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rdipardo edited this page Mar 1, 2024 · 9 revisions

How do I reference Fornax.Seo from an F# script?

Fornax 0.15.1 and later

Simply follow the example in the README

Earlier versions

Using paket

Add the Fornax.Seo NuGet package to your paket.dependencies file. Make sure the generate_load_scripts option is set to true, e.g.

# paket.dependencies

framework: net8.0, netstandard2.0, netstandard2.1
generate_load_scripts: true
storage: none

# . . .
nuget Fornax.Seo
nuget Markdig
#  . . .

Run dotnet paket install, then load the Fornax.Seo.fsx helper script to expose the Fornax.Seo namespace, e.g.

// loaders/globalloader.fsx
#load @"../.paket/load/net8.0/Fornax.Seo.fsx"

open Fornax.Seo
// . . .


Installing Fornax.Seo 1.2.0 or later will also generate a Fornax.Core.fsx load script. This is not the case with versions of Fornax.Seo before 1.2.0.

Using NuGet package references (.NET 5+)

Fornax 0.14.0 and later supports NuGet package references, e.g.

// loaders/globalloader.fsx
#r "nuget: Fornax.Seo"

open Fornax.Seo
// . . .


Since Fornax 0.14.2, the Fornax.Core assembly is not interchangeable

Fornax versions prior to 0.14.0 target the .NET Core 3.1 runtime, which means:

  • Fornax.Seo can't be referenced as a NuGet package (a feature introduced in .NET 5)

  • your scripts must reference the file path to Fornax.Seo.dll on disk, like so:

     // loaders/globalloader.fsx
     #r "../_lib/Fornax.Core.dll"
     #r "../_lib/Fornax.Seo.dll"


fornax new will raise an unhandled exception if run inside an existing project

To keep Fornax.Core.dll out of version control, use MSBuild to copy all referenced assemblies to a local folder inside your project, like so:

  1. Create a *.fsproj file at the root of your project

  2. Reference a compatible version of the package, e.g.:

    <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
      <!-- -->
        <PackageReference Include="Fornax.Seo" Version="1.0.0" />
        <PackageReference Include="Markdig" Version="0.24.0" />
  3. Make sure the CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies property is set to true:

    <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
      <!-- -->
        <!-- -->
  4. When you run dotnet build, all referenced assemblies will appear in the $(OutputPath) directory. For example, running

    dotnet build -o _lib

    will populate _lib like so:

    ├── FSharp.Core.dll
    ├── FSharp.Data.DesignTime.dll
    ├── FSharp.Data.dll
    ├── Fornax.Core.dll
    ├── Fornax.Seo.dll
    ├── Markdig.dll
    ├── Newtonsoft.Json.dll
    ├──  . . .
    └──  . . .


  • The $(OutputPath) directory should be wherever fornax will look for assemblies

  • Make sure fornax is ignoring build artifacts, like the obj and bin directories, e.g.

    // config.fsx
    let staticPredicate (_, page: string) =
        page.Contains "_public" ||
        page.Contains "bin" || // <-- important
        page.Contains "obj"    // <-- important

What version of Fornax.Seo do I need?

That depends on your Fornax version and how you intend to reference the package assemblies. The following is a general guide.

Assembly reference mode Supported versions
Fornax Fornax.Seo
#load ".paket/load/$(TFM)/Fornax.Seo.fsx"
* *
#r "nuget: Fornax.Seo"
>= 0.14.0 *
#r "local/file/path/to/Fornax.Seo.dll"
0.13.1 – 0.14.1 1.0.0


  • Fornax.Seo 1.0.0 was the last version to support assembly file path referencing
  • Fornax versions earlier than 0.13.1 have not been tested for compatibility