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CloudKit macOS xcode14.0 rc

Israel Soto edited this page Sep 7, 2022 · 1 revision


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+++ /Applications/	1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
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-//  CKAllowedSharingOptions.h
-//  CKFramework
-//  Copyright © 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#import <CloudKit/CKDefines.h>
-typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, CKSharingParticipantAccessOption) {
-    /*! If specified, the system sharing UI will allow the user to share publicly i.e. anyone with the link has access. */
-    CKSharingParticipantAccessOptionAnyoneWithLink = 1 << 0,
-    /*! If specified, the system sharing UI will allow the user to share privately to specified recipients. */
-    CKSharingParticipantAccessOptionSpecifiedRecipientsOnly = 1 << 1,
-    /*! Allow the user to configure the share with either access option. */
-    CKSharingParticipantAccessOptionAny = CKSharingParticipantAccessOptionAnyoneWithLink | CKSharingParticipantAccessOptionSpecifiedRecipientsOnly,
-} API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
-typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, CKSharingParticipantPermissionOption) {
-    /*! If specified, the system sharing UI will allow the user to grant participants read-only permissions. */
-    CKSharingParticipantPermissionOptionReadOnly = 1 << 0,
-    /*! If specified, the system sharing UI will allow the user to grant participants read/write permissions. */
-    CKSharingParticipantPermissionOptionReadWrite = 1 << 1,
-    /*! Allow the user to configure added share participants with either permission option. */
-    CKSharingParticipantPermissionOptionAny = CKSharingParticipantPermissionOptionReadOnly | CKSharingParticipantPermissionOptionReadWrite,
-} API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
-API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0))
-API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos)
-@interface CKAllowedSharingOptions : NSObject <NSSecureCoding, NSCopying>
-- (instancetype)initWithAllowedParticipantPermissionOptions:(CKSharingParticipantPermissionOption)allowedParticipantPermissionOptions allowedParticipantAccessOptions:(CKSharingParticipantAccessOption)allowedParticipantAccessOptions;
-@property (nonatomic, assign) CKSharingParticipantPermissionOption allowedParticipantPermissionOptions;
-@property (nonatomic, assign) CKSharingParticipantAccessOption allowedParticipantAccessOptions;
- Standard allowed options are most permissive i.e. @c allowedParticipantPermissionOptions = @c CKSharingParticipantPermissionOptionAny
- and @c allowedParticipantAccessOptions = @c CKSharingParticipantAccessOptionAny
- */
-@property (class, nonatomic, strong, readonly) CKAllowedSharingOptions *standardOptions;
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--- /Applications/	2022-08-05 12:41:02.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2022-08-03 21:06:35.000000000 -0500
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 @property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSArray<CKRecordZoneID *> *recordZoneIDs;
 @property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSDictionary<CKRecordZoneID *, CKFetchRecordZoneChangesConfiguration *> *configurationsByRecordZoneID API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.14), ios(12.0), tvos(12.0), watchos(5.0));
-/*! @abstract Determines if the operation should fetch all changes from the server before completing.
+/*! @abstract Determines if the opertaion should fetch all changes from the server before completing.
  *  @discussion When set to YES, this operation will send repeated requests to the server until all record changes have been fetched. @c recordZoneChangeTokensUpdatedBlock will be invoked periodically, to give clients an updated change token so that already-fetched record changes don't need to be re-fetched on a subsequent operation. @c recordZoneFetchCompletionBlock will only be called once and @c moreComing will always be NO.
@@ -41,7 +41,11 @@
 /*! @discussion If the replacement callback @c recordWasChangedBlock is set, this callback block is ignored.
  *  Each @c CKOperation instance has a private serial queue. This queue is used for all callback block invocations.
-@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) void (^recordChangedBlock)(CKRecord *record) API_DEPRECATED("Use recordWasChangedBlock instead, which surfaces per-record errors", macos(10.12, 12.0), ios(10.0, 15.0), tvos(10.0, 15.0), watchos(3.0, 8.0));
+@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) void (^recordChangedBlock)(CKRecord *record)
+    API_DEPRECATED("Use recordWasChangedBlock instead, which surfaces per-record errors", macos(10.12, 12.0), ios(10.0, 15.0), tvos(10.0, 15.0), watchos(3.0, 8.0));
 /*! @discussion If a record fails in post-processing (say, a network failure materializing a @c CKAsset record field), the per-record error will be passed here.
