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Factor out "email in public" parts

James McKinney edited this page Jul 6, 2014 · 4 revisions

See this google groups thread.

The ability to send emails in public would be useful for several different projects.

The proposal is to design a REST-based API for sending, receiving and parsing emails. This would probably be based on a comprehensive python library.

It might include:

  • an email message class to handle encodings and attachments, detecting quoted parts etc.
  • email tagging
  • handling of bounces,
  • vacation messages
  • REST api
  • different algorithms to generate a unique id for sending emails
    • email prefix with salt and mail number in "from" address: <prefix><emailNum><hash>@domain
    • email mixed up from lots of random 3 - 4 letter words.

Existing email parsing utilities etc:

Existing email parsing services:

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