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Content Moderation

Jacob Michalskie edited this page Dec 13, 2023 · 1 revision

Content moderation feature aims to help the Admins with moderating the content in OBS. It does that by introducing a workflow that allows user to create reports and introducing moderators that help the admins in making decisions.

Workflow Diagram

Workflow elements

Represents a user's report of the content. Contains the following information:

  • Reporter
  • Reportable (the reported object)
  • Reason
  • Category
  • Decision if it exists

It triggers notification for the Moderators if they exist, otherwise Admins

Represents moderation decision taken by the Moderators, favour or cleared kinds. Contains the following information:

  • Creator
  • Reason
  • Kind

It triggers notification for the Creator and the Offender if the kind is favour.

Represents the Offender's appeal if they need a place to clarify why the decision was wrong. Contains the following information:

  • Creator
  • Reason
  • Decision

It triggers notification for the Moderators if they exist, otherwise Admins

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