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How to perform the Management Consultancy data upload

tim_south edited this page Jun 9, 2020 · 2 revisions

Before starting this process, both redis and sidekiq need to be running and can be done so by running the following commands:


bundle exec sidekiq

Place the following files in the storage/management_consultancy/current_data/input folder, with these names:

  • Suppliers.xlsx
  • Service offerings.xlsx
  • Regional offerings.xlsx
  • rate_cards.xlsx

Run the following command:

rake mc:data

Once completed, that will produce a file named data.json in the storage/management_consultancy/current_data/output folder.

Go to the following url

Click on Create a new data upload

Attach the data.json file

Within a few minutes the status on the upload should change from In progress to Uploaded at which point the supplier data should now be uploaded and ready to use.