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Review apps

Henne Vogelsang edited this page Oct 18, 2022 · 3 revisions

Review apps run the code in any GitHub pull request in a new container. Review apps each have a unique URL you can share, making them a great way to propose, test, and merge changes to your code base. Especially when doing visual changes or changing a workflow, creating a review app is recommended.

How to

  1. Go to the pull request and add the review-app label
  2. Wait a few minutes (up to 5 min) until a comment with the URL gets created selection_026
  3. Surf to the URL. Until the app is reachable it can take additional few minutes as the container needs to be build etc. If you get a 404/400 from Traefik, just wait a few more minutes until you try again.


Our review apps run on which is reachable via SSH inside the openSUSE Heroes network. The code is based on the simple_review_app gem. All the configuration code is located in the obs-review-apps repository. If there is a bug, send a PR (@hennevogel should be Admin).

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