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IntelliJ IDEA Editor Settings

Rossen Stoyanchev edited this page Oct 27, 2017 · 3 revisions

This page describes the noticeable changes made to the default code formatting settings in Intellij IDEA. This is also a chance to review some of these changes to validate or tweak them if necessary:


These are the reported issues that we still discuss (or simply things that the formatter does not support). The first is what we use.

  • Space in annotation parameter assignment: @Foo(name="foo") vs. @Foo(name = "foo")
  • Space in annotation array parameter: @Target({ ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE }) vs. @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE})


  • Default indent option to use tab character instead of space


Tabs and indent

  • Use tab character


  • Add a space before the left brace of an array initializer

Wrapping and braces

  • Keep when reformating: multiple expressions in one line, simple blocks in one line, simple classes in one line
  • else, catch and finally on new line
  • Method declaration parameters: do not align when multiline

Blank lines

  • Keep one space before } (solely use to keep the space between the end of the last method and the end of the class)
  • Minimum blank line after class header 0 (instead of 1)


  • Disabled


  • Class count to trigger static import to 50 (to prevent import*; instead of listing the classes of
  • Changed the import sequence to import in the following order: static imports, java.*, javax.*, others, org.springframework.*. Each sequence is separated by a space