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Tree Considerations

Ben Anhalt edited this page Feb 28, 2013 · 1 revision

Tree Considerations

There are several data structures in Specify which have tree structure. E.g. Taxa, geography, storage locations. These structures are not easy to represent naturally in a relational database in a way that is both easy to update and easy to query.

The most natural representation is to link rows with self referential foreign keys to their parent rows. This has the advantage of being faithful to the intrinsic structure of the tree and makes adding and moving nodes and sub-trees easy. On the other hand, designing queries that match sub-trees, a common use case, is nontrivial with this representation.

The original solution was to embed global information about the structure of a tree locally in each node in the form of node numbers, which are constructed in such a way that all nodes in a sub-tree are related by having consecutive numbers. Thus, a sub-tree query becomes a range query.

The disadvantage of this approach is that it moves the complication from query time to update time. Whenever the tree structure is changed, non local updates must be performed to keep the information in the node numbers current. Where ease of updates is a priority over ease of queries, this approach is inappropriate. This has been the case for Harvard, and they have submitted a patch which removes the node numbers.

There is a way to square this circle. Simply put, the idea is to again locally capture information about the global structure of the tree proximate to each node in order to simplify queries, but to do so in a decoupled and asynchronous fashion so that the simplicity of updates is retained.

Instead of storing node numbers on each node, an ancillary table can be constructed with a one-to-one relationship to the tree. This table could be used to store node numbers, but a more transparent solution is to simply store a path from the tree's root to each related node. For this reason it makes sense to term such an accessory table a path cache.

How is this decoupling helpful? When a tree structure is to be mutated, the parent links can be simply updated to new values, so updates are as simple as in the sans node number regime. Following separation of concerns, the responsibility for maintaining the path cache is delegated to an encapsulated module which notices mutations of the tree and updates the cache accordingly. This update module can run asynchronously in a separate thread or process.

With the cache in place, sub-tree queries become even simpler than with node numbers. To find all descendants of a given target node, it suffices to find those nodes whose paths have the target node's path as a prefix, that is, with an SQL LIKE clause. The ancestors of a node are simply those whose ids are in the path of the target node.

To illustrate the feasibility of this approach I developed some proof-of-concept SQL that implements the functions of the update module. This code can be found here. In fact, the update module would need do little more than simply execute the given SQL (minus the create table operations) at a reasonable frequency. The queries are constructed to be tolerant to faults and concurrent redundant invocation. In the event of cache corruption, the decoupled nature of the solution admits the possibility of simply disposing of a cache and waiting for it to be repopulated.

Alternative implementation

Here is another way that the same idea could be accomplished that is simpler. It does away with the auxillary table, storing the path in the tree node itself, but keeps the independent asynchronous updater.

Suppose each tree table has added to it a Path column to store a CSV representation of the ids of all nodes on the path from the root to the node in question. Local discrepancies in the tree can be found by comparing each node's path to the path of its parent. If a inconsistent node is found and its path updated to reflect its parent, that will create discrepancies with its own children which can be detected in exactly the same way. Thus, repeated application of this process results in waves of updates which propagate leaf ward from any mutation in the tree. Moreover, it can be seen that the only stable state is one in which the paths are all consistent. Since the updates propagate in one direction only, induction guarantees consistency will obtain (barring circular paths!).

update taxon
left outer join taxon as parent on (taxon.ParentID = parent.TaxonID)
set   taxon.Path  = concat(ifnull(parent.Path, ''), taxon.TaxonID, ',')
where taxon.Path != concat(ifnull(parent.Path, ''), taxon.TaxonID, ',')
or taxon.Path is null;