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Setup an OBS Development Environment on macOS

Lukas Krause edited this page Aug 8, 2019 · 1 revision

The Open Build Service requires a case-sensitive filesystem. You can check if your Mac uses a case-sensitive filesystem in the Diskutil for example. If not there are a couple of ways to work around this problem. One of them is to create a Apple Disk Image with a case-sensitive filesystem and to run the Open Build Service docker setup from there.


  • Ruby
  • Rake
  • GIT
  • Docker & Docker-Compose (you can get the stable version through the following link Docker stable for macOS. It already includes docker-compose)
  1. Create the Apple Disk Image with a case-sensitive filesystem (in this example 'case-sensitive HFS+')
hdiutil create -megabytes 4096 -fs 'Case-sensitive Journaled HFS+' -volname OBS ./obs.dmg
  1. Mount the Apple Disk Image
hdiutil attach ./obs.dmg

The "hdiutil attach" output should show where the image got mounted (usually somewhere in '/Volumes')

/dev/disk9s2    Apple_HFS    /Volumes/OBS
  1. Navigate into the mounted Volume
cd /Volumes/OBS
  1. Start Docker through the Launchpad. A small docker icon should show up in the systemtray (you can see the current state of the service by clicking on it).

  2. Follow the instructions 3-6 from the How to setup an OBS development environment chapter.

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