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Unique Constraint Failed Issue

tauqua edited this page Aug 7, 2020 · 1 revision

What it is

An error occurs in Galaxy (read in GalaxyClient.log) stating that a UNIQUE constraint failed. You may also notice other issues such as your username not showing up next to the platform when connected and the plugin not automatically starting when Galaxy starts.

Why it happens

It seems that not all traces of a plugin are removed from Galaxy's database when the plugin is disconnected. This can cause issues when switching between multiple plugins for the same platform.

How to fix it

If this is happening, you can edit Galaxy's SQLite database to remove the conflicting information.

**NOTE: **We make no guarantees that this process will work nor that it will not break things. Do this at your own risk.

The Galaxy 2.0 database is located at C:\ProgramData\\Galaxy\storage\galaxy-2.0.db on Windows or /Users/Shared/ on Mac. You can open the database with a SQLite3 database editor of your choice. I've used DB Browser for SQLite Portable. In the Plugins table, look for entries with pluginPlatformID 12. Remove or modify any of those entries where the pluginUid is not that of this plugin (2df02142-4d8a-4a4b-9b6e-c3a0bc62f93b). Save the modified table and relaunch Galaxy.

Hopefully this fix works. Any additional insight into this issue and how to resolve it would be appreciated.

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