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Archived 1.9 Roadmap

Daniel Jiang edited this page Mar 8, 2023 · 1 revision

1.9 timeline is below.
FC: 22 May 2022
RC1: 15 Jun 2022
RC2: 20 Jun 2022
GA: 23 Jun 2022

If you have opinions on particular items, please give us feedback here.

Priority Github Description Notes Status Docs needed?
P0 3229 Add a new data movement layer to Velero's architecture Existing design doc may be rethought. Goal for 1.9 is to finish investigation/design doc. Unless there are additional dependencies, we expect to begin work on this in 1.10. WIP discussion doc: Part-1 4768 Will continue remaining part in 1.10. no
P0 4649 Investigate bringing the CSI plugin to GA, likely just for AWS and Azure at first Done TBD, awaiting finalized decision of GA criteria
P0 3533 Upload Progress (Itemshotter plugin) Dave has made some update to the PR, we'll review them Move to 1.10 yes, the same detail level as other plugin kinds
P0 4541 Carvel packaging for vSphere install Done no
P0 4537 Improve Velero testing Done no
P0 4540 Kubebuilder tech debt Trace controller migration to kubebuilder Done no
P0 4405 Provide API support for getting Velero server configuration status and errors Done TBD, awaiting response from devs
P0 4569 Clarify how the status of a BSL is updated Done no
P0 4463 Backup Storage Location controller may reconcile one item multiple times in a single period Done No
P0 4150 (Done), 2167 (Done), 4151 (Done), 3154 (Done), 3118 - P1 (Done), 3136 - P1 (Done) Improve Velero docs (requiring engineering input) Done Yes. Abbie to follow up in issues
P0 1712 (Done), 1919 (Done), 2134 (Done), 4483 (Done), 4245 (Done), 3806 (Done), 4500 (Done), 4642 (Done), 4571 (Done) Improve Velero docs (not requiring engineering input) Done Yes
P1 3094 Removal of expired backups does not work Done No
P1 4485 The status of BSL isn't updated after updating the credential to an invalid one on Azure Done TBD, waiting response from devs
P1 4116 Provide guidance on Velero performance and resource limits Done yes
P1 4080 error fetching v1beta1 version of Done no
P1 4538 Investigate Kopia Benefits include getting incrementals for vSphere, ability to move away from restic, and perhaps encryption at rest, comparison doc: Done No
P1 4842 existingResourcePolicy to Restore API design: Done Yes
P1 4843 multiple label selector support in backup design: Done Yes
P1 4820 Bump up Restic version to 0.13.1 and add insecureSkipTLSVerify for Restic CLI Done Yes
P2 4531 Update docs table of contents Yes
On hold 4111 Ignore items returned by ItemSnapshotter.AlsoHandles during backup Depends on upload progress (this may be wrong and we will clarify with Dave)