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Command Line Options

bas-vk edited this page Apr 15, 2015 · 11 revisions

CLI client

Command line client options are a moving target under constant change now. Please refer to the client to geth help. Below is the output of geth help (version 0.9.4 27/03/2015).

geth [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   blocktest    loads a block test file
   makedag      generate ethash dag (for testing)
   version      print ethereum version numbers
   wallet       ethereum presale wallet
   account      manage accounts
   dump         dump a specific block from storage
   console      Geth Console: interactive JavaScript environment
   js           executes the given JavaScript files in the Geth JavaScript VM
   import       import a blockchain file
   export       export blockchain into file
   upgradedb    upgrade chainblock database
   help         Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --unlock                                     unlock the account given until this program exits (prompts for password). '--unlock primary' unlocks the primary account
   --password                                   Path to password file for (un)locking an existing account.
   --bootnodes                                  Space-separated enode URLs for discovery bootstrap
   --datadir "$HOME/Library/Ethereum"           Data directory to be used
   --jspath "."                                 JS library path to be used with console and js subcommands
   --port "30303"                               Network listening port
   --logfile                                    Send log output to a file
   --logjson                                    Send json structured log output to a file or '-' for standard output (default: no json output)
   --loglevel "3"                               0-5 (silent, error, warn, info, debug, debug detail)
   --maxpeers "16"                              Maximum number of network peers
   --Etherbase "primary"                        public address for block mining rewards. By default the address of your primary account is used
   --minerthreads "8"                           Number of miner threads
   --mine                                       Enable mining
   --nat "any"                                  Port mapping mechanism (any|none|upnp|pmp|extip:<IP>)
   --nodekey                                    P2P node key file
   --nodekeyhex                                 P2P node key as hex (for testing)
   --rpc                                        Whether RPC server is enabled
   --rpcaddr ""                        Listening address for the JSON-RPC server
   --rpcport "8545"                             Port on which the JSON-RPC server should listen
   --vmdebug                                    Virtual Machine debug output
   --protocolversion "59"                       ETH protocol version
   --networkid "0"                              Network Id
   --help, -h                                   show help

Note that the default for datadir is platform-specific, "/$HOME/Library/Ethereum" is the pattern for MacOS.



See Account management

Import ether presale wallet into your node (prompts for password):

geth wallet import /path/to/my/etherwallet.json

Import an EC privatekey into an ethereum account (prompts for password):

geth account import /path/to/key.prv

Geth JavaScript Runtime Environment

See Geth javascript console

Bring up the geth javascript console:

geth --loglevel 5 --logfile /tmp/eth0.log --jspath /mydapp/js console 

Execute test.js javascript using js API and log Debug-level messages to /path/to/logfile:

geth -logfile /path/to/logfile -loglevel 4 js test.js  # 

Import/export chains and dump blocks

Import a blockchain from file:

geth import blockchain.bin

Upgrade chainblock database

When the consensus algorithm is changed blocks in the blockchain must be reimported with the new algorithm. Geth will inform the user with instructions when and how to do this when it's necessary.

geth upgradedb

Mining and networking

Start two mining nodes using different data directories listening on ports 30303 and 30304, respectively:

geth -mine -minerthreads 4 -datadir /usr/local/share/ethereum/30303 -port 30303
geth -mine -minerthreads 4 -datadir /usr/local/share/ethereum/30304 -port 30304

Start an rpc client on port 8000:

geth -rpc true -rpcport 8000

Start a client with a private network id and connect to specific peers using enode urls:

geth --networkid 3301 -bootnodes="enode://6f8a80d14311c39f35f516fa664deaaaa13e85b2f7493f37f6144d86991ec012937307647bd3b9a82abe2974e1407241d54947bbb39763a4cac9f77166ad92a0@ enode://0b2fa1e93dfcd90ce503ab1338332d6a1371b464838b49f37af8534a510992bd4d96b24134ba262ad9298ab4aa6f132132f84c3b6d10ebaead5f9a236be286f10@" -maxpeers 2

Launch the client without network:

geth --maxpeers 0 js justwannarunthis.js

Resetting the blockchain

In the datadir, delete the blockchain directory. For an example above:

rm -rf /usr/local/share/ethereum/30303/blockchain

Sample usage in testing environment

The lines below are meant only for test network and safe environments for non-interactive scripted use.

geth -datadir /tmp/eth/42 -logfile /dev/null -password <(echo -n notsosecret) account new 
geth -datadir /tmp/eth/42 -logfile /dev/null -port 30342  js <(echo 'console.log(admin.nodeInfo().NodeUrl)') > enode
geth -datadir /tmp/eth/42 -logfile /tmp/eth/42.log -port 30342 -password <(echo -n notsosecret) -unlock primary -minerthreads 4 -mine

GUI Client

The output of mist help. Please refer to the client for uptodate info.

mist [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   help Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --asset_path "$GOPATH/src/.../mist/assets"      Absolute path to GUI assets directory
   --bootnodes                                     Space-separated enode URLs for discovery bootstrap
   --datadir "$HOME/Library/Ethereum"              Data directory to be used
   --port "30303"                                  Network listening port
   --logfile                                       Send log output to a file
   --loglevel "3"                                  0-5 (silent, error, warn, info, debug, debug detail)
   --maxpeers "16"                                 Maximum number of network peers
   --minerthreads "8"                              Number of miner threads
   --nat "any"                                     Port mapping mechanism (any|none|upnp|pmp|extip:<IP>)
   --nodekey                                       P2P node key file
   --rpcaddr ""                           Listening address for the JSON-RPC server
   --rpcport "8545"                                Port on which the JSON-RPC server should listen
   --jspath "."                                    JS library path to be used with console and js subcommands
   --protocolversion "59"                          ETH protocol version
   --networkid "0"                                 Network Id
   --help, -h                                      Show help
   --version, -v                                   Print version 


mist --asset_path /absolute/path/to/assets

Alternative ways to set flags

WARNING: This is not available for the latest frontier poc9.

The same flags can be set via config file (by default <datadir>/conf.ini) as well as environment variables.

Precedence: default < config file < environment variables < command line

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