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Oliver Beckstein edited this page Apr 13, 2016 · 6 revisions

Note: Issue-363 is a work in progress, nothing is final yet, everything is up for debate!

Issue #363 brings many changes, these are summarised here:

This is about using Array-based Topologies

All Groups are no longer subclassed from AtomGroup.


Previously, every object except Atom subclassed from AtomGroup. This meant that calling .positions of would give you the positions of the Atoms contained within that group.

Previous class structure:


AtomGroup  -> Residue
           -> ResidueGroup -> Segment
                           -> SegmentGroup

New class structure:

Group    -> AtomGroup
         -> ResidueGroup
         -> SegmentGroup


Now each object only contains information pertaining to that particular object. A Residue object only yields information about the Residue, to get to the atoms, use Residue.atoms

Why this was changed

Previously everything inheriting from AtomGroup made it unclear at what level of topology a given method or attribute was working on. Ie does ResidueGroup.charges give the charge of the Residues or the Atoms? Also, it was unclear what size a given output would be (see Issue-411)

How to work around this

To access Atom level information from anything that isn't an AtomGroup, use the .atoms level accessor. For example, changing all .positions calls on anything that isn't an AtomGroup to .atoms.positions.

Each Atom is a member of exactly one Residue. Each Residue is a member of exactly one Segment.

The new Topology object keeps an array giving the residue membership of each atom. Getting the resname of the residue of a group of atoms, then, is achieved by taking the indices of these atoms to fancy-index the Atoms->Residues array, and then using the result of this to fancy-index the Resnames array. For example, if the Topology has 5 atoms and 3 residues, with membership (Atoms->Residues) and Resnames arrays as below:

       Atoms->Residues           Resnames
 index ---------------     index --------
     0 0                       0 GLU
     1 2                       1 LYS
     2 1                       2 ALA
     3 1
     4 2

calling AtomGroup.resnames for an AtomGroup with atoms [2, 0, 1, 2] will yield (pseudocode):

"Atoms->Residues"[[2, 0, 1, 2]] --> [1, 0, 2, 1]
"Resnames"[[1, 0, 2, 1]]        --> ['LYS', 'GLU', 'ALA', 'LYS']

This scheme only works if each atom is a member of one and only one residue. Likewise, residues are members of one and only one segment. Furthermore, AtomGroups, ResidueGroups, and SegmentGroups are very thin, storing only the indices of their members as a numpy array. This gives a number of advantages:

  1. Performance. We get at least an 8x speedup over the old scheme when accessing attributes. Setting attributes can give up to a 40x speedup.
  2. Memory. We don't store, for example, a resname for each atom, but instead store attributes at the level they make sense for.
  3. Consistency. Since attributes are stored in one place, we avoid cases where the topology is in an inconsistent state, e.g. two atoms in the same residue give a different resname.
  4. No staleness. Because e.g. ResidueGroups are only an array of indices, not a list of Residue objects generated upon creation of the group, changes of resiude-level properties by another ResidueGroup are always reflected consistently by every other one. Data is not duplicated anywhere in this scheme, and is all contained in the Topology object.

For further performance comparisons, check out this notebook.

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