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2022 Issue Triage Reports

Daniel Agbemava edited this page Dec 30, 2022 · 23 revisions


Notable issues

  • [go_router] location does not update properly when .go() is called for more than two depth #117671

Old Issues receiving attention lately

No issues to report this week

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 113, closed 37 (32.74%).

In total closed 78 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 19.2%
Fixed 30.8%
Invalid 43.6%
Solved 6.41%

Issues closed due to inactivity: 21


New website issues triaged 8, closed 0 (0%)

In total closed 7 issue during the week

Reason for closing
Fixed 100%


No issues triaged during the week


No issues triaged during the week


New Flutterfire issues triaged 12, closed 3 (25%).

In total closed 25 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 10.5%
fixed 31.6%
invalid 10.5%
no-response 26.3%
solution-provided 15.8%
user issue 5.3%


Notable issues

No notable issues this week

Old Issues receiving attention lately

No notable issues this week

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 143, closed 42 (29.37%).

In total closed 85 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 21.2%
Fixed 37.6%
Invalid 32.9%
Solved 8.2%

Issues closed due to inactivity: 34


New website issues triaged 2, closed 1 (50%)

In total closed 1 issue during the week

Reason for closing
Invalid 100%


New dart website issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%)

No issues closed during the week


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 3, closed 1 (33.33%).

In total closed 1 issue during the week

Reason for closing
Invalid 100%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 19, closed 3 (15.79%).

In total closed 18 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
fixed 5.56%
invalid 27.78%
no-response 38.89%
solution-provided 16.67%
user issue 11.11%


Notable issues

No notable issues this week

Old Issues receiving attention lately

  • Android crash: Fatal Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/system/framework/android.test.runner.jar", zip file "/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar"........ #83596

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 157, closed 49 (31.21%).

In total closed 108 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 22.2%
Fixed 35.2%
Invalid 32.4%
Solved 10.2%

Issues closed due to inactivity: 22


New website issues triaged 7, closed 2 (28.57%)

In total closed 2 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Duplicate 50%
Invalid 50%


New dart website issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%)

No issues closed during the week


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0.0%).

In total closed 2 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Duplicate 50%
Solved 50%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 23, closed 4 (17.39%).

In total closed 11 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 27.27%
fixed 18.18%
invalid 9.09%
no-response 36.36%
user issue 9.09%


Notable issues

  • Access violation in flutter_windows.dll when calling FlutterEngine::Run #116753

Old Issues receiving attention lately

  • [camera] Android 13 crash when initializing camera - This issue has been getting a bit of traction recently and as per Play Store guidelines, apps should target API 33 by August 2023. This issue prevents apps using camera to update their targetSdk to 33 #109769

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 157, closed 55 (35.03%).

In total closed 114 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 23.7%
Fixed 29.8%
Invalid 33.3%
Solved 13.2%

Issues closed due to inactivity: 28


New website issues triaged 4, closed 0 (0.00%)

In total closed 17 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Fixed 100%


New dart website issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%)

No issues closed during the week


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 6, closed 1 (16.67%).

In total closed 1 issue during the week

Reason for closing
Invalid 100%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 18, closed 3 (16.67%).

In total closed 16 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 6.25%
fixed 37.50%
invalid 12.50%
no-response 31.25%
solution-provided 12.50%


Notable issues

No major issues to report this week.

Old Issues receiving attention lately

No issues to report this week

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 146, closed 63 (43.15%).

In total closed 120 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 32.50%
Fixed 30.83%
Invalid 30.83%
Solved 5.83%

Issues closed due to inactivity: 42


New website issues triaged 7, closed 1 (14.29%)

In total closed 2 issue during the week

Reason for closing
Fixed 50%
Duplicate 50%


New dart website issues triaged 1, closed 0 (0%)

No issues closed during the week


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 4, closed 1 (25%).

In total closed 1 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Invalid 100%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 21, closed 4 (19.05%).

In total closed 25 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 8%
fixed 44%
invalid 8%
no-response 20%
solution-provided 16%
user issue 4%


Notable issues

  • [go_router] Navigating back does not update router location since go_router 5.2.0 #115832
  • [go_router] 5.2.0 push doesn't update the URL anymore. #115962
  • Flutter 3.4.0+ regression in code coverage computation #115719

Old Issues receiving attention lately

No issues to report this week

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 170, closed 66 (38.24%).

In total closed 124 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 23.4%
Fixed 32.3%
Invalid 33.9%
Solved 10.5%

Issues closed due to inactivity: 34


No issues triaged during the week

In total closed 1 issue during the week

Reason for closing
Fixed 100%


No issues triaged during the week

No issues closed during the week


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 5, closed 1 (20%).

In total closed 4 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Invalid 75%
Solved 25%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 17, closed 7 (41.18%).

In total closed 21 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 14.29%
fixed 23.81%
invalid 28.57%
no-response 4.76%
solution-provided 23.81%
user issue 4.76%


Notable issues

No issues to report for this week

Old Issues receiving attention lately

No issues to report this week

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 176, closed 66 (37.5%).

