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How to send an HTTP request using Rex::Proto::Http::Client

wchen-r7 edited this page Oct 11, 2014 · 24 revisions

Note: This documentation may need to be vetted.

The Rex library (Ruby Extension Library) is the most fundamental piece of the Metasploit Framework architecture. Modules normally do not interact with Rex directly, instead they depend on the framework core and its mixins for better code sharing. If you are a Metasploit module developer, the lib/msf/core directory should be more than enough for most of your needs. If you are writing a module that speaks HTTP, then the Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient mixin (which is found in lib/msf/core/exploit/http/client) is most likely the one you want.

However, in some scenarios, you actually can't use the HttpClient mixin. The most common is actually when writing a form-based login module using the LoginScanner API. If you find yourself in that situation, use Rex::Proto::Http::Client.

Initializing Rex::Proto::Http::Client

The Rex::Proto::Http::Client initializer creates a new HTTP client instance, and the most important piece is this:

def initialize(host, port = 80, context = {}, ssl = nil, ssl_version = nil, proxies = nil, username = '', password = '')

As you can use, only the host argument is required, the rest are optional. But let's go over all of them right quick:

Argument name Data type Description
host String Target host IP
port Fixnum Target host port
context Hash Determines what is responsible for requesting that a socket can be created
ssl Boolean True to enable it
ssl_version String SSL2, SSL3, or TLS1
proxies String Configure a proxy
username String Username for automatic authentication
password String Password for automatic authentication

Code example of initialing Rex::Proto::Http::Client:

cli =, rport, {}, true, 8181, proxies, 'username', 'password')

Making an HTTP request

Even though our main topic of this documentation is about Rex::Proto::Http::Client, it does not know how to make HTTP requests. Instead, Rex::Proto::Http::ClientRequest is actually the mother of all Metasploit's HTTP requests.

So how does Rex::Proto::Http::ClientRequest give birth to an HTTP request? Well, you see son, it all begins when Rex::Proto::Http::Client asks for one with either the #request_cgi or the #request_raw method. The difference is that if #request_cgi is used, the request is meant to be CGI compatible, and in most cases this is what you want. If #request_raw is used, technically it means less options, less CGI compatible.

A raw HTTP request supports the following options:

Option/key name Data type Description
query String Raw GET query string
data String Raw POST data string
uri String Raw URI string
ssl Boolean True to use https://, otherwise http://
agent String User-Agent. Default is: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
method String HTTP method
proto String Protocol
version String Version
vhost String Host header
port Fixnum Port for the host header
authorization String The authorization header
cookie String The cookie header
connection String The connection header
headers Hash A hash of custom headers. Safer than raw_headers
raw_headers String A string of raw headers
ctype String Content type

An example of using #request_raw's options:

# cli is a Rex::Proto::Http::Client object
req = cli.request_raw({
	'uri'    =>'/test.php',
	'method' => 'POST',
	'data'   => 'A=B'

#request_cgi inherits all the above, and more:

Option/key name Data type Description
pad_get_params Boolean Enable padding for GET parameters
pad_get_params_count Fixnum Number of random GET parameters. You also need pad_get_params for this
vars_get Hash A hash of GET parameters
encode_params Boolean Enable URI encoding for GET or POST parameters
pad_post_params Boolean Enable padding for POST parameters
pad_post_params_count Fixnum Number of random POST parameters. You also need pad_post_params for this

An example of using one of #request_cgi options:

# cli is a Rex::Proto::Http::Client object
req = cli.request_cgi({
	'uri'      =>'/test.php',
	'vars_get' => {
		'param1' => 'value',
		'param2' => 'value'

Sending an HTTP request

Here are examples of how to actually speak to an HTTP server with either #request_cgi or #request_raw:


cli =,
req = cli.request_cgi({'uri'=>'/'})
res = cli.send_recv(req)


cli =,
req = cli.request_raw({'uri'=>'/'})
res = cli.send_recv(req)

Configuring advanced options

Evasion Options

Rex::Proto::Http::Client also comes with its own collection of evasion options. You can set them either when you're asking Rex::Proto::Http::ClientRequest to make the HTTP request, or you can set them with a #set_config method. The main difference is that if you are using #set_config, you should make these options user-configurable.

