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banister edited this page Jan 7, 2012 · 5 revisions


Ability to browse and pull method source for arbitrary C functions in MRI - using ctags.


Interactive API learning tool complete with API for defining new 'lessons' for user gem APIs


Enhanced documentation browsing using YARD integration, including pulling source/documentation of classes. Unlike ri/yri however the documentation will be generated/pulled on demand using source_location based tricks


A number of commands for auditing code, including integration with tools such as flay and flog. Also included will be the ability to locate the longest methods in a given class, and search through classes/subclasses for methods that implement a given piece of code.


Organize history into 'sessions' that can be reloaded. Reloading a session would be equivalent to history --replay and return you to the state in that session.


Ability to highlight code dynamically(like in vim with color schemes).