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Rush 5 Change Notes

Kenneth Chau edited this page Jul 20, 2019 · 2 revisions

Office UI Fabric React 5.x and 6.x branches use Rush 5.

rush update

rush generate and rush install are merged into a simplified command rush update. rush install still exists in Rush 5 and is still the read-only operation. Developers can continue to use it in their everyday workflow if they like the distinction. The semantic differences are:

  1. rush generate forced you to run rush install if nothing had changed, whereas rush update will simply succeed and do nothing.
  2. rush update now by default does an incremental update (whereas rush generate rebuilt the entire shrinkwrap file by default).

npm run generate vs. npm run rush-update

npm run generate runs rush update --full. npm run rush-update runs rush update without --full.

rush install --purge

rush install --clean and --full-clean have been replaced with rush install --purge.


The new workflow works with both NPM and PNPM.

Check out the official docs for more detailed information and developer tutorials.

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