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Orlix edited this page Apr 28, 2022 · 1 revision

Velero Roadmap

About this document

This document provides a link to the Velero Project boards that serves as the up to date description of items that are in the release pipeline. The release boards have separate swim lanes based on prioritization. Most items are gathered from the community or include a feedback loop with the community. This should serve as a reference point for Velero users and contributors to understand where the project is heading, and help determine if a contribution could be conflicting with a longer term plan.

How to help?

Discussion on the roadmap can take place in threads under Issues or in community meetings. Please open and comment on an issue if you want to provide suggestions, use cases, and feedback to an item in the roadmap. Please review the roadmap to avoid potential duplicated effort.

How to add an item to the roadmap?

One of the most important aspects in any open source community is the concept of proposals. Large changes to the codebase and / or new features should be preceded by a proposal in our repo. For smaller enhancements, you can open an issue to track that initiative or feature request. We work with and rely on community feedback to focus our efforts to improve Velero and maintain a healthy roadmap. If you don't know where to start, we are always looking for contributors that will help us reduce technical, automation, and documentation debt. Please take the timelines & dates as proposals and goals. Priorities and requirements change based on community feedback, roadblocks encountered, community contributions, etc. If you depend on a specific item, we encourage you to attend community meetings to get updated status information, or help us deliver that feature by contributing to Velero.