In total closed 121 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 17.36%
Fixed 34.71%
Invalid 40.50%
Solved 7.44%

Issues closed due to inactivity: 27


New Flutter website issues triaged 2, closed 0 (0%).

In total closed 6 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Duplicate 66.7%
Invalid 33.3%


No issues triaged during the week

No issues closed during the week


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 2, closed 0 (0%).

No issues closed during the week


New Flutterfire issues triaged 22, closed 7 (31.82%).

In total closed 25 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 16%
fixed 36%
invalid 12%
no-response 8%
solution-provided 16%
user issue 12%


Notable issues

  • flutter upgrade fails on Windows/ARM because of locked cache folder #114753

Old Issues receiving attention lately

  • The following assertion was thrown running a test: 'package:flutter_test/src/binding.dart': Failed assertion: line 567 pos 14: '_pendingExceptionDetails != null' #34499

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 184, closed 81 (44.02%).

In total closed 145 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 27.6%
Fixed 25.5%
Invalid 35.9%
Solved 11.0%

Issues closed due to inactivity: 28


New Flutter website issues triaged 11, closed 1 (9.09%).

In total closed 2 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Duplicate 50%
Invalid 50%


No issues triaged during the week

In total 1 issue closed during the week

Reason for closing
Duplicate 100%


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 1, closed 0 (0%).

No issues closed during the week


New Flutterfire issues triaged 27, closed 5 (18.52%).

In total closed 22 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 27.27%
fixed 18.18%
invalid 9.09%
no-response 9.09%
solution-provided 18.18%
user issue 18.18%


Notable issues

  • [iOS] There is an error when typing Korean using the Chunjiin(Korean 10 key) keyboard #112369

Old Issues receiving attention lately

  • [web][regression] text autofill doesn't work #86497

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 177, closed 62 (35.03%).

In total closed 115 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 27.7%
Fixed 18.3%
Invalid 47.0%
Solved 13.0%

Issues closed due to inactivity: 31


New Flutter website issues triaged 8, closed 1 (12.5%).

In total closed 1 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Invalid 100%


No issues triaged during the week

No issues closed during the week


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 5, closed 1 (20%).

In total closed 2 issues during the week

Reason for closing
solved 100%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 29, closed 10 (34.48%).

In total closed 27 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 18.52%
fixed 22.22%
invalid 25.93%
no-response 7.41%
solution-provided 11.11%
user issue 11.11%
wontfix 3.70%


Notable issues

No major issues to report for this week

Old Issues receiving attention lately

No major issues to report this week

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 146, closed 55 (37.67%).

In total closed 92 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 27.17%
Fixed 28.26%
Invalid 38.04%
Solved 6.52%


New Flutter website issues triaged 3, closed 0 (%).

In total closed 1 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Fixed 100%


New Dart Websites Issues triage 1, closed 0 (0%)

No issues closed during the week


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 5, closed 2 (40%).

In total closed 2 issues during the week

Reason for closing
duplicate 100%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 25, closed 6 (24%).

In total closed 10 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 10%
invalid 30%
solution-provided 30%
user issue 30%


Notable issues

No major issues to report for this week

Old Issues receiving attention lately

  • [video_player] Better exception message on iOS devices if the video fails to play. #56665
  • [Android][Samsung]: Tapping on special characters button from virtual keyboard triggers CastError #97634

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 160, closed 67 (41.88%).

In total closed 137 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 21.2%
Fixed 24.1%
Invalid 29.2%
Solved 10.9%
Timeout 14.6%


New Flutter website issues triaged 8, closed 1 (12.5%).

In total closed 1 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Invalid 100%


New Dart Websites Issues triaged 1, closed 0 (0%)

No issues closed during the week


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 4, closed 0 (0%).

In total closed 2 issues during the week

Reason for closing
invalid 100%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 20, closed 8 (40%).

In total closed 39 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 2.56%
fixed 61.54%
invalid 15.38%
no-response 12.82%
solution-provided 2.56%
user issue 5.13%


Notable issues

Graphical glitches during scrolling on weak Android TV devices #113314

Old Issues receiving attention lately

No issues to report this week

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 161, closed 52 (32.3%).

In total closed 126 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 20.6%
Fixed 14.3%
Invalid 40.5%
Solved 11.1%
Timeout 13.5%


New Flutter website issues triaged 3, closed 0 (0%).

In total closed 2 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Fixed 100%


No issues triaged during the week

No issues closed during the week


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 1, closed 1 (100%).

In total closed 2 issues during the week

Reason for closing
duplicate 50%
solved 50%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 15, closed 4 (26.67%).

In total closed 14 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 7.14%
fixed 14.29%
invalid 21.43%
no-response 35.71%
solution-provided 14.29%
user issue 7.14%


Notable issues

No major issues to report this week

Old Issues receiving attention lately

No issues to report this week

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 156, closed 56 (35.9%).

In total closed 156 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 22.44%
Fixed 19.23%
Invalid 32.05%
Solved 9.62%
Timeout 16.67%


New Flutter website issues triaged 5, closed 0 (0%).

In total closed 1 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Fixed 100%


No issues triaged during the week

No issues closed during the week


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 4, closed 2 (50%).

