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Oliver Beckstein edited this page Apr 2, 2019 · 12 revisions

MDAnalysis is supported on Python 2.7.x and Python 3.4+ under

  • Linux
  • Mac OS X
  • Windows (only Python 3.4+)

and the instructions below are for supported operating systems.

If you have questions with the installation, please ask on the mdnalysis-discussion mailing list.

Installing MDAnalysis


Install the current anaconda package according to the conda docs:

conda install -c conda-forge mdanalysis mdanalysistests


To install the latest stable release, use pip:

pip install MDAnalysis

(For Windows notes see MDAnalysis on Windows.) To run the test cases and examples, also install the unit tests (about 40 MiB in size):

pip install MDAnalysisTests

Other ways to install


Read the Guide for Developers, which includes special installation instructions.

There also special instructions for installing the development branch, i.e., the develop branch where new features and bug fixes appear before they are officially released.

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