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Migration Guide 3.11

Roberto Cortez edited this page May 10, 2024 · 4 revisions

We highly recommend the use of quarkus update to update to a new version of Quarkus.

Items marked below with ⚙️ ✅ are automatically handled by quarkus update.


Removed deprecated ProfileManager#getActiveProfile and ProfilaManger. The ProfileManager could not handle multiple profiles, added in Quarkus 2.16. To retrieve the active profile, please use io.quarkus.runtime.configuration.ConfigUtils#getProfiles. The configuration name used to retrieve the Quarkus profile cannot be appropriately determined by a simple constant definition (as it was in ProfileManager); if you need it, please use LaunchMode.current().getProfileKey().

JPA / Hibernate ORM

Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 6.5

The Quarkus extensions for Hibernate ORM was upgraded to Hibernate ORM 6.5.

Hibernate ORM 6.5 is largely backwards-compatible with Hibernate ORM 6.4, but a few checks have been tightened, so applications with incorrect configuration, mapping, or queries may now throw exceptions where they used to experience only warnings and malfunctions.

See the Hibernate ORM 6.5 migration guide for more details.


Dev Services

The Elasticsearch/OpenSearch Dev Services now default to starting:

  • Elasticsearch 8.13, instead of 8.12 previously

  • OpenSearch 2.13, instead of 2.11 previously

To force the use of a specific distribution (Elasticsearch vs. OpenSearch) or version, configure the container image explicitly.

Webjar-locator extension renamed to Web-dependency-locator

The Webjar locator has been enhanced to include mvnpm, and importmaps. Since this is now more that just webjars, we renamed to reflect this. Read more about the webjar locator here