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ImageIO watchOS xcode13.0 rc

Manuel de la Pena edited this page Sep 20, 2021 · 2 revisions

#ImageIO.framework ##mandel

diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2021-08-06 23:47:07.000000000 -0400
+++ /Applications/	2021-08-23 04:34:30.000000000 -0400
@@ -41,19 +41,19 @@
 typedef void (^CGImageSourceAnimationBlock)(size_t index, CGImageRef image, bool* stop);
-/* Animate the sequence of images contained in the file at `url'. Currently supported image
+/** Animate the sequence of images contained in the file at `url'. Currently supported image
  * formats are GIF and APNG. The `options' dictionary may be used to request additional playback
  * options; see the list of keys above for more information. The block is called on the main queue
  * at time intervals specified by the `delay time' of the image. The animation can be stopped by
- * setting the boolean parameter of the block to false.
+ * setting the boolean parameter of the block to true.
 IMAGEIO_EXTERN OSStatus CGAnimateImageAtURLWithBlock(CFURLRef url, CFDictionaryRef _iio_Nullable options, CGImageSourceAnimationBlock block) IMAGEIO_AVAILABLE_STARTING(10.15, 13.0);
-/* Animate the sequence of images contained in `data'. Currently supported image
+/** Animate the sequence of images contained in `data'. Currently supported image
  * formats are GIF and APNG. The `options' dictionary may be used to request additional playback
  * options; see the list of keys above for more information. The block is called on the main queue
  * at time intervals specified by the `delay time' of the image. The animation can be stopped by
- * setting the boolean parameter of the block to false.
+ * setting the boolean parameter of the block to true.
 IMAGEIO_EXTERN OSStatus CGAnimateImageDataWithBlock(CFDataRef data, CFDictionaryRef _iio_Nullable options, CGImageSourceAnimationBlock block) IMAGEIO_AVAILABLE_STARTING(10.15, 13.0);
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