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Path Enumeration Is Node Numbering

Ben Anhalt edited this page Feb 28, 2013 · 1 revision

The Deep Connection Between Node Numbers and Path Enumeration

To see how path enumeration is really just a generalization of node numbering, start by looking at the properties of the node numbering system.

  1. Each node in a tree has a nodeNumber attribute and a highestChildNodeNumber attribute.

  2. n.nodeNumber <= n.highestChildNodeNumber for any node, n.

  3. If node a is an ancestor of node n, then a.nodeNumber < n.nodeNumber and, a.highestChildNodeNumber >= n.highestChildNodeNumber.

  4. If node m and n have the same parent, then (without loss of generality) m.highestChildNodeNumber < n.nodeNumber. That is, the node number ranges of sibling nodes must be disjoint.

These properties are the only ones necessary to the functioning of the system. In particular, it is only the ordering on the numbers that matters. There is no requirement that there not be 'gaps'. For example, if a.nodeNumber = 10 there need not be a child c of a with c.nodeNumber = 11. Further, there is no need for the node numbers to be natural numbers or even integers.

The main problem with node numbers is that changes to the tree structure may result in re-numberings of nodes far from the subtree where the change occurs. This is because there has to be 'room' made for any new nodes in a subtree. Replacing integer node numbers with rationals obviates this problem since there is always 'room' for more rational numbers between any two other numbers.

Next, it is annoying that there is an asymmetry between the names nodeNumber and highestChildNodeNumber for what are basically two endpoints of an interval. The nodeNumber is just a lower bound, so call it simply lb. Similarly replace highestChildNodeNumber with ub.

So how does this work? Constructing an example is helpful. Start with a root node, life. It needs lb and ub values. Since there is no worry about having enough 'room' between them, = 0 and life.ub = 1 give a nice interval.

Now for some child nodes:

  • = 0.1; animal.ub = 0.19;
  • = 0.2; plant.ub = 0.29;
  • = 0.3; fungus.ub = 0.39;
  • etc.

The values don't matter as long as they make disjoint intervals and fall between 0 and 1.

Some animals:

  • = 0.11; invert.ub = 0.149;
  • = 0.15; vert.ub = 0.189;
  • etc.

And imagining farther down the tree:

  • = 0.13421; snails.ub = 0.134219;
  • = 0.121; worms.ub = 0.1219;
  • = 0.15652; dogs.ub = 0.15661;
  • = 0.18542; humans.ub = 0.185532;
  • etc.

Implementing this strategy in practice, a problem arises. Dividing up the intervals will eventually result in intervals narrower than any given floating point precision. The easiest way around that problem is to store the values in strings as their decimal expansions. Since there is no problem with introducing gaps, values can always be chosen that have non-repeating decimal expansions.

Notice that the intervals for the kingdom nodes are particularly nice. All animals will have decimal expansions that start out like 0.1*. Plants will start like 0.2*. If every node was sure to have nine or fewer children, the pattern could be replicated all the way down the tree. Subtree relationships would then correspond to prefix matches. Also, only the lower bound would be necessary since the upper bound could be obtained by simply appending a '9'.

Of course the limitation of nine children is entirely due to choosing a decimal expansion for the for fractions. A hexidecimal expansion would relax the limit to 15 children and still permit the nice prefix matching. On the other hand, there is no reason not to stick with decimal expansion but allocate two digits at each level of the tree allowing up to 99 children per node. The maximum number of children is utimately limited by the number of id values that are available for the primary key of node table. If the same number of digits comprising the maximum possible primary key is allocated in the node number at each level of the tree, then prefix matching can be used regardless of how many children are supported!

The next realization is that the zero-padded primary key can simply be used as the value of the decimal expansion at the portion allocated to the node's level of the tree. So a typical node number for a node with primary key pkM ends up looking like:


where pkN is the zero-padded primary key of the node at N-th level of the tree on the path from the root node.

The point of zero-padding the keys is to make them fixed width at each level of the tree to allow string prefix matching to be used in place of numeric comparison. For string matching, the 0. prefix common to all the values is superfluous and can be got rid of. Also, the only reason to zero-pad the primary key values is to keep the digits from each level of the tree from becoming mixed together. That can be done just as easily and more efficiently by placing some separator, like a comma, between them. When that is done node numbers have become path enumeration.