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Phar Signing

Marc Würth edited this page Sep 15, 2023 · 1 revision

PHPMD Phar Signing

To set up signing of the PHPMD phar files, the following must be done.

  1. Create PGP Key pair

    With a passphrase using GnuPG on Linux or "Kleopatra" from Gpg4Win on Windows

    • Name = "PHPMD (PHP Mess Detector)"
    • E-Mail = ""
    • Expires = never
  2. Document private key, passphrase, public key and revocation certificate in PHPMD/PDepend's Passbolt

    Under "PHPMD" => "PGP":

    • PGP PHPMD Private Key
    • PGP PHPMD Passphrase
    • PGP PHPMD Public Key
    • PGP PHPMD Revocation Certificate
  3. Publish public key on key server

    1. Export public key file
    2. Upload public key file to
    3. Manage public key
    4. Check E-Mail account "" for E-Mails from key server (ask @ravage84)
    5. Verify E-mail associated with public key
    6. Check public key on key server
  4. Setup GitHub Actions Secrets

    Add the necessary GitHub action secrets under "Repository secrets" in the PHPMD GitHub repo:

    • PASSPHRASE = (PGP PHPMD Passphrase)
    • SECRET_KEY = (PGP PHPMD Private Key)

  5. Setup Phar Signing in GitHub Action

    Set up signing in the GitHub action that generates the phar file:

    Using "" as signing e-mail address.

    PASSPHRASE: ${{ secrets.PASSPHRASE }}
    SECRET_KEY: ${{ secrets.SECRET_KEY }}
    echo "$SECRET_KEY" > keys.asc;
    echo "$PASSPHRASE" | gpg --batch --import keys.asc;
    sh -c "echo $PASSPHRASE | gpg --command-fd 0 --pinentry-mode loopback -u --batch --detach-sign --output phpmd.phar.asc phpmd.phar";

Some Useful Commands

gpg --refresh-keys
gpg --auto-key-locate hkps:// --locate-keys
phive install phpmd
phive install phpmd/phpmd