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Pull requests: facebook/metro

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Pull requests list

Bump actions/checkout from 4.1.1 to 4.1.3 CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed. dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file github_actions Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
#1259 opened Apr 22, 2024 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump express from 4.18.1 to 4.19.2 in /website CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed. dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file javascript Pull requests that update Javascript code
#1245 opened Mar 27, 2024 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump actions/cache from 3.3.2 to 4.0.2 CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed. dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file github_actions Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
#1244 opened Mar 25, 2024 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 in /website CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed. dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file javascript Pull requests that update Javascript code
#1242 opened Mar 23, 2024 by dependabot bot Loading…
fix(metro-resolver): package exports array root shorthand CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed. Shared with Meta Applied via automation to indicate that an Issue or Pull Request has been shared with the team.
#1238 opened Mar 21, 2024 by jbroma Loading…
4 tasks done
Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.8 to 1.15.6 in /website CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed. dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file javascript Pull requests that update Javascript code
#1234 opened Mar 15, 2024 by dependabot bot Loading…
feat(config): support typescript configs CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed. Shared with Meta Applied via automation to indicate that an Issue or Pull Request has been shared with the team.
#1233 opened Mar 13, 2024 by Titozzz Loading…
fix: skip errors that occurred on virtual lines CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed. Shared with Meta Applied via automation to indicate that an Issue or Pull Request has been shared with the team.
#1226 opened Feb 21, 2024 by EvanBacon Loading…
Convert the CircleCI workflow to a GitHub Actions workflow CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed. Shared with Meta Applied via automation to indicate that an Issue or Pull Request has been shared with the team.
#1221 opened Feb 15, 2024 by jk0 Loading…
Bump actions/setup-node from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed. dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file github_actions Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
#1219 opened Feb 12, 2024 by dependabot bot Loading…
feat: provide extends directive for configs CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed. Shared with Meta Applied via automation to indicate that an Issue or Pull Request has been shared with the team.
#1212 opened Feb 6, 2024 by antongolub Loading…
metro-config: Add injectProjectRootAsWatchFolder argument to loadConfig and provide fallback for watchFolders CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed. Shared with Meta Applied via automation to indicate that an Issue or Pull Request has been shared with the team.
#1206 opened Feb 2, 2024 by kraenhansen Loading…
add platform tag for logs CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed. Shared with Meta Applied via automation to indicate that an Issue or Pull Request has been shared with the team.
#1203 opened Jan 31, 2024 by EvanBacon Loading…
Fix metro-minify-terser being resolved from the wrong folder CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed. Shared with Meta Applied via automation to indicate that an Issue or Pull Request has been shared with the team.
#1172 opened Jan 10, 2024 by tido64 Loading…
Implement incremental resolution: Fast Refresh on new files, changed symlinks, etc. CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed. fb-exported
#1161 opened Dec 25, 2023 by robhogan Draft
feat(metro-runtime): support using strings as module IDs CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed. Shared with Meta Applied via automation to indicate that an Issue or Pull Request has been shared with the team.
#1132 opened Nov 5, 2023 by EvanBacon Loading…
preserve require.context call when unstable_disableModuleWrapping is enabled CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed. Shared with Meta Applied via automation to indicate that an Issue or Pull Request has been shared with the team.
#1129 opened Nov 2, 2023 by EvanBacon Loading…
Bump @babel/traverse from 7.20.5 to 7.23.2 CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed. dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file javascript Pull requests that update Javascript code
#1117 opened Oct 16, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
WIP - Docusaurus v3 + FB preset patch CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed. Shared with Meta Applied via automation to indicate that an Issue or Pull Request has been shared with the team.
#1094 opened Oct 5, 2023 by slorber Draft
add more info to the getPolyfills function CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed. Shared with Meta Applied via automation to indicate that an Issue or Pull Request has been shared with the team.
#1071 opened Aug 31, 2023 by EvanBacon Loading…
WIP/RFC: Include import stacks in resolution errors CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed. fb-exported
#1054 opened Aug 7, 2023 by motiz88 Loading…
Use shorter error message for file resolution issues. CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed. Shared with Meta Applied via automation to indicate that an Issue or Pull Request has been shared with the team.
#1036 opened Jul 15, 2023 by EvanBacon Loading…
Enable jest/consistent-test-it rule (as a warning) CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed. fb-exported
#1008 opened Jun 19, 2023 by motiz88 Loading…
[WIP] Draft PR for adding imports to package.json CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed.
#995 opened Jun 5, 2023 by siddarthkay Draft
2 of 13 tasks
WIP: Use SWC in Metro transpilation pipeline CLA Signed This label is managed by the Facebook bot. Authors need to sign the CLA before a PR can be reviewed.
#948 opened Mar 21, 2023 by jacdebug Draft
7 of 15 tasks
ProTip! Follow long discussions with comments:>50.