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PIP 12: Introduce builder for creating Producer Consumer Reader

Sijie Guo edited this page Jul 26, 2018 · 2 revisions
  • Status: Implemented
  • Author: Matteo Merli
  • Pull Request: #1089
  • Mailing List discussion:


The current client API is using a mix of configuration object and "builder" pattern.

Client, Producer, Consumer and Reader objects are created by passing an optional ClientConfiguration (ProducerConfiguration, ..) object. If that is not passed, all the default options are being used (same as passing new ClientConfiguration()).

For example:

ClientConfiguration conf = new ClientConfiguration();
PulsarClient client = PulsarClient.create("pulsar://localhost:6650", conf);

On the contrary, when building a message to be published, we are following the builder pattern:

Message msg = MessageBuilder.create().setPayload(myPayload).build();

The main problem with the configuration objects is that they need a lot of methods to be used. For example, we have multiple methods for creating a producer, depending on wether they accept a conf parameter or wether they are sync or async:

Producer createProducer(String topic);
CompletableFuture<Producer> createProducerAsync(String topic);

Producer createProducer(String topic,
              ProducerConfiguration conf);
CompletableFuture<Producer> createProducerAsync(
              String topic, ProducerConfiguration conf);

With that, we have 4 variations for creating a Producer, 4 for a Consumer and 4 for a Reader.

If we want to add different ways to subscribe, for example subscribing to a set of topics at once, or by specifying a regular expression matching multiple topics, the number of methods in the PulsarClient API will just explode, making it very difficult for people to navigate.

The same problem we would have for adding a type information at the API level, since some of the information included in the configuration might be typed as well (eg: the MessageListener on a Consumer is set on the ConsumerConfiguration but that would be depending on the "type" of the message).


This proposal is to introduce builder style constructors for Producer, Consumer, Reader and also PulsarClient to have consistency across the board.

interface PulsarClient {
    public static ClientBuilder builder() {
       return new ClientBuilderImpl();

    ProducerBuilder newProducer();
    ConsumerBuilder newConsumer();
    ReaderBuilder newReader();

    // All other methods will be deprecated in 2.0
    // and possibly removed in following versions

Another design choice made here is not treat the required arguments in a a special way.

For example, when creating a Producer, the "topic" name is a required information and that's why the previous API was differentiating it from the optional configs:

client.createProducer(topic, conf);

with the builder, topic will have to be set on the builder and its presence will be validated when we try to convert the builder into a proper Producer.


Producer producer = client.newProducer()
        .sendTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)


CompletableFuture<Producer> future = client.newProducer()


Consumer consumer = client.newConsumer()

or asynchronously:

CompletableFuture<Consumer> consumer = client.newConsumer()

When subscribing to a set of topics, this could be expressed as:

Consumer consumer = client.newConsumer()

or to a regex matching multiple topics:

Consumer consumer = client.newConsumer()

Type information

When augmenting the API with the schema information, we could add the Schema before getting the builder instance.

The reason for that is to have a "typed" builder that will create a typed Producer/Consumer.

For that, the end result might look like:

// No type info specified
Producer<byte[]> producer = client.newProducer()

// Schema provided
Producer<MyClass> producer = client


The only disadvantage with the new notation is that it makes the minimal example of code sligtly longer.

PulsarClient pulsarClient = PulsarClient.create("http://localhost:6650");

Producer producer = pulsarClient.createProducer("persistent://my-property/use/my-ns/my-topic");

With this proposal, it would become:

PulsarClient client = PulsarClient.builder()

Producer producer = client.newProducer()

The positive side is that it will make it more intuitive to switch from the minimal example code to changing configuration options.

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