  *  Each @c CKOperation instance has a private serial queue. This queue is used for all callback block invocations.
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--- /Applications/	2022-08-05 12:41:02.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2022-08-03 21:06:35.000000000 -0500
@@ -24,7 +24,10 @@
  *  @discussion If the replacement callback @c perShareParticipantCompletionBlock is set, this callback block is ignored.
  *  Each @c CKOperation instance has a private serial queue. This queue is used for all callback block invocations.
-@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) void (^shareParticipantFetchedBlock)(CKShareParticipant *participant) API_DEPRECATED("Use perShareParticipantCompletionBlock instead, which surfaces per-share-participant errors", macos(10.12, 12.0), ios(10.0, 15.0), tvos(10.0, 15.0), watchos(3.0, 8.0));
+@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) void (^shareParticipantFetchedBlock)(CKShareParticipant *participant)
+    API_DEPRECATED("Use perShareParticipantCompletionBlock instead, which surfaces per-share-participant errors", macos(10.12, 12.0), ios(10.0, 15.0), tvos(10.0, 15.0), watchos(3.0, 8.0));
 /*! @abstract Called once for each lookup info.
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--- /Applications/	2022-08-05 12:46:04.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2022-08-03 21:06:35.000000000 -0500
@@ -76,7 +76,10 @@
  *  @discussion Will not be invoked if @c perRecordSaveBlock is set.
  *  Each @c CKOperation instance has a private serial queue. This queue is used for all callback block invocations.
-@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) void (^perRecordCompletionBlock)(CKRecord *record, NSError * _Nullable error) API_DEPRECATED_WITH_REPLACEMENT("perRecordSaveBlock", macos(10.10, 12.0), ios(8.0, 15.0), tvos(9.0, 15.0), watchos(3.0, 8.0));
+@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) void (^perRecordCompletionBlock)(CKRecord *record, NSError * _Nullable error)
+    API_DEPRECATED_WITH_REPLACEMENT("perRecordSaveBlock", macos(10.10, 12.0), ios(8.0, 15.0), tvos(9.0, 15.0), watchos(3.0, 8.0));
 /*! @abstract Called on success or failure of a record save
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--- /Applications/	2022-08-05 12:47:24.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2022-08-03 21:06:35.000000000 -0500
@@ -63,7 +63,11 @@
  *  If the replacement callback @c recordMatchedBlock is set, this callback block is ignored.
  *  Each @c CKOperation instance has a private serial queue. This queue is used for all callback block invocations.
-@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) void (^recordFetchedBlock)(CKRecord *record) API_DEPRECATED("Use recordMatchedBlock instead, which surfaces per-record errors", macos(10.10, 12.0), ios(8.0, 15.0), tvos(9.0, 15.0), watchos(3.0, 8.0));
+@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) void (^recordFetchedBlock)(CKRecord *record)
+    API_DEPRECATED("Use recordMatchedBlock instead, which surfaces per-record errors", macos(10.10, 12.0), ios(8.0, 15.0), tvos(9.0, 15.0), watchos(3.0, 8.0));
 /*! @abstract This block will be called once for every record that is returned as a result of the query.
