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HTTP 2 support

Brian Clozel edited this page Jan 24, 2021 · 5 revisions

TLS considerations

The HTTP/2 spec and the browser implementations bring new security constraints compared to existing secure HTTP/1.1 applications:

TLS 1.2 isn't natively supported by JDK8, but it is in JDK8u252+ and JDK9; also, alternative TLS implementations (including native bindings) are popular because they can offer performance gains compared to the JDK stack. This part explains why containers offer various deployment options and each has its pros/cons.

Container configuration

Apache Tomcat

As of version 8.5, Tomcat supports HTTP/2 with both JDK8 (using Tomcat Native) and JDK9 (with native JSSE). Servlet 4.0 is supported as of Tomcat 9.

If you'd like to use native bindings (Tomcat Native and OpenSSL), please follow Tomcat's installation instructions or use you favorite package manager to install those libraries. Note that you should make sure to use the right Tomcat Native and OpenSSL versions, compatible with the version of your Tomcat server.

Then you need to configure your Tomcat Connector accordingly (using the Http11NioProtocol and JSSEImplementation should work in most cases) and configure HTTP/2 as an upgrade protocol.

Eclipse Jetty

Jetty supports several deployment modes, offering different ways to support TLS 1.2 and ALPN:

If you're running Jetty in standalone mode (i.e. Jetty's distribution), the reference documentation is quite explicit.

If you're using Jetty as an embedded server, the samples folder in Jetty's repository has an HTTP2Server example.


With Undertow 1.3, developers needed to use Jetty's ALPN Agent to run their server with ALPN support. As of Undertow 1.4, you can enable HTTP/2 support with a single option (see reference documentation).

Reactor Netty

As of Spring Framework 5.1 (Reactor Netty 0.8), this server supports as well HTTP/2. JDK9+ deployments will support that protocol without specific infrastructure changes.

For JDK 8 environments, or for optimal runtime performance, this server also supports HTTP/2 with native libraries. To enable that, your application needs to have an additional dependency.

Spring Boot manages the version for the io.netty:netty-tcnative-boringssl-static "uber jar", containing native libraries for all platforms. Developers can choose to import only the required dependendencies using a classifier (see the Netty official documentation).