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PIP 49: Permission levels and inheritance

冉小龙 edited this page Nov 11, 2019 · 4 revisions


The current pulsar admin's permission mechanism is somewhat confusing. There are some commands that have unreasonable permission verification, which causes pulsar's permission management to be incorrectly applied in pulsar admin.

This PIP proposes the following permission changes for each admin API.


Command Current Permissions Proposed Permissions
get super-user super-user
create super-user super-user
update super-user super-user
delete super-user super-user
list super-user super-user
update-peer-clusters super-user super-user
get-peer-clusters super-user super-user
get-failure-domain super-user super-user
create-failure-domain super-user super-user
update-failure-domain super-user super-user
delete-failure-domain super-user super-user
list-failure-domain super-user super-user


Command Current Permissions Proposed Permissions
list super-user super-user
namespaces super-user super-user
update-dynamic-config super-user super-user
delete-dynamic-config super-user super-user
list-dynamic-config super-user super-user
get-all-dynamic-config super-user super-user
get-internal-config super-user super-user
get-runtime-config super-user super-user
healthcheck super-user super-user


Command Current Permissions Proposed Permissions
monitoring-metrics super-user super-user
mbeans super-user super-user
topics super-user super-user
allocator-stats super-user super-user
load-report super-user super-user


Command Current Permissions Proposed Permissions
function-stats super-user super-user
monitoring-metrics super-user super-user
get-cluster super-user super-user
get-cluster-leader super-user super-user
get-function-assignments super-user super-user


Command Current Permissions Proposed Permissions
get super-user super-user
set super-user super-user
reset-namespace-bundle-quota super-user super-user


Command Current Permissions Proposed Permissions
get super-user super-user
set super-user super-user
list super-user super-user
delete super-user super-user
brokers super-user super-user
broker super-user super-user


Command Current Permissions Proposed Permissions
get super-user super-user
create super-user super user
update super-user super user
delete super-user super user
list super-user super user


Command Current Permissions Proposed Permissions
get tenant admin super user and tenant admin and produce
upload tenant admin super user and tenant admin and produce
extract tenant admin super user and tenant admin and produce
delete tenant admin super user and tenant admin and produce


Command Current Permissions Proposed Permissions
localrun none none
create super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
delete super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
update super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
get super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
restart super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
stop super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
start super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
status super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
stats super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
list super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
querystate super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
trigger super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
putstate super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function


Command Current Permissions Proposed Permissions
localrun none none
create super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
delete super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
update super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
get none super-user and tenant admin and function
status super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
stop super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
start super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
list super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
restart super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function


Command Current Permissions Proposed Permissions
localrun none none
create super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
delete super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
update super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
get none super-user and tenant admin and function
status super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
stop super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
start super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
list super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function
restart super-user and tenant admin and function super-user and tenant admin and function


Command Current Permissions Proposed Permissions
compact tenant admin super user and tenant admin
compaction-status tenant admin super user and tenant admin
offload tenant admin super user and tenant admin
offload-status tenant admin super user and tenant admin
create-partitioned-topic tenant admin super user and tenant admin
delete-partitioned-topic tenant admin super user and tenant admin
create tenant admin super user and tenant admin
get-partitioned-topic-metadata tenant admin super user and tenant admin and produce and consume
update-partitioned-topic tenant admin super user and tenant admin
list tenant admin super user and tenant admin
terminate tenant admin super user and tenant admin
permissions tenant admin super user and tenant admin
grant-permission tenant admin super user and tenant admin
revoke-permission tenant admin super user and tenant admin
lookup produce or consume super user and tenant admin and produce and consume
bundle-range super-user super user
delete tenant admin super user and tenant admin
unload super-user super user
create-subscription tenant admin super user and tenant admin and consume
stats tenant admin super user and tenant admin and produce and consume
stats-internal tenant admin super user and tenant admin and produce and consume
info-internal tenant admin super user and tenant admin and produce and consume
partitioned-stats tenant admin super user and tenant admin and produce and consume
skip-all tenant admin super user and tenant admin
expire-messages-all-subscriptions tenant admin super user and tenant admin
last-message-id tenant admin super user and tenant admin
create-subscription tenant admin and namespace produce or consume super user and tenant admin and produce and consume
unsubscribe tenant admin and consume super user and tenant admin and consume
skip tenant admin or consume super user and tenant admin and consume
expire-messages tenant admin and produce or consume super user and tenant admin and consume
peek-messages tenant admin and produce or consume super user and tenant admin and consume
reset-cursor tenant admin and produce or consume super user and tenant admin and consume
subscriptions tenant admin and produce or consume super user and tenant admin and consume