In total closed 2 issues during the week

Reason for closing
duplicate 100%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 21, closed 7 (33.33%).

In total closed 16 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 12.5%
fixed 18.8%
invalid 25.0%
no-response 18.8%
solution-provided 12.5%
user issue 12.5%


Notable issues

No major issues to report this week

Old Issues receiving attention lately

No issues to report this week

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 170, closed 68 (40%).

In total closed 138 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 24.6%
Fixed 15.2%
Invalid 31.9%
Solved 10.1%
Timeout 18.1%


New Flutter website issues triaged 4, closed 1 (25%).

In total closed 7 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Fixed 71.4%
Invalid 28.6%


New Dart Website issues triaged 1, closed 0 (0%).

No issues closed during the week


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 1, closed 1 (100%).

In total closed 2 issues during the week

Reason for closing
solved 100%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 19, closed 7 (36.84%).

In total closed 34 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 2.94%
fixed 17.65%
invalid 14.71%
no-response 17,65%
solution-provided 20.59%
user issue 26.47%


Notable issues

  • [Stable 3.3+] Rendering issues (Artefacting / Half-rendered widgets) #111376

Old Issues receiving attention lately

No issues to report this week

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 195, closed 77 (39.49%).

In total closed 148 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 25.7%
Fixed 23.0%
Invalid 29.1%
Solved 11.5%
Timeout 10.8%


New Flutter website issues triaged 6, closed 0 (0%).

In total closed 9 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Fixed 88.9%
WontFix 11.1%


No issues triaged during the week

No issues closed during the week


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 4, closed 1 (25%).

In total closed 3 issues during the week

Reason for closing
solved 100%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 22, closed 6 (27.27%).

In total closed 17 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 17.65%
fixed 35.29%
invalid 11.76%
no-response 23.53%
solution-provided 5.88%
user issue 5.88%


Notable issues

  • Signing errors on iOS Pods in XCode 14 #111475
  • [iOS 16][video_player] Some videos only play audio with no video #111457
  • [iOS 16] Flutter apps crash when text and emoji are combined #111494

Old Issues receiving attention lately

No issues to report this week

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 175, closed 77 (44%).

In total closed 142 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 23.94%
Fixed 21.13%
Invalid 33.10%
Solved 8.45%
Timeout 13.38%


New Flutter website issues triaged 2, closed 0 (0%).

In total closed 7 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Fixed 71.4%
Invalid 14.3%
WontFix 14.3%


New Dart site issues triaged 2, closed 1 (50%).

In total closed 1 issue during the week

Reason for closing
duplicate 100%


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 5, closed 0 (0%).

No issues closed during the week


New Flutterfire issues triaged 31, closed 9 (29.03%).

In total closed 19 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 26.32%
fixed 26.32%
invalid 15.79%
no-response 15.79%
solution-provided 10.53%
user issue 5.26%


Notable issues

  • Flutter 3.3.0 Fatal Exception: java.lang.AssertionError: Unexpected masked action #111068
  • [camera] Android 13 crash when initializing camera #109769

Old Issues receiving attention lately

No issues to report this week.

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 169, closed 60 (35.5%).

In total closed 124 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 21.0%
Fixed 19.4%
Invalid 33.9%
Solved 10.5%
Timeout 15.3%


New Flutter website issues triaged 13, closed 4 (30.77%).

In total closed 21 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 4.76%
Fixed 76.19%
Invalid 19.05%


New Dart website issues triaged 1, closed 0.


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 5, closed 2 (40%).

In total closed 3 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 33.3%
Invalid 33.3%
Solved 33.3%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 24, closed 10 (41.67%).

In total closed 27 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 3.7%
Fixed 22.2%
Invalid 22.2%
No response 25.9%
Solution provided 22.2%
User issue 3.7%


Notable issues

  • Text anti-aliasing broken in Flutter 3.3.0 #110738
  • [Flutter 3.3+] App crashes when using CachedNetworkImage #110715
  • App crashes on latest versions when AnimatedContainer / Containerheight is set to 0 and throws uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Transformed points can't form a rect' #110671

Old issues receiving attention lately

No issues to report this week.

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 186, closed 71 (38.17%).

In total closed 115 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 33.91%
Fixed 21.74%
Invalid 25.22%
Solved 9.57%
Timeout 9.57%


New Flutter website issues triaged 5, closed 0 (0%).

In total closed 1 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Fixed 100%


New Dart site issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 3, closed 1 (33.33%).

Closed 1 issue during the week

Reason for closing
duplicate 100%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 17, closed 3 (17.65%).

In total closed 8 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
invalid 25%
no-response 25%
solution-provided 25%
user issue 25%


Notable issues

No issues to report this week

Old Issues receiving attention lately

No issues to report this week

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 195, closed 81 (41.54%).

In total closed 113 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 33.63%
Fixed 13.27%
Invalid 38.05%
Solved 9.73%
Timeout 5.31%


New Flutter website issues triaged 2, closed 0 (0%).

In total closed 1 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Fixed 100%


New Dart site issues triaged 1, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 4, closed 1 (25%).

