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Hooks API

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As another means of integrating with Pry, Pry offers a number of built-in events that can be used to hook into Pry and register behavior after each Pry instance is initialized or at various points in the Pry read-eval-print loop (REPL).

Going beyond Pry's built-in event hooks, the hooks API also allows plugins to register and execute their own events that other plugins can integrate with.

Built-in Events

The built-in events that make up Pry's hooks API fall into two categories, life-cycle events and REPL events.

Life-cycle Events

There is presently only one life-cycle event: :when_started.

The :when_started Event

The :when_started event allows arbitrary code to be executed whenever a new Pry instance is initialized. In a sense, the :when_started event can be thought of as a post-initialization hook allowing plugins to extend the Pry#initialize method with additional logic and behavior.

The arguments given to :when_started hooks are: the target of the new Pry instance (E.g. the binding in binding.pry); the Hash of options given to the Pry instance at initialization; and finally, the new Pry instance.

:when_started should be used by plugins that are interested in the original target object, plugins that are interested in the options given to the Pry instance or, plugins that wish to take action on a Pry instance immediately after initialization.

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REPL Events

As one might expect of a REPL, the majority of Pry's events hook into Pry's read-eval-print loop. Pry has five REPL events. In order of when they tend to occur they are: :before_session, :after_read, :before_eval, :after_eval, and :after_session.

The :before_session Event

The :before_session event fires after each REPL session starts.

The arguments given to :before_session hooks are: The output object, the current binding, and the Pry instance.

The :after_read Event

The :after_read event fires after each line of input is read.

The arguments given to :after_read hooks are: The input string and the Pry instance.

The :before_eval Event

The :before_eval event fires before each input statement is evaluated.

The arguments given to :before_eval hooks are: The code to be evaluated and the Pry instance.

The :after_eval Event

The :after_eval event fires after each input statement is evaluated.

The arguments given to :after_eval hooks are: The result of the evaluation and the Pry instance.

The :after_session Event

The :after_session event fires after each REPL session.

The arguments given to :after_session hooks are: The output object, the current binding, and the Pry instance.

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Index of Built-in Events

Event Family When invoked Arguments
:when_started life-cycle After Pry#initialize The target object, the options Hash, and the new Pry instance
:before_session REPL Before each REPL session starts The output object, the current binding, and the Pry instance
:after_read REPL After each line of input is read The input String and the Pry instance
:before_eval REPL Before each input statement is evaluated The code to be evaluated and the Pry instance
:after_eval REPL After each input statement is evaluated The result of the evaluation and the Pry instance
:after_session REPL After each REPL session The output object, the current binding, and the Pry instance

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Registering Hooks

New hooks can be registered for any of Pry's events using the add_hook method of the Pry.hooks object (an instance of Pry::Hooks). The add_hook method takes two arguments and a block. The first argument is the name of the event to add a hook for and the second argument is a name for the hook so that it may be referenced later. For example, a :before_session hook could be registered like so:

Pry.hooks.add_hook(:before_session, "my_hook") do |output, binding, pry|
  output.puts("Hello, World!")

Here are a few examples of when the above :before_session hook would fire when run in a vanilla Pry session:

$ pry
Hello, World!
[1] pry(main)> Pry.start
Hello, World!
[1] pry(main)> exit
[2] pry(main)> binding.pry

# ... Skip output of `whereami` command ...

Hello, World!
[1] pry(#<Pry>)> exit
[3] pry(main)>

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Adding Custom Events

Adding custom events that other Pry plugins can add hooks for is surprisingly simple. Though one might expect to have to register a new event, as it works out, Pry always assumes an event exists when adding hooks because it can't always be expected that an event will be defined before hooks are added for that event. This assumed existence means that there's no need to register a new event or anything like that, all that you must do is execute the event with whatever arguments you deem appropriate.

Custom events can be executed using the Pry.hooks.exec_hook method. For example, consider the following snippet which adds a :before_sleep event that is fired when SIGTSTP is received and adds a hook to puts "Good night!" whenever that event is fired:

# Add a Pry event before the TSTP signal backgrounds the process
handler, old_handler = nil
handler = proc do |sig_value|
  # There's probably a better way to invoke the default signal handler.
  trap("TSTP", old_handler)
  Process.kill("TSTP", 0)
  old_handler = trap("TSTP", &handler)
old_handler = trap("TSTP", &handler)

# Now register a hook
Pry.hooks.add_hook(:before_sleep, :say_good_night_before_sleep) do
  puts "\nGood night!"

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