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Dev Meetings 2020

Vincent Fugnitto edited this page Jan 5, 2022 · 1 revision

Minutes, 2020-12-15

  • Should we release 1.9.0 on 2020-12-15? This will leave more time in the week for post-release support.
    • Most Ericsson employees will be on vacation at the end of the week.

Minutes, 2020-12-08

Minutes, 2020-12-01

  • Brian K: performance issues have been talked about. Not much details are remembered offhand.
    • Brian to open issues. tag issues w "performance"

Minutes, 2020-11-23

  • CI: replace travis with github actions:
    • for the moment the goal would be to bring back at least the build & test (publishing step can be added later).
    • we likely will need to bring back CI before merging any new changes, especially since we are close to the release (potentially have a release sooner).

Minutes, 2020-11-17

Minutes, 2020-11-10

  • Maximilian Koegel is proposing, on behalf of ST Microelectronics, to continue the work on our Theia example application installers for various platforms. See issue. He agreed to come talk about this initiative with us
    • [marc] thanks Maximilian for coming to our dev-meeting and talking with us about our example packaged application. Here are some notes I have taken. I think we have more questions than answers, but I may just have missed some of the later category. Anyone feel free to add or correct:
    • work planned to happen over the next 3 months. However ST is also putting efforts on their own product, so limited time to spend.
    • a few key aspects: testing, marketing efforts (with help from Brian King of the EF), update feature (for end-user to be able to update their Theia app)
    • Marketing: Good enough to self-host? What do we say this is for? Desktop IDE good enough to locally work on Eclipse Theia? (self dog-fooding as step zero - partially achieved through use of Gitpod by many committers for Theia-related work)
    • How to position vs Eclipse classic, Che?
    • Position: ATM this is a bare-bone example Theia application for the Desktop, available in the form of various OS-specific packages.
    • Agree on which group of people; looking at Theia as platform, want to explore it ASAP, get an installer
    • Position it from Theia perspective. what did not have before? what now?
    • danger: to over-promise. Need to be careful about claiming to be vscode competitor
    • purpose: run it as replacement of vscode or to see what Theia is capable to do as platform?
    • misc:
      • For it to be useful OOTB we will need to add a set of so-called vscode built-in extensions, that provide the grammars used to color-highlight the source code in various languages and much more. For some languages like JS/TS, LSP support is provided by a build-in ext.
      • The main challenge was in figuring-out the various packagings and in some cases their signing, and now that it's nicely done, we can enhance the example application easily.
      • considerations:
        • make available a browser version of the example app too, e.g. for easy inclusion in docker images.
        • name this example application. Something that flows better than "packaged and signed example Theia application" :)
  • Re-licensing of 3 theia-ide repos, for move to the Eclipse Theia project, is progressing well (theia-website, generator-theia-extension and vscode-builtin-extensions)

Minutes, 2020-11-03

  • Florent: adding again my topic as it was overriden: (macos builds )
    • [Marc] If I read this correctly, as an open-source project/org, we'll get 1000 monthly free minutes of Travis CI. We can beg for more, and maybe have it granted on a case-by-case basis.
      • Florent seems to also interpret that this new way for Travis to monetize its service may apply to more than Mac, and affect us generally. No one else expressed an opinion.
      • Potential ways forward:
        • Check with Travis if they may be willing to keep us-on for free - may need 2 requests, one for theia-ide and one for eclipse-theia GH orgs.
        • Use GitHub actions instead
        • use some other CI service
        • no one volunteered to investigate this further. By default Marc can keep an eye out, but limited BW ATM.
  • Paul: Proposal to deprecate mini-browser, reason:
  • [CI] main repo flaky lately - keep an eye out. Looks like a race condition

Minutes, 2020-10-27

  • Will switch meeting time starting next week, to 3 PM UTC, following time change in Europe, then in America soon after. Forgot this week, so the meeting will appear 1h later than usual in America.

Minutes, 2020-10-20

  • This week's meeting might conflict with interesting EclipseCon 2020 presentation or even presentations from project committers. I propose that we hold a meeting if there are further items on the agenda, and skip if not.
  • [Rob] Completed desktop installers:
    • From here Arm will take a backseat and I believe Brian King is keen to take this to the next level (branding, plugins, etc.)
    • Do we want to link to the downloads or repo from the main GitHub repo or the Theia website?
      • sure, sounds like a good idea

Minutes, 2020-10-13

  • Congrats and welcome to the newly elected project committers: Anas, Colin and Ken!
  • Re-licensing of 3 theia-ide repos progressing well (theia-website, generator-theia-extension and vscode-builtin-extensions). Thanks Jonas Helming for helping with this. All involved companies have been very responsive and individual contributors have all given permission.

Minutes, 2020-10-06

  • [Marc] started the work on the move of 3 theia-ide repos to the foundation: theia-website, vscode-builtin-extensions and generator-theia-extension. Created a wiki entry for each to track progress. Next step: gather permission to re-license.
  • It's the last day to vote for the newest 3 candidates for project committership.
    • Sorry - I was mistaken - the election has already successfully concluded at midnight last night. Welcome to our 3 new committers: Anas, Colin and Ken!

Minutes, 2020-09-29

  • [Marc] I will soon be nominating three candidates for project committership. Among them are Colin Grant and Kenneth Marut. They are to thank, along with colleague Nicholas Stenbeck, for our new, much improved Preferences widget: PR. They will join us and introduce themselves
    • The third candidate, Muhammad Anas Shahid was also able to join the meeting and introduce himself
  • Paul: Feedback about breaking API for the NSFW watcher server:
    • Optimization of watchers will be interesting for Cloud use-cases, where many Theia workspaces run on a given server, and must share a max of ~500k inotify
  • Artem: GitHub milestones for Theia issues
  • Igor: Comments plugin API PR:

Minutes, 2020-09-22

  • Theia release this week- 1.6.0, scheduled on Thursday afternoon, Montreal time
  • Question about project dependency phosphorjs and way forward, since it's no longer an active project.
  • [SAP] Amiram announced that they are adding resources, to contribute to the project
    • looking forward to increased contributions/participation!

Minutes, 2020-09-15

  • Anton: I'm offline this week. Please review each other PRs and merge them.
  • [Marc] I am at an appointment that should have given me time to be back for the dev-meeting, but it's dragging-on. If I'm not back in time, can a committer lead the meeting and update the minutes? Thanks!
  • add your item

Minutes, 2020-09-08

  • I've proposed that support multiple plugin hosts better: I would like to hear opinions from the community on this topic.
    • concern: how to test at Theia level to make sure mechanism used only in Che ATM remains working. e.g. not broken by PR?
  • Intention to move a few of our theia-ide repos to the Eclipse Foundation: theia-website, generator-theia-extension and vscode-builtin-extensions. There might be some IP complications. ETA: end of year. First step: touch base with Foundation.
    • AFAIK there is no expectation to move the website's content to the Eclipse web site as part of this, though that could be potentially done later if desired.
    • no objection about going forward with this

Minutes, 2020-09-01

  • [Artem] github milestones ?
    • would help to know what is going into a release from github directly (not looking at
    • could automate set of milestone when a PR is merged in master branch as well
  • [CI] some GH token, used in project CI jobs, had to be revoked. There might be temporary CI failures until replaced.

Minutes, 2020-08-25

Minutes, 2020-08-18

Minutes, 2020-08-11

  • Theia 1.5.0 release scheduled for August 27th
  • [Marc] We have an issue that could potentially delay the next release. The only way forward that's totally under our control is to use an earlier version of the library, that has been approved already. Vince will track the CQ's status and if required will attempt to rollback the dependency to an approved version. I hope other committers can assist if needed.
  • [Marc] We are a bit late to submit our yearly IP log for review. No one has complained yet so I'll do it when back from vacation.
  • [Marc] Opened a CQ for all dependencies not automatically green-lighted by dash-licenses. Once approved, these will all pass, leaving only I hope a few new dependencies to check, here and there. We'll be in a good position to run the tool as part of our CI. Quick prototype

Minutes, 2020-08-11

  • Marc on vacation next 2 weeks. Sven will lead the dev-meeting during that time

Minutes, 2020-08-04

  • Heads-up: it might be a bit slow getting responses to CQs, bugzillas and other Eclipse Foundation services, for the week of August 3rd: "Next week, starting Monday Aug 3 and through Friday Aug 7, the Eclipse Foundation offices will be closed to all staff. One webmaster will be monitoring the infra, release engineer availability will be sporadic, and with vacation season in full swing, it is wise to expect delays in obtaining responses to bugs and general queries."
  • Anton: switch to use nightly VS Code built-in extensions in examples Marc to take care of it
  • Anton: auto building Monaco

Minutes, 2020-07-28

  • Theia 1.4 release this Thursday.
  • [Marc] I tried the Eclipse Foundation's dash-licenses tool, that's the plan forward to help automate our production dependencies license checks. As it is now, ~35 of our dependencies are detected as "suspicious". This seems due to the tool being more strict than our manual process (in ways that would have been burdensome to apply manually). I've reported my findings here
  • Complete support vscode.workspace.fs API PR
    • Plan to merge after release (huge PR, more prudent to merge early in the cycle)
  • [Rob] Installer for a vanilla Theia app: good progress being made. The installers for our 3 platforms now build. Next step: have them signed and deployed (not necessarily in this order). Repo:

Minutes, 2020-07-21

  • Anton: I'm off this week.
  • Release next week on July 30th
  • complete support vscode.workspace.fs API CQ
    • no news from IP Team - Pinged again in CQ.
  • Electron: work will continue next month for enhancing how customizable the Electron main process is

Minutes, 2020-07-14

  • [tests] issue #8151
    • Anton added feature to use tmp folder instead of "official" user-storage (.theia in user's home). This should help isolate the test suite, so it's picks-up less unwanted state from dev's local environments.
  • [CQ #22318] complete support vscode.workspace.fs API
  • installers / packaging of a demo Theia app: obtained access to Eclipse Foundation agents, used to sign packages for our 3 main platforms.

Minutes, 2020-07-07

  • update to Node 12: we'll keep support for node 10 for 1 release

Minutes, 2020-06-30

  • (kittaakos) When do we archive Spectrum? Also, I would like to transfer a discussion to an issue. I could not do it on the GH Web-UI. Can we get permissions?
  • (Anton) reviewing
    • Big PR, lots of code ported from VS Code. Will significantly improve the VS Code extensions compatibility. Will also make it easier to implement checks in the future, like VS Code does - e.g. prevent opening binary files.
    • Needs testing and code review. Anton not too worried about deep testing of functionality (he already did a good pass)
    • The PR removes some optimizations we had before, like sending only a diff to the backend to be saved instead of the whole file. So editing big files with auto-save on could potentially bring new performance issues that were not present before. It could be possible to optimize in another pass, but for now we can try to measure the impact.
  • (Rob) provided the status for building, signing the Windows/Mac packages: now trying the strategy to do the build on Eclipse Foundation Jenkins.

Minutes, 2020-06-23

Minutes, 2020-06-16

Minutes, 2020-06-09

  • (Jan) All Spectrum threads were successfully migrated to (so if Spectrum shuts down, we won't lose all conversations)
    • Action item: Post a heads-up to the community, and next week update Spectrum links to community.t.o
  • (Jan) Can Theia accept automated contributions from bots? (E.g. Renovate, Autofix...)
    • Proof-of-concept:
    • Bots cannot sign the ECA (requires using a real name, no pseudonym or anonymous contribution)
    • (Florent): we asked Eclipse IP team for quite similar question for Eclipse Che and dependabot for a pom.xml. Response was: Based on this particular scenario, it appears the contribution is a change to a pom file only. As a result, the project (committer) can use its judgement to determine if it should accept the pull request or not. From an intellectual property perspective, the only change is the version of the third party being used. As a result, the project will need to ensure that lib/version has been vetted/cleared for use. Otherwise, you may accept the pull request. We will update the Handbook to take this scenario into consideration in an effort to provide guidance to projects for moving forward.
  • (Sven) Tauri is a slim alternative to Electron written in Rust. The team did a PoC for Theia [1] and would like to discuss whether we are interested in supporting this effort more. [1]
  • (Anton) migration to Node.js 12 ( and Electron 9 (
  • (Anton) bundling the server code with nbin (
  • (Rob) Installer signing keys - cost and entity
  • vscode builtins: now solid revisions automatically published on open-vsx!
  • add your item

Minutes, 2020-06-02

  • no meeting held: items moved to next meeting.

Minutes, 2020-05-26

Minutes, 2020-05-19

  • There are holidays this week in Europe: expect it will be quiet on Thursday/Friday
  • Open VSX preview (next) version handling: Miro reports that it's now a possible to the latest "preview" version of an extension, through the open vsx API. So we should be able to update application's package.json to fetch preview versions of extensions. There is not yet a way to generally do that from the vsx-registry extension / Extensions view, so that user-installed extensions also come from the preview channel.

Minutes, 2020-05-12

  • Meeting time: we forgot to update the meeting time above, after both Europe and America change to normal time this spring. Most continued to show-up at the usual time. Meeting time updated from 3PM UTC to 2PM UTC to reflect reality
    • sorry to anyone who showed-up at the announced time and found an empty room :(
  • (Paul) Rework the Electron main process architecture to allow clients to properly customize the behavior of their desktop application. I want to discuss if anyone has any concerns about such a rework, but I would work on this right away
    • to make it easier for extenders to customize the Electron process. e.g. to permit nicely handle CLI arguments
    • concern: what kind of life-cycle hooks should we have?
    • Way forward: Paul to work on a prototype that can be used to drive discussions
  • TheiaDevCon update - skipping 2020
  • (Anton) VS Code extensions allow to use Node 12 APIs:
    • ATM we do not support Node 12 / Electron 6. The Electron part might be more complicated.
  • VS Code builtins v1.44.2 published, example app updated to use this new version for the most part
    • New generated READMEs should make it clear that Microsoft is not involved. Displayed on as Overview
    • Next step: automated build/publish of solid/latest version of builtins after VS Code monthly release
  • Eclipse Foundation move to Europe announcement: interesting that a Gitlab forge will be made available as 3rd option to projects
  • (Jan) I've created an experimental Discourse instance for Theia:
    • You can simply login via GitHub (GitLab is also easy to setup)
    • I'll work on migrating all threads from, to at least have a one-time backup, but if we like it maybe the instance can live on

Minutes, 2020-05-05

  • [builtin extensions] the current set is getting quite old (1.39.1)
    • Marc to build new set based on latest vscode release (1.44.2) and publish them to open-vsx. Will at the same time update the generated READMEs to better explain what these extensions are, where they come from, who's (not) involved in any way, just so it's clear
    • Marc to publish these new builtins to
    • Then someone will update the main repo's example apps to use the latest builtins
    • when a problem is found, and issue should be raised. In some cases someone in the project may be able to fix the issue, or if nothing else it's possible to roll-back to use an older published version of that extension

Agenda, 2020-04-28

Agenda, 2020-04-21

Minutes, 2020-04-14

Minutes, 2020-04-07

Minutes, 2020-03-31

Minutes, 2020-03-24

  • starting next week the dev meeting is back to the regular local time for North America (2PM UTC)
  • last stretch for Theia 1.0.0. The plan is to build/publish this Thursday but not publicize it until the Foundation does, next Tuesday. Some tasks remain to be completed:
  • add your item here

Minutes, 2020-03-17

  • [Theia 1.0] Moving (press) release date to March 31st. (Sven)
    • Plan: release as planned on March 26th but do not publicise it until 31st
    • Theia app developers that have a yarn.lock will continue to use whatever Theia version they're already using and should not be negatively impacted (i.e. by API breakage)
  • Any interest in Theia extension that allows you to test language plugin results directly (Josh)
    • Sounds interesting. Josh to look into the Theia test API and determine if his extension has extra features that he could add to it

Minutes, 2020-03-10

  • [Theia 1.0] update individual ext readmes PR is under review. Since deeper knowledge about the various extensions is spread among committers, it would be good if many had a look and commented about extensions they know.
  • [Theia 1.0] Only a couple of weeks left to complete Milestone items before v1.0 release on March 26th!
  • We have a new committer: welcome to Victor Rubezhny!
  • [Theia dev conf 2020] Initial planning meeting held. Given current uncertainty about international travel and events, it's been decided to aim for mid-September. Next planning meeting scheduled for mid-April
  • [security] A while ago a potential security vulnerability, affecting Theia, was reported to the Eclipse Foundation. Following their process, a bugzilla was created and made readable only by project committers. A fix was recently merged to address the issue (see details in the bugzilla). We are now at the point where the vulnerability needs to be made public.
    • last chance for committers to have a look and validate the fix, before the Foundation proceeds with making the flaw public.
  • Florent: new vsix releases ?
    • Good idea to release a more recent version but everyone is pretty busy this month with release 1.0. Maybe next month.

Minutes, 2020-03-03

  • Anton: remove resolution of VS Code extension URIs (vscode:extension/canonicalPublisher.canonicalName) against VS Code Marketplace by default -
    • The resolution mechanism is used, e.g., when loading a VS Code extension pack, to fetch the depended-upon extensions. As well it's used to fetch an extension from the deploy plugin by id command. ATM the MS marketplace is used as registry, but should probably not be (terms of service).
    • Proposal: remove the resolution mechanism from plugins system and let each product configure their own if wanted/needed.
    • The vsx-registry Theia extension (see PR above) will include a resolution mechanism that will use a public openVSX registry by default. Using this extension in a Theia product will be an easy way to provide VS Code extension resolution, but a product can instead implement their own mechanism if preferred or use no resolution at all.
      • e.g. For Che, "deploying" a plugin means something different vs plain Theia, so they require the flexibility to override whatever mechanism is present (if any).
      • The Che Theia committers present seemed to be ok with the proposed way forward

-TheiaDevcon Conference 2020: Looks like it can happen again in Kista @Ericsson headquarters. However some concerns about this new virus going around the globe: if things deteriorate in the coming months, it could be difficult to go ahead with the physical event, e.g. with companies restricting travel for their employees. Should we consider doing this as an online event instead? Or as a fall-back?

  • consideration of an online conference: Red Hat has experience doing this for Che and might be able to help. Thomas mentioned that as a presenter in such conferences, it's not technically a problem to setup but the quality of the interactions is less vs in-person.
  • Options:
    • Option 1: go ahead and plan physical conference without fall-back. Pro: no time wasted on making the conference online. Con: if travel is severely restricted and/or the virus strikes hard in Sweden, we may have to cancel the event
    • Option 2: Plan a physical conference but with online conference as fallback. Pro: we are covered no matter what happens. Con: more planning, some of which will not be useful.
    • Option 3: Plan only for an online conference.
  • Organizing committee: Sven from TypeFox, Marc and Andreas from Ericsson, Rob from Arm. Thomas will look-into providing a name from Red Hat.
    • First meeting proposed to be held this week, Thursday March 5th at 3 PM UTC. If not possible, then next week. Will use email to sync.

Minutes, 2020-02-25

  • [kittaakos] We want to change the location of the user-defined settings and align the logic with VS Code. See here.
  • Remove deprecated extensions for Thursday's release? #6933
    • the main repo's examples (browser and electron) have already been updated to include the builtins
    • the main images of theia-apps have been updated and merged, remaining images are low-priority with a pull-request ready theia-apps#312
    • might be blocked by documentation efforts #6946 and #6947
  • add your items here

Agenda, 2020-02-18

  • We have two new committers: welcome to Mykola Morhun and Alexander Andrienko
  • [tsmaeder] Licensing and location of C++ VS Code extension and similar.

Minutes, 2020-02-11

Minutes, 2020-02-04

  • Theia 1.0 items - anything else?
    • Milestone:
    • Date: March 26th 2020
    • Documentation
      • Minimal: Adopter’s documentation, getting started, tutorial, write tests (Sven) #7069
      • Update Readme / Roadmap (Sven) #7070
      • Improve extensions readme (Marc) #6518
        • See here for a proposed template for individual Theia extensions README. The README is also used as documentation on npm, for each given extension.
      • Go though code and mark stable api as @API (widget, application-shell, frontend contribution, etc.) (Anton) #7071
    • VS Code Compatibility
      • Update theia-apps using VS Code extensions (Marc) #6183
      • Deprecate and remove the theia-extensions superseded by vscode extensions (Marc) #6933
    • Marketplace
      • register and host a marketplace (Miro) #7072
        • (Jan) Update: TypeFox just registered, and Miro may start working on a test deployment this week
      • Reach out to extension developers, create PRs to include publishing to open-vsx Prepare one or two example PRs and then share (Sven)
      • CI job or script for pushing built-ins to registry (Marc) #7073
      • Merge extension widget (Anton) #6655
  • Theia Developer Conference 2020
    • Figure out location (Europe preferred)
    • Date: Early June
    • Format like last year (one track, two days).
  • GitHub eclipse-theia/theia project membership / write access for committers: There might still be committers that do not have write access to the main repo. For this to work, it's necessary to configure your GH username on your Eclipse profile: log-on on, then "edit my account". It's under the "Social Media Links" section. Once this is done you should receive an invite by email to join the GH organization, which you need to accept.

Minutes, 2020-01-28

Minutes, 2020-01-21

  • Verification of licenses for builtin extensions (Pull Request: #6883, Follow-up issue: #6926)
    • vs code extensions are self-contained and their dependencies are not reflected in our repos yarn.lock file, that's used as the source of information for our dependencies license verification. As well they are webpacked and so do not have a node_modules folder of their own. So we need another way of making sure the licenses are ok for the Foundation.
      • We have extracted the dependencies from the various package.json of the built-ins, put them together into a bogus package.json and run npm install on it, then use the resulting package-lock.json as input to the license check process (as documented on the wiki).
      • Follow-up issue to smooth-out this process and document it
    • [Process] When to update the built-ins? e.g. update them to latest every month?
      • option: try to follow vs code including support for provisional extensions APIs. This way hopefully all built-ins should work
      • option: each month produce fresh set of builtins based on latest vs code, test them and use those that work. Keep using older version of those that don't work.
      • License check will need to be done whenever we update the built-ins being used in the repo
  • Anton: How to migrate to VS Code extension for Git support?
  • We have a "new old" committer: Vitaliy Guliy - welcome back!
  • [vscode builtins] Vince has merged his PR. It adds most builtins to the main Theia repo's example applications. There's a new download script that's part of @theia/cli and can be used to fetch vscode extensions from GH releases. The Theia-specific language and debug extensions are removed from the examples apps (but not from the repo yet): Typescript, node-debug, Java, Python, as well as merge-conflicts, textmate-grammars and tslint.
    • next step: update the apps under theia-ide/theia-apps, then remove the Theia-specific extensions above from the main repo.

Minutes, 2020-01-14

  • Anton: Any plans for TheiaCon this year?
    • need to check with Andreas From if Ericsson premises in Kista is an option again this year.
    • Could it be in North America? (e.g. Ericsson premises in Montreal). Would it be more difficult to get good attendance?
  • Marc: Theia-based products: strategies to handle dependencies incl Theia extensions while permitting local customizations? e.g. use git submodules to have theia platform + some external extensions source code together and built IDE from that vs having sources in their respective repos, modify/built and publish to internal registry, then build IDE from package.json, pulling from internal registry. Best practices?
    • When possible using DI is the best option
    • Potential real-life examples, to take inspiration from:
      • Arduino Pro IDE (source code not yet public but will be),
      • Eclipse Che uses a source code patching strategy for "hot fixes" / temporary patches
  • Artem: monaco upgrade
  • Paul is working on a PR to use Typescript "build mode", which promises shorter build time
  • Vince is working on a PR to add VS Code built-in extensions and remove most native language Theia extensions in the main repo's example applications. Next step: update the example applications under theia-ide/theia-apps

Minutes, 2020-01-07

  • Florent:
    • looks that the dependency with security flaw, handlebars, is used as a dev-dependency in Theia, which makes it less of a worry since it will not typically be present in production Theia applications.
    • advice from the link: "Upgrade handlebars to version 4.3.0 or later": it looks like the version that I see installed, 4.5.1, is already ok then. False positive?
  • Florent: Update on Red Hat internal teams working on Theia/VS Code:
    • editor team (lead: Artem): Theia (and related work to make it work into Eclipse Che)
      • (+) Roman & Vlad
    • plugins team (lead: Eric): VS Code extensions support
      • (+) VitaliyG & