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Robert Di Pardo edited this page Mar 14, 2023 · 2 revisions

Running 'fornax build' emits this error message . . .

"Couldn't find or load config"

  1. Try upgrading fornax. Versions 0.14.0 and later will give more detailed error messages

  2. Make sure that config.fsx wasn't deleted from the root of the project directory

  3. Check for a missing assembly inside the project's _lib folder. See this related issue for additional hints

"Could not load file or assembly 'Fornax.Core, Version=x.y.z.α, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'"

  1. Install Fornax.Seo with paket, as demonstrated here

  2. Reference the Fornax.Seo NuGet package, as demonstrated here

Fornax.Core.dll is overwritten by 'dotnet build'

When building a .NET project that references the Fornax.Seo package, a copy of all transitive dependencies end up in the $(OutputPath) directory when the CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies property is set to true.

In general, you should avoid using MSBuild to manage your Fornax project's dependencies. There are better alternative methods available.