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[Levelbuilder] Scripts: Creation and Publishing

Ha Nguyen edited this page Apr 25, 2019 · 3 revisions


What are Scripts?

Scripts serve many different purposes across all curricula, but in general scripts are used to create stages within courses. A stage is associated with a lesson, this holds all of the levels for this lesson.

NOTE: You must have a levelbuilder account in order to access, create, and use scripts

URIs You Need to Know

There's a few important URIs you're going to need to know if you're going to work with scripts

Access All Scripts:


Access an Individual Script:

/s/[script or stage name]

Make a New Script:


Edit the Script:


Making a Script

  1. Logged-in to levelbuilder, go to A blank script will pop up, ready for details.

  2. Give the script a good, descriptive name. Make sure to use only lowercase letters and hyphens. This is required.

Do This Not This
coursea-2018 courseA 2018
  1. Edit your script with the script editor

Fill in the other fields as you see fit. Make sure you don't mark"Visible in Teacher Dashboard" until the script is ready to go live.

There are tons of different options in the script editor, learn more about what they do here: [link]

Stages and Levels

If you have levels to add to this script at this, you can add them now. Refer to the next section of this document, Populating a Script, if that's the case.

If not, feel free to leave this area blank. You can always come back to it.

  1. Click "Save Changes". Congrats, you've made a script!

Populating a Script

As you start building your puzzles, you will want to add them to your script. To do so, there are two fundamental pieces and lots of variations.

Under "Stages and Levels" you will see a giant text box. This is where you define the stage names (lesson names) and levels (puzzles) that belong to them.

Using this example:

stage 'Programming in Artist', flex_category: 'csf_e_1'

level 'courseC_video_artist_2018'

level 'courseC_artist_prog1_2018'

level 'courseC_artist_prog2_2018'

level 'courseC_artist_prog3_2018'

level 'courseC_artist_prog4_2018'

level 'courseC_artist_prog5_2018'

level 'courseC_artist_prog6_2018'

level 'courseC_artist_prog7_2018', challenge: true

level 'courseC_artist_prog8_2018'

level 'courseC_artist_prog6_predict1_2018'

bonus 'courseC_artist_prog_challenge1_2018'

bonus 'courseC_artist_prog_challenge2a_2018'

Stage : The lesson name that all of the puzzles for that stage will be kept beneath

Level: The level ID of the puzzle in levelbuilder

Bonus : Optional puzzles that show up at the end of a stage

Flex_category : Optional tag used when the course is broken up into distinct named modules. You cannot create a new flex_category without the help of an engineer.

Challenge : Tagging a puzzle as intentionally hard and allowed to be skippable

Publishing a Script

When your script is ready to go live, check the "Visible in Teacher Dashboard" box and save. This will make the course available in the teacher dropdown, but will not automatically connect the lesson plans. To do that, refer to the Curriculum Care and Feeding doc.

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