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Fix Luhn algorithm used in french companie's SIRET and sweden SSN #37

Fix Luhn algorithm used in french companie's SIRET and sweden SSN

Fix Luhn algorithm used in french companie's SIRET and sweden SSN #37

Re-run triggered March 28, 2024 15:30
Status Failure
Total duration 26s


on: pull_request
RuboCop lint
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10 errors and 1 warning
RuboCop lint: lib/ffaker/name_pl.rb#L93
Use :"#{gender}_#{name_type}" instead of "#{gender}_#{name_type}".
RuboCop lint: lib/ffaker/name_pl.rb#L95
Use :"female_#{name_type}" instead of "female_#{name_type}".
RuboCop lint: lib/ffaker/name_pl.rb#L95
Use :"male_#{name_type}" instead of "male_#{name_type}".
RuboCop lint: lib/ffaker/utils/module_utils.rb#L17
Use parentheses for super with arguments.
RuboCop lint: lib/ffaker/utils/module_utils.rb#L46
Wrap expressions with varying precedence with parentheses to avoid ambiguity.
RuboCop lint: lib/ffaker/utils/module_utils.rb#L46
Surrounding space missing for operator %.
RuboCop lint: lib/ffaker/utils/module_utils.rb#L46
Surrounding space missing for operator %.
RuboCop lint: test/helper.rb#L38
Use :"assert_#{operator_name}" instead of "assert_#{operator_name}".
RuboCop lint: test/helper.rb#L59
Use :"assert_random_#{method_name}" instead of "assert_random_#{method_name}".
RuboCop lint: test/helper.rb#L60
Use :"assert_#{method_name}" instead of "assert_#{method_name}".
RuboCop lint
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