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Mike Perham edited this page Jan 26, 2021 · 5 revisions

This is a work in progress

Starting in 2021, I'm offering a TuneUp service where I will pair with any Sidekiq user with a Rails app. This help can take any form:

  • getting started with Sidekiq
  • integrating Sidekiq into your Rails app
  • maximizing your Heroku dyno utilization to minimize your monthly bill
  • usage of particular Sidekiq features
  • scaling or performance (cpu or memory) tuning
  • testing job code
  • troubleshooting or debugging chronic issues

This service is FREE but has restrictions:

  • Your app must be Ruby code and using Sidekiq or Faktory
  • The session will be recorded and available to the public
  • Sessions default to one hour but I'm flexible
  • My only guarantee is you will learn something and hopefully have a good time!


You must be using Sidekiq or Faktory, as that's where I can offer the most value. You do not need to be a customer but there might be cases where I suggest an upgrade would be useful in order to access a commercial feature. I never endorse third-party Sidekiq plugins; you are welcome to use them but I cannot help with them.

How To Enroll

Each TuneUp session uses Tuple for pair programming and will be publicly available on YouTube for others to watch and learn. Before we record your session, please think about any secrets or API keys in your app codebase. Make an effort not to show any secrets on screen.

Depending on what we do, some of your app code might be on-screen. Everyone has messy code; don't get too anxious!

If possible, use a dedicated mic: USB headset, AirPods, anything is better than the microphone built into your laptop. Good sound quality makes a huge difference.

If possible, use Ethernet so flaky WiFi is not an issue.

If you'd like to participate, please email me at, tell me about yourself, your organization and let me know what you'd like to focus on in your session.