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obscuren edited this page Sep 22, 2014 · 6 revisions

The PoC JavaScript API is a purposed API for all things JavaScript. JavaScript technologies can be embedded within Qt(QML) technologies, local web and remote web and therefor the purposed API is written in a ASYNC fashion so that it may be used across all implementations. Hereby it should be known that all functions, unless explicitly specified, take a callback as last function argument which will be called when the operation has been completed.

Please note that the PoC JavaScript API tries to leverage existing JS idioms as much as possible.


In general most method arguments take strings and can be in the following format:

  • "42"
  • "0x2a"

All of the above are interpreted as the number 42. The JavaScript String object has the following extended methods in order to support proper bin/hex/decimal casting:

Please note that when passing numbers as arguments; pass them as strings instead. This to support large numbers without the need of extra type checking during argument conversion.

Ethereum API

The Ethereum JS API implemented in Mist uses a Future/Promises pattern style for authoring HTML DApps. If you need a recap of futures have a look at HTML5 Rocks JavaScript Promises.

All methods and properties return promises so you can easily use them in your own code and chain them together. Parameters them self may also be promises, they are properly handled within the API.


The following properties are exposed and need to be treated as such. They are proper JavaScript properties defined through defineProperty and will return a new promise each time invoked.

  • coinbase Returns the coinbase address (e.g., account's address when mining).
  • key Returns the default private key.
  • listening Returns whether the client is listening on the specified port.
  • mining Returns true if the client is currently mining.
  • peerCount Returns the current active connected peers.


Methods, just as properties, will return a new promise when invoked.

  • block(number_or_hash) Returns the block with the given number or hash
  • balanceAt(address) Returns the given address' account balance
  • compile(code) Compiles the given code and returns the byte code (mutan and serpent supported)
  • codeAt(address) Returns the code at the given address, given the address is valid.


  • transact(options) Creates a new transaction with the given options (options them self may be promises):
    • to Address of the recipient
    • from Key for signing the transaction
    • value The endowment
    • gas Total amount of gas
    • gasPrice Gas priced to be used for this transaction
    • data Data or code for the transaction
eth.transact({to: "...", from: eth.key, value: 10000, gas: 500, gasPrice: eth.gasPrice});
  • call(options) Executes a new transaction immediately using a transient state and returns the direct result of that transaction. Given options are the same as transact.
var p ={to: "...", from: eth.key, gas: 5000, gasPrice: eth.gasPrice});
p.then(function(res) { console.log(res); });



var code = eth.compile("var y = 10")
    tx   = eth.transact({
                    from: eth.key,
                    value: 10,
                    gas: 10000,
                    gasPrice: 10000000,
                    data: code,
tx.then(function(tx) {
    console.log("Created tx", tx);
}).catch(error) {
    console.log("error tx", error);
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