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Backup Strategie WordPress Installationen

Timo edited this page Apr 20, 2016 · 1 revision

All WordPress-Installations of SOZIALHELDEN are backupped via cronjob in two ways:

  1. Weekly backup Once a week (sundays beginning at 3 a.m. MEZ) all files and databases are saved to dropbox via Infinite WordPress.

  2. Daily backup There is also a daily backup at 2 a.m. MEZ that backups all databases to Dropbox via Infinite WP.

There are 3 backups saved in the Dropbox folder -> Apps -> InfiniteWP -> Name of project. The URL can be found in 1Password team vault "All Passwords" in an encrypted note named "Backup-Ordner WordPress" which is accessible to Holger, Raul and myself.

Backups can simply be restored via cPanel.