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Message Versioning

Warren Falk edited this page Apr 19, 2015 · 6 revisions

SBE supports the extension of messages via versioned templates. To be backwards compatible a template must only be extended at the end of a block. Messages cannot remain backwards compatible if existing fields are modified or removed. SBE is a fixed format encoding that supports new optional fields being added.

Message Blocks

Messages are organised into blocks to allow for variable length encoding. The fields of message before groups are considered the root block and their total size is the blockLength as encoded in the messageHeader.

Groups are blocks of fields that repeat for a given count. Both messages and repeating groups have a header with a block header that encodes the block length.

It is possible to add fields at the end of either the root block of a messages or the block of fields making up a repeating group.

It is not possible to add fields to a composite type without creating a new message template and schema version.

Adding a new Field

A new field can be added by creating a new messageSchema and increasing the version number of the schema, versions start at 0. The new field can then be added at the end of the root block in the message or the end of a block in a group. The new field should have its sinceVersion attribute set to be the version number that has been used for the new schema and its presence=optional attribute set.

    <messageSchema package="extension"
                   description="Code generation unit test support"

        <message name="Car" id="1" description="Description of a basic Car">
            <field name="serialNumber" id="1" type="uint32"/>
            <field name="modelYear" id="2" type="ModelYear"/>
            <field name="available" id="3" type="BooleanType"/>
            <field name="code" id="4" type="Model"/>
            <field name="someNumbers" id="5" type="someNumbers"/>
            <field name="vehicleCode" id="6" type="VehicleCode"/>
            <field name="extras" id="7" type="OptionalExtras"/>
            <field name="engine" id="8" type="Engine"/>
            <field name="cupHolderCount" id="100" type="uint8" presence="optional" sinceVersion="1"/>
            <!-- Groups continue below -->

Decoding a message from a previous version

A previous version of an encoded message will not have the extension fields in new versions. For a new version of a decoder to handle an older version it is necessary for it to act like a previous version to ensure it does not read beyond the end of an existing block. The decoder must return the null representation for the extension fields when acting as a previous version.

    // Lookup the applicable flyweight to decode this type of message based on templateId and version.
    final int templateId = MESSAGE_HEADER.templateId();
    final short actingVersion = MESSAGE_HEADER.version();
    final int actingBlockLength = MESSAGE_HEADER.blockLength();

    bufferOffset += MESSAGE_HEADER.size();
    car.wrapForDecode(directBuffer, bufferOffset, actingBlockLength, actingVersion); 

    final String cupHolderCount = car.cupHolderCount() == Car.cupHolderCountNullVal() ? "null" : car.cupHolderCount() + "";