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Robin Dunlop edited this page Jul 20, 2014 · 6 revisions

Receiving of Registration information is the primary goal.

When a new user arrives at the registration website, they will be required to sign-up for an account before they are able to see any of the details of activities/etc.

For this reason, it is recommended that a separate website be used to communicate the details of the convention, and for promotion purposes. Then, when a user decides that they want to attend the convention, they can be directed to sign up at the Unicycling Registration page.

Why require sign-up

Requiring every user to have a Verified Email address addresses the following problems:

  • Needing to contact users during the pre-convention period (for changes, requesting information, etc) ** Certain actions also cause e-mails to be sent to the user (e.g. Payment, Request for Access to their details)
  • Preventing automatic spam-bot from polluting our data
  • Provides an "Account" which can then be used to let the user modify their registration securely in the future

Registration Options

Once a Registrant has signed up, and has verified their e-mail address, they will be presented with the "Create New Competitor" / "Create New Non-Competitor" choice.

This is the first important decision, because only Competitors can sign up for Events.

The page also lists the different tiers of pricing for Competitors and Non-Competitors (as we near the date of the Convention, the price generally increases).

Registration Information

When a user chooses to "Create New Competitor" or "Create New Non-Competitor", they will be presented with a form to fill out:

  • Basic Personal Details (Name, Date-of-Birth)
  • Contact Details (Address)
  • Emergency Contact (Who to call in case of an emergency)
  • Parent/Guardian (Required for any people under 18 years old)

Competitor Registration

When creating a "New Competitor", the user will also be able to choose Events, Categories, and details that they plan on competing in. These events/categories/options are configured by the Convention-Administrator, and thus will change from year-to-year.

Online Registration Closed

Online Registration is usually configured to close a few weeks before the convention begins. Once this happens, users will be able to view their details and events, but will no longer be able to modify any chosen events, or pay for any expense items.

This is done in order to give the organizers time to create start-lists, adjust age-groups based on the signed-up participants, schedule the events based on the number of participants, and make orders of items (T-Shirts, dinners, etc).

Administrators still have the ability to make changes after registration is closed.

On-Site Registration changes

In order to allow registrants to change their details on-site, two features exist.

Configure "Authorized" computers

As an administrator, go to the Manage -> Authorized Laptops page, and read the current-day access code.

On a different laptop, go to /permissions/acl and enter the access code.

Any user which logs in using this laptop will now be able to add/remove/change details of their registration and make online payments (as if Online Registration were not closed).

Log in using an "Access Code"

Each Registrant#Summary page has an "access code" printed in the top-right corner of the page.

This code can be used to log into the system using /permissions/code. (a link to this appears when the laptop is configured to be an "Authorized Laptop"

Enter the Registrant ID, and the Code, and they will be logged in, with the ability to Edit/print/change the registrant and make online payments for this user.