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Facilities Management Procurement Data JSON Schema

Chris Gannon edited this page Sep 12, 2019 · 2 revisions

Facilities Management Procurement Data JSON Schema

On the Facilities Management Procurement model we use a JSON field to store most of the procurement data we need to generate the documents once it has been completed. The schema is as follows

  quick_search_params: {},
  buildings_data: {
    buildings: [ 
        building: {},
        services: []
    updated_at: String
  suppliers_data: {
    suppliers: [],
    updated_at: String
  chosen_suppliers: [
      supplier: {},
      status: String,
      updated_at: String
  <question> : {
    answer: String/Boolean/Number,
    updated_at: String

Where updated_at is included as a field, we require a timestamp for auditing purposes. There will be multiple questions and this document will be updated with them as they're defined.