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Sebastien Pouliot edited this page Apr 24, 2021 · 1 revision


.net6 for iOS and tvOS

In .net globalization support is done using International Components for Unicode code and data files.

Data files


This is the complete version, approximatively 1.7 MB. For compatibility with other SDK / workloads this is the version included by default.


A subset of the complete version. EFIGS stands for "English, French, Italian, German and Spanish". This version is approximatively 600 KB.

This can be set inside your project (.csproj) file by adding the following line inside a <PropertyGroup>:



A subset of the complete version. CJK stands for "Chinese, Japanese and Korean". This version is approximatively 1 MB.

This can be set inside your project (.csproj) file by adding the following line inside a <PropertyGroup>:



This subset has everything except CJK specific globalization data. This version is approximatively 1.25 MB.

This can be set inside your project (.csproj) file by adding the following line inside a <PropertyGroup>:



Globalization can be turned off. In such case everything is done with the CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.

This can be set inside your project (.csproj) file by adding the following line inside a <PropertyGroup>:


In this case none of the above dat files will be included inside the application bundle, reducing the final size of the release app.

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