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How to deprecate a Metasploit module

sinn3r edited this page Mar 14, 2016 · 6 revisions

Metasploit has a very specific way to deprecate a module. To do so, you must be using the Msf::Module::Deprecated mixin. The reason you must be using this mixin is because two things:

  1. You are required to set a deprecation date. That way we know when to remove it, which is done manually.
  2. You are required to set a replacement of the module you wish to deprecate.


To use the Msf::Module::Deprecated, here's how:

1 - Under class metasploit3 of your module, include the following:

include Msf::Module::Deprecated

2a - Use the deprecated method to assign a deprecation date and replacement module:

deprecated(, 9, 21), 'exploit/linux/http/dlink_upnp_exec_noauth')

2b - Alternatively, define the DEPRECATION_DATE and DEPRECATION_REPLACEMENT constants:

DEPRECATION_DATE =, 9, 21) # Sep 21
# The new module is exploit/linux/http/dlink_upnp_exec_noauth
DEPRECATION_REPLACEMENT = 'exploit/linux/http/dlink_upnp_exec_noauth'

When the user loads that module, they should see a warning like this:

msf > use exploit/windows/misc/test 

[!] ************************************************************************
[!] *             The module windows/misc/test is deprecated!              *
[!] *              It will be removed on or about 2014-09-21               *
[!] *        Use exploit/linux/http/dlink_upnp_exec_noauth instead        *
[!] ************************************************************************

Code example

require 'msf/core'

class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote
  Rank = ExcellentRanking

  include Msf::Module::Deprecated

  deprecated(, 9, 21), 'exploit/linux/http/dlink_upnp_exec_noauth')

  def initialize(info = {})
      'Name'        => 'Msf::Module::Deprecated Example',
      'Description' => %q{
        This shows how to use Msf::Module::Deprecated.
      'Author'      => [ 'sinn3r' ],
      'License'     => MSF_LICENSE,
      'References'  => [ [ 'URL', '' ] ],
      'DisclosureDate' => 'Apr 01 2014',
      'Targets'        => [ [ 'Automatic', { } ] ],
      'DefaultTarget'  => 0

  def exploit
    print_debug("Code example")


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