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Decision Review Reporting

Heather Hurley edited this page Jan 4, 2024 · 2 revisions

VHA Decision Review Queue Reporting

Within VHA's Decision Review Queue, there are two types of reports available to users based on their user role: Download completed tasks and Generate task report.

Download completed tasks

The Download completed tasks report is accessible by both VHA admin and non-admin users. The purpose of this report is to produce a .csv file which contains any claims in the VHA Decision Review queue which have been completed within the last 7 days.

There are no parameters that are user-entered and the report will automatically generate and download when the Download completed tasks button is selected.

The downloaded .csv file contains the following column headers: [column headers]

Generate task report

The Generate task report is accessible by only VHA admin users. The purpose of this report is to produce a .csv file which contains details for claims based on user-selected filter conditions and report parameters.

There are two types of reports which can be generated: Event/Action or Status. In addition, there are additional filter conditions which can be added as parameters to generate the report: Days Waiting, Decision Review Type, Issue Type, Issue Disposition, Facility and Personnel.

The downloaded .csv file contains the following column headers: [column headers]

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