Closed 1 issue during the week

Reason for closing
solved 100%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 26, closed 9 (34.62%).

In total closed 57 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 8.77%
fixed 7.02%
invalid 5.26%
no-response 43.86%
solution-provided 19.30%
user issue 15.79%


Notable issues

  • [Flutter 3] TextStyle foreground doesn’t render properly #109595
  • FilterQuality is not working as expected for Hi-res images #109637

Old Issues receiving attention lately

  • [webview_flutter][android] webview crashes when embedded in a scrollview #104889

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 151, closed 53 (35.1%).

In total closed 116 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 22.4%
Fixed 19.0%
Invalid 29.3%
Solved 11.2%
Timeout 18.1%


New Flutter website issues triaged 5, closed 0 (0%).

In total closed 5 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Duplicate 20%
Fixed 60%
WontFix 20%


New Dart site issues triaged 1, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 2, closed 0 (0%).

No issues closed during the week


New Flutterfire issues triaged 15, closed 4 (26.67%).

In total closed 15 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
fixed 6.67%
invalid 33.33%
no-response 26.67%
solution-provided 13.33%
user issue 20.00%


Notable issues

  • [Android]Crash on background isolate in release mode #109248
  • Flutter web cannot render high-resolution images which are resolution aware #109109
  • FlutterEngineConnectionRegistry getIntent().getBooleanExtra() throws NullPointerException (NPE) #109364

Old Issues receiving attention lately

  • Nothing to report here

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 126, closed 42 (33.33%).

In total closed 106 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 11.23%
Fixed 24.53%
Invalid 36.79%
Solved 7.55%
Timeout 19.81%


New Flutter website issues triaged 4, closed 0 (0%).

In total closed 13 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Duplicate 7.69%
Fixed 84.62%
WontFix 7.69%


New Dart site issues triaged 2, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 3, closed 1 (33.33%).

In total closed 1 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Duplicate 100%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 23, closed 7 (30.43%).

In total closed 23 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
fixed 17.4%
invalid 34.8%
no-response 21.7%
solution-provided 8.7%
user issue 17.4%


Notable issues

  • [Add-to-App] Flutter gradle plugin (flutter.gradle) fails the build when using AGP 7.2 #108818

Old Issues receiving attention lately

  • Nothing to report here

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 155, closed 58 (37.42%).

In total closed 116 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 19.83%
Fixed 25.86%
Invalid 32.76%
Solved 6.03%
Timeout 15.52%


New Flutter website issues triaged 8, closed 1 (12.5%).

In total closed 2 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Invalid 100%


New Dart site issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 6, closed 4 (66.67%).

In total closed 7 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Duplicate 14.3%
Fixed 14.3%
Invalid 42.9%
Solved 28.6%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 15, closed 6 (40%).

In total closed 11 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 27.27%
fixed 9.09%
invalid 9.09%
no-response 18.18%
solution-provided 27.27%
user issue 9.09%


Notable issues

  • Nothing major to report this week

Old Issues receiving attention lately

  • [tool_crash] FileSystemException: Failed to decode data using encoding 'utf-8', null (Multiple duplicates have been filed in recent months) #65021

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 156, closed 69 (44.23%).

In total closed 128 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 27.34%
Fixed 20.31%
Invalid 35.94%
Solved 7.03%
Timeout 9.38%


New Flutter website issues triaged 6, closed 3 (50%).

In total closed 7 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Duplicate 14.3%
Fixed 57.1%
Invalid 28.6%


New Dart site issues triaged 1, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 6, closed 1 (16.67%).

In total closed 2 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Fixed 50%
Solved 50%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 35, closed 10 (28.57%).

In total closed 48 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 16.67%
fixed 22.92%
invalid 22.92%
no-response 16.67%
solution-provided 18.75%
user issue 2.08%


Notable issues

  • [tool][add-2-app] Debug and Profile modules are generated when passing --no-debug and --no-profile flags #108000

Old Issues receiving attention lately

Nothing major to report this week

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 171, closed 71 (41.52%).

In total closed 142 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 21.83%
Fixed 26.06%
Invalid 31.69%
Solved 11.97%
Timeout 8.45%


New Flutter website issues triaged 4, closed 0 (0%).

In total closed 2 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Fixed 50%
Invalid 50%


New Dart site issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%).

In total closed 1 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Solved 100%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 43, closed 22 (51.16%).

In total closed 47 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 23.40%
fixed 10.64%
invalid 25.53%
no-response 8.51%
solution-provided 29.79%
user issue 2.13%


Notable issues

  • App crashes when rendering emoji text #107509

Old Issues receiving attention lately

Nothing major to report this week

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 165, closed 63 (38.18%).

In total closed 122 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 27.87%
Fixed 26.23%
Invalid 30.33%
Solved 5.74%
Timeout 9.84%


New Flutter website issues triaged 4, closed 0 (0%).

In total closed 7 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Fixed 100%


New Dart site issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 4, closed 1 (25%).

In total closed 5 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Fixed 20%
Invalid 80%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 31, closed 9 (29.03%).

In total closed 24 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 12.50%
fixed 4.71%
invalid 45.83%
no-response 20.33%
solution-provided 8.33%
user issue 8.33%


Notable issues

Nothing major to report this week

Old Issues receiving attention lately

Nothing major to report this week

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 169, closed 72 (42.6%).

In total closed 110 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 20.00%
Fixed 23.64%
Invalid 40.91%
Solved 7.27%
Timeout 8.18%


New Flutter website issues triaged 5, closed 1 (20%).

In total closed 6 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Fixed 83.3%
Invalid 16.7%


New Dart site issues triaged 1, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 11, closed 2 (18.18%).

In total closed 2 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Duplicate 100%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 22, closed 5 (22.73%).

In total closed 15 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 13.3%
fixed 13.3%
invalid 20.0%
solution-provided 33.3%
user issue 20.0%


Notable issues

  • [IOS]Image.toByteData() is super slow on Flutter 3 #106773

Old Issues receiving attention lately

Nothing major to report this week

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 171, closed 69 (40.35%).

In total closed 121 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 17.36%
Fixed 24.79%
Invalid 37.19%
Solved 11.57%
Timeout 9.09%


New Flutter website issues triaged 4, closed 2 (50%).

In total closed 6 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Fixed 66.7%
Invalid 33.3%


New Dart site issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 2, closed 0 (0%).

No issues closed during the week.


New Flutterfire issues triaged 32, closed 7 (21.88%).

In total closed 18 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 33.3%
fixed 22.22%
invalid 5.56%
no-response 16.67%
solution-provided 22.22%


Notable issues

Nothing major to report this week

Old Issues receiving attention lately

Nothing major to report this week

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 177, closed 70 (39.55%).

In total closed 108 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 25.00%
Fixed 12.96%
Invalid 40.74%
Solved 13.89%
Timeout 7.41%


New Flutter website issues triaged 10, closed 2 (20%).

In total closed 11 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Fixed 81.8%
Invalid 18.2%


New Dart site issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 4, closed 1 (25%).

In total closed 1 issue during the week.

Reason for closing
Solved 100%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 23, closed 2 (8.7%).

In total closed 4 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 25%
fixed 25%
invalid 50%


Notable issues

  • CupertinoPageRoute affecting color of Scaffold beneath transparent Widget #105738
  • Text Shadows are not working after upgrading to flutter 3 #105546
  • [ios] Multiple Rebuild issue on opening a keyboard #105184
  • Broken or Corrupted image cause runtime error #105184

Old Issues receiving attention lately

  • [Web] No autofill suggestions for new or existing save passwords and selected suggested password is not filled #87735

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 197, closed 85 (43.15%).

In total closed 138 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 27.54%
Fixed 13.77%
Invalid 42.03%
Solved 12.23%
Timeout 4.35%


New Flutter website issues triaged 6, closed 1 (16.67%).

In total closed 2 issues during the week

Reason for closing
Fixed 50%
Invalid 50%


New Dart site issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 6, closed 1 (16.67%).

In total closed 1 issue during the week.

Reason for closing
Invalid 100%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 25, closed 9 (36%).

In total closed 16 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 31.25%
fixed 12.50%
invalid 12.50%
no response 18.75%
solution provided 6.25%
user issue 18.75%


Notable issues

  • There have been several reports on this issue on various community channels. Platform views are drawn at the wrong position and don't fill the parent #103630

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 198, closed 85 (42.93%).

In total closed 152 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 30.92%
Fixed 20.39%
Invalid 32.24%
Solved 10.53%
Timeout 5.92%


New Flutter website issues triaged 6, closed 0 (0%).

No issues closed during the week


New Dart site issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 3, closed 1 (33.33%).

In total closed 1 issue during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 100%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 15, closed 5 (33.33%).

In total closed 18 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 22.2%
fixed 16.7%
invalid 11.1%
no response 33.3%
solution provided 16.7%


Notable issues

  • [android] Platform views obstruct other views on android 5.1 #104444

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 221, closed 99 (44.8%).

In total closed 173 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 40.46%
Fixed 17.34%
Invalid 23.12%
Solved 15.61%
Timeout 3.47%


New Flutter website issues triaged 11, closed 5 (45.45%).

In total, closed 13 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 15.38%
Fixed 53.85%
Invalid 23.08%
Wont Fix 7.69%


New Dart site issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 5, closed 1 (20%).

In total closed 2 issue during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 50%
Fixed 50%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 27, closed 5 (18.52%).

In total closed 10 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 20%
fixed 20%
invalid 20%
no response 10%
solution provided 20%
user issue 10%


Notable issues

  • [Flutter 3.0 Web] Image.toByteData fails with error: Uncaught (in promise) Error: Failed to encode the image into bytes #104197
  • [Flutter 3]TextPainter does not respect the height factor of text style #104153
  • [Flutter 3] Arabic text renders incorrectly in TextSpan #104092
  • Spellcheck on Flutter Web #40682
    • This is an old issue, but it has been getting some attention recently
  • Dart 2.17's enums are causing issues on the web when the name variable is added as a property.

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 236, closed 98 (41.53%).

In total closed 165 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 30.9%
Fixed 21.8%
Invalid 33.9%
Solved 13.3%


New Flutter website issues triaged 9, closed 1 (11.11%).

In total, closed 2 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
fixed 50%
invalid 50%


New Dart site issues triaged 1, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 2, closed 0 (0%).

In total closed 1 issue during the week.

Reason for closing
fixed 100%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 19, closed 9 (47.37%).

In total closed 17 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 35.3%
fixed 17.6%
invalid 23.5%
no response 11.8%
user issue 11.8%


Notable issues

  • 'WidgetsBinding' runtime warnings using 3.0.0 stable release #103561

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 201, closed 77 (38.31%).

In total closed 110 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 38.18%
Fixed 14.55%
Invalid 39.09%
Solved 8.18%


New Flutter website issues triaged 8, closed none.


No new New Dart site issues triaged. No issues closed.


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 1, closed 1 (100%).

In total closed 1 issue during the week.

Reason for closing
invalid 100%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 31, closed 6 (19.35%).

In total closed 12 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 25.00%
fixed 25.00%
invalid 16.67%
no response 16.67%
solution provided 8.33%
user issue 8.33%


Notable issues

  • [windows] Camera Plugin Fails to show preview with Error Could not create external texture #102925

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 113, closed 42 (37.17%).

In total closed 90 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 28.3%
Fixed 23.9%
Invalid 39.1%
Solved 8.7%


New Flutter website issues triaged 5, closed 2 (40%).

In total closed 3 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 66.7%
Invalid 33.3%


New Dart site issues triaged 1, closed 1 (100%).

In total closed 1 issue during the week

Reason for closing
duplicate 100%


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 2, closed 1 (50%).

In total closed 2 issues during the week

Reason for closing
invalid 50%
solved 50%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 22, closed 5 (22.73%).

In total closed 11 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 27.27%
fixed 36.36%
invalid 18.18%
no-response 9.09%
solution-provided 9.09%


Notable issues

  • [image_picker][M1 simulator] PlatformException(multiple_request, Cancelled by a second request, null, null) when picking the first default image from the ios simulator #82602 This is an old issue that has been getting quite a bit of attention recently

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 177, closed 59 (33.33%).

In total closed 108 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 20.370%
Fixed 19.444%
Invalid 45.370%
Solved 13.889%
Timeout 0.926%


New Flutter website issues triaged 3, closed 1 (33.33%).

In total closed 7 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 14.3%
Fixed 71.4%
Invalid 14.3%


New Dart site issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 5, closed 1 (20%).


New Flutterfire issues triaged 14, closed 4 (28.57%).

In total closed 10 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 20%
invalid 20%
no-response 20%
solution-provided 40%


Notable issues

  • [Regression][iOS]: os.activity library is broken in Flutter 2.13 #102330
  • Can't paste into TextField when copying from Samsung Notes, MS Word, and MS Excel on Android #74320
  • [WEB] TextField actions are not triggered on Android #89384

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 179, closed 61 (34.08%).

In total closed 126 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 26.2%
Fixed 24.6%
Invalid 34.9%
Solved 14.3%


New Flutter website issues triaged 7, closed 1 (14.29%).

In total closed 3 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Fixed 66.7%
Invalid 33.3%


New Dart site issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 1, closed 0 (0%).


New Flutterfire issues triaged 21, closed 8 (38.1%).

In total closed 21 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 9.52%
fixed 14.29%
invalid 19.05%
no-response 23.81%
solution-provided 19.05%
user 14.29%


Notable issues

No issues to report for this week

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 143, closed 58 (40.56%).

In total closed 87 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 29.89%
Fixed 17.24%
Invalid 47.13%
Solved 5.75%


New Flutter website issues triaged 3, closed 1 (33.33%).

In total closed 3 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Fixed 66.7%
Invalid 33.3%


New Dart site issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 2, closed 1 (50%).

In total closed 3 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 33.3%
fixed 33.3%
solved 33.3%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 16, closed 4 (25%).

In total closed 13 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 23.08%
invalid 23.08%
no-response 38.46%
solution-provided 7.69%
user 7.69%


Notable issues

  • [WEB] Rendering issue after opening keyboard on IOS #101288
  • Modal bottom sheets created using showModalBottomSheet get cut off by the system navigation #101247 (This is a regression in beta which has been fixed on master)

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 204, closed 86 (42.16%).

In total closed 138 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 28.261%
Fixed 15.942%
Invalid 41.304%
Solved 13.768%
Timeout 0.725%


New Flutter website issues triaged 5, closed 0 (0%).

In total closed 3 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Fixed 100%


New Dart site issues triaged 1, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 1, closed 0 (0%).


New Flutterfire issues triaged 22, closed 5 (22.73%).

In total closed 29 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 6.90%
fixed 31.03%
invalid 24.14%
no-response 10.34%
solution-provided 24.14%
user 3.45%


Notable issues

  • Opacity clips SingleChildScrollView content #101110

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 193, closed 71 (36.79%).

In total closed 118 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 27.12%
Fixed 21.19%
Invalid 43.22%
Solved 8.47%


New Flutter website issues triaged 6, closed 2 (33.33%).

In total closed 4 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 50%
Fixed 50%


New Dart site issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 2, closed 0 (0%).


New Flutterfire issues triaged 17, closed 4 (23.53%).

In total closed 26 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 3.85%
fixed 26.92%
invalid 7.69%
no-response 34.62%
solution-provided 15.38%
user 11.54%


Notable issues

  • [Regression]: Scrolling through the list shows spike in performance on latest beta and master. #100523
  • Flutter Module might not compile if they depend on a plugin which uses old kotlin version #100613

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 179, closed 69 (38.55%).

In total closed 122 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 24.6%
Fixed 21.3%
Invalid 40.2%
Solved 13.9%


New Flutter website issues triaged 8, closed 2 (25%).

In total closed 3 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 66.7%
Fixed 33.3%


New Dart site issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 3, closed 2 (66.67%).

In total closed 3 issue during the week.

Reason for closing
fixed 33.3%
invalid 33.3%
solved 33.3%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 16, closed 3 (18.75%).

In total closed 18 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 22.2%
fixed 11.1%
invalid 16.7%
no-response 27.8%
solution-provided 11.1%
user 11.1%


Notable issues

  • [macOS][m1] App crashes in release mode upon app launch #100348
  • [Windows]: Null Safety Migration tool 404 error #100134

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 205, closed 73 (35.61%).

In total closed 114 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 21.1%
Fixed 14.9%
Invalid 47.4%
Solved 16.7%


New Flutter website issues triaged 12, closed 1 (8.33%).

In total closed 9 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 11.1%
Fixed 88.9%


New Dart site issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 3, closed 1 (33.33%).

In total closed 1 issue during the week.

Reason for closing
invalid 100%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 25, closed 8 (32%).

In total closed 25 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 8%
fixed 16%
invalid 24%
no-response 40%
solution-provided 8%
user 4%


Notable issues

  • Displaying a Material icon from a Text widget with MaterialIcons fontFamily is not working in hotfix 2.10.3 #99808
  • TextField hint and input text go outside of given constraints. #99914
  • [Windows][Desktop]: debug build of template app not working using VS2019. Throwing Error waiting for a debug connection: The log reader stopped unexpectedly, or never started #99915
  • [Web][iOS]: Text field selection with obscuredText: true has grey selection #99918
  • [Web]: A multiline TextFormField doesn't trigger onFieldSubmitted #99900

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 190, closed 52 (27.37%).

In total closed 101 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 26.7%
Fixed 20.8%
Invalid 29.7%
Solved 22.8%


New Flutter website issues triaged 10, closed 2 (20%).

In total closed 4 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 50%
Fixed 50%


New Dart site issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 1, closed 1 (100%).

In total close 4 issue during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 50%
fixed 50%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 24, closed 7 (29.17%).

In total closed 25 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 8%
fixed 20%
invalid 36%
no-response 16%
solution-provided 16%
user 4%


Notable issues

  • Flutter App freezes after animating for a few seconds #99288

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 199, closed 68 (34.17%).

In total closed 127 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 23.6%
Fixed 22.8%
Invalid 40.2%
Solved 13.4%


New Flutter website issues triaged 8, closed 4 (50%).

In total closed 7 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 28.6%
Fixed 42.9%
Invalid 28.6%


New Dart site issues triaged 1, closed 1 (100%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 5, closed 1 (20%).

In total close 1 issue during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 100%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 26, closed 8 (30.77%).

In total closed 24 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 4.17%
fixed 25.00%
invalid 20.83%
no-response 33.33%
solution-provided 16.67%


Notable issues

  • Using SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIMode in profile/release mode leads to blank screen (This only reproduces on stable) #98973
  • [Android] App crashes when rotating screen with drawer open (Profile & Release) (This only reproduces on stable) #98955
  • Ternary expression behaviour differs in debug mode from profile mode or release mode. A fix is in flight per this comment #98967

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 162, closed 70 (43.21%).

In total closed 110 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 28.2%
Fixed 16.4%
Invalid 42.7%
Solved 12.7%


New Flutter website issues triaged 9, closed 2 (22.22%).

In total closed 2 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Invalid 100%


New Dart site issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 1, closed 0 (0%).

In total close 2 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
fixed 50%
solved 50%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 21, closed 7 (33.33%).

In total closed 10 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 20%
fixed 10%
invalid 40%
no-response 10%
solution-provided 20%


Notable issues

  • [ios][regression] Visual glitch when scrolling a list in a Scaffold that has a Material and Container as bottomNavigationBar #98739
  • Failing EditableText vertical caret movement tests #98592
  • [android][platform_views] Views are not properly updated on Android Q #98722
  • [windows] Crash: Can't locate continuation PC for deoptid 6 within package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart_StatefulElement_get__state@31042623 #98682
  • Issue with background isolate when obfuscating Android APK / AppBundle #98475

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 223, closed 90 (40.36%).

In total closed 146 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 33.6%
Fixed 15.1%
Invalid 37.7%
Solved 13.7%


New Flutter website issues triaged 5, closed 0 (0%).