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+++ /Applications/	2022-08-03 21:06:34.000000000 -0500
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 @property (nonatomic, readonly, copy, nullable) CKRecord *rootRecord;
 @property (nonatomic, readonly, assign) CKShareParticipantType participantType API_DEPRECATED_WITH_REPLACEMENT("participantRole", macos(10.12, 10.14), ios(10.0, 12.0), tvos(10.0, 12.0), watchos(3.0, 5.0));
-@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) CKRecordID *rootRecordID API_DEPRECATED_WITH_REPLACEMENT("hierarchicalRootRecordID", macos(10.12, 13.0), ios(10.0, 16.0), tvos(10.0, 16.0), watchos(3.0, 9.0));
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) CKRecordID *rootRecordID API_DEPRECATED_WITH_REPLACEMENT("hierarchicalRootRecordID", macos(10.12, API_TO_BE_DEPRECATED), ios(10.0, API_TO_BE_DEPRECATED), tvos(10.0, API_TO_BE_DEPRECATED), watchos(3.0, API_TO_BE_DEPRECATED));
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--- /Applications/	2022-08-05 12:41:01.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-//  CKSystemSharingUIObserver.h
-//  CloudKit
-//  Copyright © 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#import <CloudKit/CKDefines.h>
-@class CKContainer, CKShare, CKRecordID;
-API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0))
-API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos)
-@interface CKSystemSharingUIObserver : NSObject
-- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
-+ (instancetype)new NS_UNAVAILABLE;
-- (instancetype)initWithContainer:(CKContainer *)container NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
-/*! @abstract Called on success or failure of a @c CKShare save after user modifications via the system sharing UI
- *
- *  @discussion Following a successful share save by the system sharing UI in the provided @c CKContainer, this callback will be invoked with a nonnull @c recordID, a nonnull @c share, and a nil @c error.
- *  Following a save failure due to a per-item error (@c CKErrorServerRecordChanged, for example), this callback will be invoked with a nonnull @c recordID, a nil @c share, and a nonnull @c error
- *  Each @c CKSystemSharingUIObserver instance has a private serial queue. This queue is used for all callback block invocations.
- */
-@property (atomic, copy, nullable) void (^systemSharingUIDidSaveShareBlock)(CKRecordID *recordID, CKShare * _Nullable share, NSError * _Nullable error) NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT;
-/*! @abstract Called on success or failure of a @c CKShare delete when the user decides to stop sharing via the system sharing UI
- *
- *  @discussion Each @c CKSystemSharingUIObserver instance has a private serial queue. This queue is used for all callback block invocations.
- */
-@property (atomic, copy, nullable) void (^systemSharingUIDidStopSharingBlock)(CKRecordID *recordID, NSError * _Nullable error) NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT;
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2022-08-03 00:17:09.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2022-02-12 06:56:56.000000000 -0600
@@ -52,8 +52,3 @@
 #import <CloudKit/CKOperation.h>
 #import <CloudKit/CKOperationGroup.h>
 #import <CloudKit/CKQueryOperation.h>
-#pragma mark - Sharing Support
-#import <CloudKit/NSItemProvider+CKSharingSupport.h>
-#import <CloudKit/CKAllowedSharingOptions.h>
-#import <CloudKit/CKSystemSharingUIObserver.h>
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--- /Applications/	2022-08-05 12:41:01.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-//  NSItemProvider+CKSharingSupport.h
-//  CloudKit
-//  Copyright © 2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#import <CloudKit/CKDefines.h>
-@class CKShare, CKContainer, CKAllowedSharingOptions;
-typedef void (^CKSharePreparationCompletionHandler)(CKShare * _Nullable, NSError * _Nullable) NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE("Use the async throwing preparationHandler instead.");
-typedef void (^CKSharePreparationHandler)(CKSharePreparationCompletionHandler) NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE("Use the async throwing preparationHandler instead.");
-@interface NSItemProvider (CKSharingSupport)
- Use this method when you want to share a collection of @c CKRecords but don't currently have a @c CKShare. When the @c preparationHandler is called, you should create a new @c CKShare with the appropriate root @c CKRecord or @c CKRecordZoneID. After ensuring the share and all records have been saved to the server, invoke the @c preparationCompletionHandler with either the resulting @c CKShare, or an @c NSError if saving failed. Invoking the share sheet with a @c CKShare registered with this method will prompt the user to start sharing.
- */
-- (void)registerCKShareWithContainer:(CKContainer *)container allowedSharingOptions:(CKAllowedSharingOptions *)allowedOptions preparationHandler:(CKSharePreparationHandler)preparationHandler API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos) NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT;
- Use this method when you have a @c CKShare that is already saved to the server. Invoking the share sheet with a @c CKShare registered with this method will allow the owner to make modifications to the share settings, or will allow a participant to view the share settings.
- */
-- (void)registerCKShare:(CKShare *)share container:(CKContainer *)container allowedSharingOptions:(CKAllowedSharingOptions *)allowedOptions API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos) NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT;
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