.0), tvos(15.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageRotate90_CbCr16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, uint8_t rotationConstant, const Pixel_16F16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.1), ios(15.0), watchos(8.0), tvos(15.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageRotate90_ARGB16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, uint8_t rotationConstant, const Pixel_ARGB_16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.1), ios(15.0), watchos(8.0), tvos(15.0));
  *    The Shearing functions use resampling to rescale a image and offset it to
@@ -398,26 +369,17 @@
  *  is done by adjusting the resampling kernel.
  *  All four channel geometry functions (i.e. those that support ARGB8888,
- *    ARGB16U, ARGB16S, ARGB16F, or ARGBFFFF images) work equally well on four
- *    channel images with other channel orderings such as RGBA or BGRA.
+ *    ARGB16U, ARGB16S or ARGBFFFF images) work equally well on four channel
+ *    images with other channel orderings such as RGBA or BGRA.
  *  These functions do not work in place.
  *  Acceptable flags are kvImageEdgeExtend, kvImageBackgroundColor,
- *  kvImageDoNotTile, kvImageNoFlags and, for 16F images,
- *  kvImageUseFP16Accumulator (see further details below).
+ *  kvImageDoNotTile, kvImageNoFlags.
  *  Only one of kvImageEdgeExtend or kvImageBackgroundColor may be used.
  *  If none is used then the edging mode is undefined and the results may be
  *  unpredictable.
- *  For the geometry functions operating on Planar16F, CbCr16F, and ARGB16F images,
- *  the flag kvImageUseFP16Accumulator is also allowed. This will enforce all
- *  internal filtering operations to use 16-bit half-precision floating-point
- *  arithmetic rather than the default 32-bit single-precision arithmetic when
- *  the architecture of the CPU supports it. This results in up to 2x performance
- *  improvements but at the expense of a less precise result; typically 2-3 bits
- *  of precision is lost.
- *
  *  The ResamplingFilter is created using vImageNewResamplingFilter or
  *  vImageNewResamplingFilterForFunctionUsingBuffer. The latter gives more
  *  precise control over where the memory is allocated and which filter function
@@ -432,9 +394,6 @@
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageHorizontalShear_ARGB16U( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, float xTranslate, float shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, const Pixel_ARGB_16U backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(7.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageHorizontalShear_ARGB16S( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, float xTranslate, float shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, const Pixel_ARGB_16S backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(7.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageHorizontalShear_ARGBFFFF( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, float xTranslate, float shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, const Pixel_FFFF backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.3), ios(5.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(5.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageHorizontalShear_Planar16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, float xTranslate, float shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, const Pixel_16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(12.0), ios(15.0), watchos(8.0), tvos(15.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageHorizontalShear_CbCr16F(const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, float xTranslate, float shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, const Pixel_16F16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(12.0), ios(15.0), watchos(8.0), tvos(15.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageHorizontalShear_ARGB16F(const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, float xTranslate, float shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, const Pixel_ARGB_16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(12.0), ios(15.0), watchos(8.0), tvos(15.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageVerticalShear_Planar8( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, float yTranslate, float shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, Pixel_8 backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.3), ios(5.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(5.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageVerticalShear_Planar16S( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, float yTranslate, float shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, Pixel_16S backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.10), ios(8.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(8.0));
@@ -444,9 +403,6 @@
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageVerticalShear_ARGB16U( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, float yTranslate, float shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter,  const Pixel_ARGB_16U backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(7.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageVerticalShear_ARGB16S( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, float yTranslate, float shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter,  const Pixel_ARGB_16S backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(7.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageVerticalShear_ARGBFFFF( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, float yTranslate, float shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, const Pixel_FFFF backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.3), ios(5.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(5.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageVerticalShear_Planar16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, float yTranslate, float shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, const Pixel_16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(12.0), ios(15.0), watchos(8.0), tvos(15.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageVerticalShear_CbCr16F(const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, float yTranslate, float shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, const Pixel_16F16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(12.0), ios(15.0), watchos(8.0), tvos(15.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageVerticalShear_ARGB16F(const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, float yTranslate, float shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, const Pixel_ARGB_16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(12.0), ios(15.0), watchos(8.0), tvos(15.0));
 /* Versions of shear functions that take coordinates in double precision */
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageHorizontalShearD_Planar8( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, double xTranslate, double shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, Pixel_8 backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.8), ios(6.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(6.0));
@@ -455,9 +411,6 @@
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageHorizontalShearD_ARGB16U( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, double xTranslate, double shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, const Pixel_ARGB_16U backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(7.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageHorizontalShearD_ARGB16S( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, double xTranslate, double shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, const Pixel_ARGB_16S backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(7.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageHorizontalShearD_ARGBFFFF( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, double xTranslate, double shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, const Pixel_FFFF backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.8), ios(6.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(6.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageHorizontalShearD_Planar16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, double xTranslate, double shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, const Pixel_16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(12.0), ios(15.0), watchos(8.0), tvos(15.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageHorizontalShearD_CbCr16F(const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, double xTranslate, double shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, const Pixel_16F16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(12.0), ios(15.0), watchos(8.0), tvos(15.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageHorizontalShearD_ARGB16F(const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, double xTranslate, double shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, const Pixel_ARGB_16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(12.0), ios(15.0), watchos(8.0), tvos(15.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageVerticalShearD_Planar8( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, double yTranslate, double shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, Pixel_8 backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.8), ios(6.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(6.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageVerticalShearD_PlanarF( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, double yTranslate, double shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, Pixel_F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.8), ios(6.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(6.0));
@@ -465,9 +418,6 @@
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageVerticalShearD_ARGB16U( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, double yTranslate, double shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter,  const Pixel_ARGB_16U backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(7.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageVerticalShearD_ARGB16S( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, double yTranslate, double shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter,  const Pixel_ARGB_16S backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(7.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error    vImageVerticalShearD_ARGBFFFF( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, double yTranslate, double shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, const Pixel_FFFF backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.8), ios(6.0), watchos(1.0), tvos(6.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageVerticalShearD_Planar16F( const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, double yTranslate, double shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, const Pixel_16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(12.0), ios(15.0), watchos(8.0), tvos(15.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageVerticalShearD_CbCr16F(const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, double yTranslate, double shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, const Pixel_16F16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(12.0), ios(15.0), watchos(8.0), tvos(15.0));
-VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error vImageVerticalShearD_ARGB16F(const vImage_Buffer *src, const vImage_Buffer *dest, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_X, vImagePixelCount srcOffsetToROI_Y, double yTranslate, double shearSlope, ResamplingFilter filter, const Pixel_ARGB_16F backColor, vImage_Flags flags ) VIMAGE_NON_NULL(1,2) API_AVAILABLE(macos(12.0), ios(15.0), watchos(8.0), tvos(15.0));
 VIMAGE_PF vImage_Error
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2022-08-05 15:54:09.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2022-08-03 21:07:17.000000000 -0500
@@ -303,36 +303,6 @@
 typedef int16_t     Pixel_ARGB_16S[4];  /* four-channel 16-bit signed pixel */
- @typedef    Pixel_16F
- @abstract   A 16-bit half precision floating-point planar pixel value.
- @discussion Typically, these have range [0,1] though other values are generally allowed.
-             Defined as a 16-bit integer since this is a storage format only.
- */
-typedef uint16_t       Pixel_16F;            /* 16-bit floating point planar pixel value */
- @typedef   Pixel_16F16F
- @abstract  A two-channel, 16-bit floating-point per channel pixel.
- @discussion The channel order is generally given by the function that consumes the value.
- */
-typedef uint16_t     Pixel_16F16F[2];    /* CbCr interleaved 16-bit floating point per channel pixel value. uint16_t[2] = { Cb, Cr } */
- @typedef   Pixel_ARGB_16F
- @abstract  A four-channel, 16-bit floating-point per channel pixel.
- @discussion The channel order is generally given by the function that consumes the value.
- */
-typedef uint16_t     Pixel_ARGB_16F[4];    /* ARGB interleaved 16-bit floating point per channel pixel value. uint16_t[2] = { Cb, Cr } */
- @typedef   Pixel_FF
- @abstract  A two-channel, single precision floating-point per channel pixel.
- @discussion The channel order is generally given by the function that consumes the value.
- */
-typedef float       Pixel_FF[2];      /* CbCr interleaved (floating point) pixel value. float[2] = { Cb, Cr } */
  @typedef ResamplingFilter
  @abstract A ResamplingFilter is an opaque structure used by vImage to hold precalculated filter coefficients for a resampling filter,
              such as a Lanczos or Gaussian resampling filter. 
@@ -563,13 +533,6 @@
                 encounter precision issues with HDR content.  For these cases, if you know you have HDR content,
                 pass kvImageHDRContent and a (typically slower) alternative method will be used for these
- @constant kvImageUseFP16Accumulator    Use a faster and lower precision internal arithmetic, when available,
-               for the functions operating on 16-bit half-precision floating-point pixels (Pixel16_F).
-               This will enforce for example convolutions to be computed with 16-bit half-precision floating-point
-               arithmetic internally, when architecture of the CPU supports it. The arm64e architectures supports it
-               but none of the Intel architectures.
 typedef VIMAGE_OPTIONS_ENUM(vImage_Flags, uint32_t)
@@ -620,14 +583,9 @@
     /* Pass to disable clamping is some conversions to floating point formats. Use this if the input data
        may describe values outside [0,1] which should be preserved.. */
-    kvImageDoNotClamp                 VIMAGE_ENUM_AVAILABLE_STARTING( __MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_9_3 )   =  2048,
-    /* Use a lower precision, faster floating-point arithmetic for all internal computations when available.
-       This applies to all functions operating on 16-bit half-precision floating-point pixels, Pixel_16F. */
-    kvImageUseFP16Accumulator     /*VIMAGE_ENUM_AVAILABLE_STARTING( __MAC_13_0, __IPHONE_16_0 )*/   =  4096,
+    kvImageDoNotClamp                 VIMAGE_ENUM_AVAILABLE_STARTING( __MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_9_3 )     =   2048
     @class vImageConverterRef
     @abstract   An opaque type which contains a decription of a conversion from one CoreGraphics image format to another.
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