In total closed 2 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Fixed 100%


New Dart site issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 5, closed 0 (0%).


New Flutterfire issues triaged 31, closed 8 (25.81%).

In total closed 14 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 21.43%
fixed 7.14%
invalid 35.71%
no-response 14.29%
solution-provided 21.43%


Notable issues

  • [stable 2.10] Snackbar with a BackdropFilter blurs entire screen #98205
  • TabController does not consistently update TabBarViews when same controller is used #98087

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 232, closed 84 (36.21%).

In total closed 136 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 30.9%
Fixed 19.9%
Invalid 31.6%
Solved 17.6%


New Flutter website issues triaged 9, closed 4 (44.44%).

In total closed 4 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 25%
Fixed 25%
Invalid 50%


New Dart site issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 3, closed 1 (33.33%).

In total closed 2 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 50%
invalid 50%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 25, closed 10 (40%).

In total closed 26 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 19.23%
fixed 7.69%
invalid 15.38%
no-response 34.62%
solution-provided 11.54%
user 11.54%


Notable issues

  • [image_picker] Android application crashes with google_mobile_ads #97267
  • [stable 2.10] New material icons are not properly rendered #97767
  • [camera] Android 12 - camera plugin fails to take a photo, loads indefinitely #92973

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 162, closed 70 (43.21%).

In total closed 104 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 40.4%
Fixed 13.5%
Invalid 35.6%
Solved 10.6%


New Flutter website issues triaged 10, closed 3 (30%).

In total closed 2 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 33.3%
Invalid 66.7%


New Dart site issues triaged 1, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 4, closed 2 (50%).

In total closed 2 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 50%
invalid 50%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 22, closed 8 (36.36%).

In total closed 16 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 12.5%
fixed 12.5%
invalid 25.0%
no-response 18.8%
solution-provided 18.8%
user 12.5%


Notable issues

  • [Android] App becomes unresponsive after switching back from background #97346
  • [video_player][IOS] is blocking the UI while loading #97356
  • [Android Studio BumbleBee 2021.1.1]: flutter doctor shows CocoaPods not installed. Skipping pod install #97251

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 194, closed 64 (32.99%).

In total closed 110 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 34.5%
Fixed 20.0%
Invalid 33.6%
Solved 11.8%


New Flutter website issues triaged 11, closed 1 (9.09%).

In total closed 2 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 50%
Fixed 50%


New Dart site issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 4, closed 1 (25%).

In total closed 2 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 100%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 25, closed 10 (40%).

In total closed 28 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 14.29%
fixed 25.00%
invalid 14.29%
no-response 14.29%
solution-provided 10.71%
user 17.86%
wontfix 3.57%


Notable issues

  • Invalid TextField scroll offset change on paste from toolbar #96658

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 161, closed 58 (36.02%).

In total closed 102 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 31.4%
Fixed 26.5%
Invalid 29.4%
Solved 12.7%


New Flutter website issues triaged 8, closed 4 (50%).

In total closed 5 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 80%
Invalid 20%


New Dart site issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 4, closed 2 (50%).

In total closed 2 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 50%
solved 50%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 31, closed 15 (48.39%).

In total closed 22 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 22.73%
fixed 4.55%
invalid 50.00%
no-response 18.18%
user 4.55%


Notable issues

  • Programmatically selecting text in unfocused textfield is not working #96339
  • [Android] Removing Deprecated Manifest Splash results in blank screen and prevents the app from starting #93668

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 181, closed 56 (30.94%).

In total closed 109 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 26.67%
Fixed 23.9%
Invalid 31.2%
Solved 18.3%


New Flutter website issues triaged 13, closed 2 (15.38%).

In total closed 3 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 66.67%
Invalid 33.3%


New Dart site issues triaged 0, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 6, closed 3 (50%).

In total closed 5 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 80%
solved 20%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 21, closed 2 (9.52%).

In total closed 18 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
duplicate 11.1%
fixed 27.8%
invalid 11.1%
no-response 11.1%
solution-provided 11.1%
user 27.8%


Notable issues

  • [TextField]backgroundColor covers/hides cursor and text selection #96112
  • image_picker on iOS: With Select Photos access, selecting a different GIF than the one selected earlier won’t animate #96263

Issue counts


New Flutter issues triaged 152, closed 48 (31.58%).

In total closed 95 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 34.7%
Fixed 15.8%
Invalid 32.6%
Solved 16.8%


New Flutter website issues triaged 7, closed 4 (57.14%).

In total closed 7 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
Duplicate 28.6%
Fixed 42.9%
Invalid 28.6%


New Dart site issues triaged 1, closed 0 (0%).


New Google Ads Flutter issues triaged 2, closed 1 (50%).

In total closed 1 issue during the week.

Reason for closing
Invalid 100%


New Flutterfire issues triaged 28, closed 5 (17.86%).

In total closed 24 issues during the week.

Reason for closing
fixed 41.7%
invalid 12.5%
no-response 12.5%
solution-provided 16.7%
user 16.7%

Flutter Wiki


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