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Commenting conventions

Fluent UI Team edited this page Apr 9, 2022 · 3 revisions

We use tooling to convert comments in code to documentation. Please follow the conventions below when writing public facing API comments.

First take a look here on general guidance in tone, inclusion, etc:

General strategy

When writing public facing comments, think like the consumer, not like the developer writing code. Ask yourself, why would I use this property/method?

Don't be too verbose. Try to convey purpose in the a single sentence, and only use multiple sentences if you need to.

When referring to other types in comments, use cross-linking:

Defines the {@link #Foo | `Foo`} component to use in the slot.

Defines the uncontrolled default value to use. See {@link #value | `value`} for providing a controlled value.

When cross-linking isn't available but you are still referencing a code construct, use backticks to format the construct using monospace formatting, which helps communicate the differentiation.

Input prop comments

Props should start with a verb of what they do. Typically props "define" a value, but they can also "disable" a feature or


Defines the horizontal alignment for immediately descending child elements.


Horizontal alignment.

Horizontal alignment of children.

Imperative setter/getter properties

Read-only getter property comments start with "Gets":

Gets the current value of the input element.

While properties with getters and setters start with "Gets/sets":

Gets/sets the current value of the input element.

Imperative methods

Methods typically do things. Start the comment with a verb, indicating what it does. If it "does its best to do a thing in the current context", it "Attempts" to do something.


Attempts to force capture of the mouse to this element.

Attempts to set focus to this element.

Scrolls content by one logical unit to the left.

Defines the parent-child relationship between two visuals.

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