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PIP 72: Introduce Pulsar Interface Taxonomy: Audience and Stability Classification

Sijie Guo edited this page Nov 11, 2020 · 3 revisions
  • Status: Proposal
  • Author: Sijie Guo
  • Pull Request:
  • Mailing List discussion:
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The whole Pulsar project has so many different interfaces. There was no clear way to define the audience and the stability of interfaces.

The proposal is to introduce an interface taxonomy classification, which is used to guide a developer to declare the targeted audience or users of an interface and also its stability.

  • Benefits to the user of an interface: Knows which interfaces to use or not use and their stability.
  • Benefits to the developer: to prevent accidental changes of interfaces and hence accidental impact on users or other components or systems. This is particularly useful in large systems with many developers who may not all have a shared state/history of the project.

Interface Classification

This PIP proposes adopting the following interface classification, this classification was derived from the BookKeeper taxonomy. Interfaces have two main attributes: Audience and Stability.


Audience denotes the potential consumers of the interface. While many interfaces are internal/private to the implementation, others are public/external interfaces that are meant for wider consumption by applications and/or clients. For example, in POSIX, libc is an external or public interface, while large parts of the kernel are internal or private interfaces. Also, some interfaces are targeted towards other specific subsystems.

Identifying the audience of an interface helps define the impact of breaking it. For instance, it might be okay to break the compatibility of an interface whose audience is a small number of specific subsystems. On the other hand, it is probably not okay to break a protocol interface that millions of Internet users depend on.

Pulsar uses the following kinds of audience in order of increasing/wider visibility:

Pulsar doesn’t have a Company-Private classification, which is meant for APIs which are intended to be used by other projects within the company, since it doesn’t apply to opensource projects. Also, certain APIs are annotated as @VisibleForTesting (from .annotations.VisibleForTesting) - these are meant to be used strictly for unit tests and should be treated as “Private” APIs.


A Private interface is for internal use within the project (such as Functions or SQL) and should not be used by applications or by other projects. Most interfaces of a project are Private (also referred to as project-private). Unless an interface is intentionally exposed for external consumption, it should be marked Private.


A Limited-Private interface is used by a specified set of projects or systems (typically closely related projects. for example, KoP, AoP, and etc). Other projects or systems should not use the interface. Changes to the interface will be communicated/negotiated with the specified projects.


A Public interface is for general use by any application.

Change Compatibility

Changes to an API fall into two broad categories: compatible and incompatible. A compatible change is a change that meets the following criteria:

  • no existing capabilities are removed,
  • no existing capabilities are modified in a way that prevents their use by clients that were constructed to use the interface prior to the change, and
  • no capabilities are added that require changes to clients that were constructed to use the interface prior to the change.

Any change that does not meet these three criteria is an incompatible change. Stated simply a compatible change will not break existing clients. These examples are compatible changes:

  • adding a method to a Java class,
  • adding an optional parameter to a RESTful web service, or
  • making the audience annotation of an interface broader (e.g. from Private to Public) or the change compatibility annotation more restrictive (e.g. from Evolving to Stable)

These examples are incompatible changes:

  • removing a method from a Java class,
  • adding a non-default method to a Java interface,
  • adding a required parameter to a RESTful web service, or
  • renaming a field in a JSON document.
  • making the audience annotation of an interface less broad (e.g. from Public to Limited Private) or the change compatibility annotation more restrictive (e.g. from Evolving to Unstable)


Stability denotes how stable an interface is and when compatible and incompatible changes to the interface are allowed. Pulsar APIs have the following levels of stability.


A Stable interface is exposed as a preferred means of communication. A Stable interface is expected not to change incompatibly within a major release and hence serves as a safe development target. A Stable interface may evolve compatibly between minor releases.

Incompatible changes allowed: major (X.0.0) Compatible changes allowed: maintenance (x.y.Z)


An Evolving interface is typically exposed so that users or external code can make use of a feature before it has stabilized. The expectation that an interface should “eventually” stabilize and be promoted to Stable, however, is not a requirement for the interface to be labeled as Evolving.

Incompatible changes are allowed for the Evolving interface only at minor releases.

Incompatible changes allowed: minor (x.Y.0) Compatible changes allowed: maintenance (x.y.Z)


An Unstable interface is one for which no compatibility guarantees are made. An Unstable interface is not necessarily unstable. An unstable interface is typically exposed because a user or external code needs to access an interface that is not intended for consumption. The interface is exposed as an Unstable interface to state clearly that even though the interface is exposed, it is not the preferred access path, and no compatibility guarantees are made for it.

Unless there is a reason to offer a compatibility guarantee on an interface, whether it is exposed or not, it should be labeled as Unstable. Private interfaces also should be Unstable in most cases.

Incompatible changes to Unstable interfaces are allowed at any time.

Incompatible changes allowed: maintenance (x.y.Z) Compatible changes allowed: maintenance (x.y.Z)


A Deprecated interface could potentially be removed in the future and should not be used. Even so, a Deprecated interface will continue to function until it is removed. When a Deprecated interface can be removed depends on whether it is also Stable, Evolving, or Unstable.

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