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Cloud uploader

Manuel Schnitzer edited this page Mar 9, 2018 · 6 revisions


Frontend class diagram

In the frontend we store Cloud::EC2::Configuration which holds the user external ID and ARN. For every upload the user trigger, we store an EC2::User::UploadJob object which only stores the backend id. This is necessary as the backend has no user concept and we need to query the backend for e.g. all user upload jobs.



The users will obtain an external ID (automatically created and unique) and the OBS account ID to create an Identity and Access Management (IAM) role. After the user created the role, he needs to provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to OBS which stores it in Cloud::EC2::Configuration. OBS will use the ARN to obtain temporary credentials for the users account to upload the appliance. The ARN and the external ID are not considered as a secret.

Third party workflow AWS

The whole workflow is described in the AWS documentation.


  • aws CLI to obtain the temporary credentials
  • ec2uploadimg to execute the actual upload job


The configurations are stored in /etc/obs/cloudupload (the clouduploader home directory). In this directory is a .ec2utils.conf which contains e.g. the helper instance AMIs. In /.aws/credentials are the AWS credentials of the OBS account stored.



The job triggers the /usr/bin/clouduploader script. It will trigger the script with the following parameters:


e.g. ec2


The path of the downloaded image file e.g. /srv/obs/cloudupload/42.file.


The path of the additional JSON encoded data provided by the frontend. This is the data we send as POST data which the backend dumps into a file. For EC2 for instance it contains the external_id and the ARN. See backend section for an example of the post data.


The filename of the appliance

The script gets started in a subdirectory of /srv/obs/cloudupload/ e.g. /srv/obs/cloudupload/42. As image is stored outside of this directory as e.g. 42.file we need to link it into this directory with the actual filename (FileUtils.ln_s(image_path, File.join(Dir.pwd, filename))). This is necessary as otherwise ec2uploadimg does not know how to handle the appliance (fileextension got removed by copy it over to the uploader).


API call:

POST /cloudupload?

The target is the target platform, valid values are: ec2. As body it will accept JSON data which will be provided to the upload script.

For EC2 it is:

  'arn':         'amazon resource name', # stored in Cloud::Ec2::Configuration
  'external_id': 'external_id',          # stored in Cloud::Ec2::Configuration
  'region':      'us-east-1'

The body data will be available to the uploader script as a file input.


The return of the POST is a xml data, like this:

<clouduploadjob name="6">
  <details>waiting to receive image</details>

The job id is returned in the name attribute and will be stored in Cloud::User::UploadJob.

The UploadJob can have the following states:

  created          # job was just created
  receiving        # the image is transfered to the upload server
  scheduled        # ready for upload, waiting for free slot
  uploading        # upload in progress
  succeeded        # upload is done
  failed           # upload did not work

The upload scripts are currently called with the following arguments:

<user> <target> <upload_file> <targetdata> <logfile>

The file contains the body of the POST. The upload script is located here: /usr/lib/obs/server/clouduploader. To get to know how these scripts work, please have a look at the according wiki pages.

Get list of upload jobs

API call:

GET /cloudupload?name=job_id&name=job_id...


  <clouduploadjob name="2">
  <clouduploadjob name="3">

Get upload log of a single upload job

API call:

GET /cloudupload/<job>/_log


The log file of the upload job.

Remove single upload job

API call:

POST /cloudupload/<job>

with POST data command=kill


  • The upload job exists

Kills the upload job and return the status xml of the job (see GET /cloudupload?name=job_id).

  • The upload job does not exist

The backend will response with a 404.

Note: For now the backend will only kill the running job, there will be no cleanup in the cloud (e.g. stopping of running helper instances) neither will the backend delete the files on the backend. The frontend will also keep the Cloud::User::UploadJobs as history in the database.

Get the SSL public key from the cloud server for encryption

This key is being used to encrypt sensitive data in our database. In case of a security breach in the frontend, attackers can only steal encrypted data because they don't have access to the secret key.

API call:


GET /cloudupload/_pubkey


The armored public key

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