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Max Linke edited this page Nov 10, 2017 · 4 revisions

If you work on code in the core of MDAnalysis then a few additional rules apply in addition to the general rules for contributing code.

Basically we want to make sure that the new code does not break the existing one and that

  1. Clone of the latest development branch on github.
  2. Pull the latest changes from the development branch.
  3. Merge your code into this branch.
  4. Push the changes to your public fork on github. Open a Pull Request so we can check your changes and test them.

When you open a pull request please consider the following:

  • Have you added test cases for your own code? Check that your tests pass with your changes (and fail without them).
  • Have you added documentation (Python doc strings) that describe your new feature?
  • Have you updated the CHANGELOG (and AUTHORS when you're contributing your first commit)?
  • Have you committed changes in self-contained commits (ideally, one feature per commit) with a good, expressive log message that references any Issues that you've been working on?
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