Option Data type Default Known configurable option
encode_params Boolean true N/A
encode Boolean false N/A
uri_encode_mode String hex-normal HTTP::uri_encode_mode
uri_encode_count Fixnum 1 N/A
uri_full_url Boolean false HTTP::uri_full_url
pad_method_uri_count Fixnum 1 HTTP::pad_method_uri_count
pad_uri_version_count Fixnum 1 HTTP::pad_uri_version_count
pad_method_uri_type String space HTTP::pad_method_uri_type
pad_uri_version_type String space HTTP::pad_uri_version_type
method_random_valid Boolean false HTTP::method_random_valid
method_random_invalid Boolean false HTTP::method_random_invalid
method_random_case Boolean false HTTP::method_random_case
version_random_valid Boolean false N/A
version_random_invalid Boolean false N/A
version_random_case Boolean false N/A
uri_dir_self_reference Boolean false HTTP::uri_dir_self_reference
uri_dir_fake_relative Boolean false HTTP::uri_dir_fake_relative
uri_use_backslashes Boolean false HTTP::uri_use_backslashes
pad_fake_headers Boolean pad_fake_headers HTTP::pad_fake_headers
pad_fake_headers_count Fixnum 16 HTTP::pad_fake_headers_count
pad_get_params Boolean false HTTP::pad_get_params
pad_get_params_count Boolean 8 HTTP::pad_get_params_count
pad_post_params Boolean false HTTP::pad_post_params
pad_post_params_count Fixnum 8 HTTP::pad_post_params_count
uri_fake_end Boolean false HTTP::uri_fake_end
uri_fake_params_start Boolean false HTTP::uri_fake_params_start
header_folding Boolean false HTTP::header_folding
chunked_size Fixnum 0 N/A

NTLM Options

HTTP authentication is automatic in Rex::Proto::Http::Client, and when it comes to the NTLM provider, it gets its own options. You MUST use the #set_config method to set them:

Option Data type Default Known configurable option
usentlm2_session Boolean true NTLM::UseNTLM2_session
use_ntlmv2 Boolean true NTLM::UseNTLMv2
send_lm Boolean true NTLM::SendLM
send_ntlm Boolean true NTLM::SendNTLM
SendSPN Boolean true NTLM::SendSPN
UseLMKey Boolean false NTLM::UseLMKey
DigestAuthIIS Boolean true DigestAuthIIS

Note: "Known configuration options" means there is a datastore option for it from HttpClient. If you can't use HttpClient, then you will have to consider register them yourself.

URI Parsing

Rex::Proto::Http::Client actually does not support URI parsing, so for URI format validation and normalization, you are on your own, and you should probably do it.

For URI format validation, we recommend using Ruby's URI module. You can use HttpClient's #target_uri method as an example.

For URI normalization, we recommend HttpClient's #normalize_uri method as an example.

Full Example

cli =, rport, {}, ssl, ssl_version, proxies, user, pass)
  'vhost' => vhost,
  'agent' => datastore['UserAgent'],
  'uri_encode_mode'        => datastore['HTTP::uri_encode_mode'],
  'uri_full_url'           => datastore['HTTP::uri_full_url'],
  'pad_method_uri_count'   => datastore['HTTP::pad_method_uri_count'],
  'pad_uri_version_count'  => datastore['HTTP::pad_uri_version_count'],
  'pad_method_uri_type'    => datastore['HTTP::pad_method_uri_type'],
  'pad_uri_version_type'   => datastore['HTTP::pad_uri_version_type'],
  'method_random_valid'    => datastore['HTTP::method_random_valid'],
  'method_random_invalid'  => datastore['HTTP::method_random_invalid'],
  'method_random_case'     => datastore['HTTP::method_random_case'],
  'uri_dir_self_reference' => datastore['HTTP::uri_dir_self_reference'],
  'uri_dir_fake_relative'  => datastore['HTTP::uri_dir_fake_relative'],
  'uri_use_backslashes'    => datastore['HTTP::uri_use_backslashes'],
  'pad_fake_headers'       => datastore['HTTP::pad_fake_headers'],
  'pad_fake_headers_count' => datastore['HTTP::pad_fake_headers_count'],
  'pad_get_params'         => datastore['HTTP::pad_get_params'],
  'pad_get_params_count'   => datastore['HTTP::pad_get_params_count'],
  'pad_post_params'        => datastore['HTTP::pad_post_params'],
  'pad_post_params_count'  => datastore['HTTP::pad_post_params_count'],
  'uri_fake_end'           => datastore['HTTP::uri_fake_end'],
  'uri_fake_params_start'  => datastore['HTTP::uri_fake_params_start'],
  'header_folding'         => datastore['HTTP::header_folding'],
  'usentlm2_session'       => datastore['NTLM::UseNTLM2_session'],
  'use_ntlmv2'             => datastore['NTLM::UseNTLMv2'],
  'send_lm'                => datastore['NTLM::SendLM'],
  'send_ntlm'              => datastore['NTLM::SendNTLM'],
  'SendSPN'                => datastore['NTLM::SendSPN'],
  'UseLMKey'               => datastore['NTLM::UseLMKey'],
  'domain'                 => datastore['DOMAIN'],
  'DigestAuthIIS'          => datastore['DigestAuthIIS']
req = cli.request_cgi({'uri'=>'/'})
res = cli.send_recv(req)

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