Command Current Permissions Proposed Permissions
list tenant admin super user and tenant admin
topics tenant admin super user and tenant admin
policies tenant admin super user and tenant admin
create tenant admin super user and tenant admin
delete tenant admin super user and tenant admin
set-deduplication tenant admin super user and tenant admin
permissions tenant admin super user and tenant admin
grant-permissions tenant admin super user and tenant admin
revoke-permissions tenant admin super user and tenant admin
grant-subscription-permission tenant admin super user and tenant admin
revoke-subscription-permission tenant admin super user and tenant admin
set-clusters tenant admin super user and tenant admin
get-clusters tenant admin super user and tenant admin
get-backlog-quotas tenant admin super user and tenant admin
set-backlog-quota tenant admin super user and tenant admin
remove-backlog-quota tenant admin super user and tenant admin
get-persistence tenant admin super user and tenant admin
get-backlog-quotas tenant admin super user and tenant admin
set-backlog-quota tenant admin super user and tenant admin
remove-backlog-quota tenant admin super user and tenant admin
get-persistence tenant admin super user and tenant admin
set-persistence tenant admin super user and tenant admin
get-message-ttl tenant admin super user and tenant admin
set-message-ttl tenant admin super user and tenant admin
get-anti-affinity-group tenant admin super user and tenant admin
set-anti-affinity-group tenant admin super user and tenant admin
delete-anti-affinity-group tenant admin super user and tenant admin
get-anti-affinity-namespaces tenant admin super user and tenant admin
get-retention tenant admin super user and tenant admin
set-retention tenant admin super user and tenant admin
unload super-user super user
set-replicator-dispatch-rate super-user super user
get-replicator-dispatch-rate tenant admin super user and tenant admin
split-bundle super-user super user
set-dispatch-rate super-user super user
get-dispatch-rate tenant admin super user and tenant admin
get-subscribe-rate tenant admin super user and tenant admin
set-subscribe-rate super-user super user
set-subscription-dispatch-rate super-user super user
get-subscription-dispatch-rate tenant admin super user and tenant admin
clear-backlog tenant admin super user and tenant admin
unsubscribe tenant admin super user and tenant admin
set-encryption-required tenant admin super user and tenant admin
set-subscription-auth-mode tenant admin super user and tenant admin
get-max-producers-per-topic tenant admin super user and tenant admin
set-max-producers-per-topic super-user super user
get-max-consumers-per-topic tenant admin super user and tenant admin
set-max-consumers-per-topic super-user super user
get-max-consumers-per-subscription tenant admin super user and tenant admin
get-compaction-threshold tenant admin super user and tenant admin
get-offload-threshold tenant admin super user and tenant admin
get-offload-deletion-lag tenant admin super user and tenant admin
get-schema-autoupdate-strategy tenant admin super user and tenant admin
get-schema-validation-enforced tenant admin super user and tenant admin
set-schema-autoupdate-strategy super-user super user
set-schema-validation-enforced super-user super user
set-offload-deletion-lag super-user super user
clear-offload-deletion-lag super-user super user
set-offload-threshold super-user super user
set-compaction-threshold super-user super user
set-max-consumers-per-subscription super-user super user
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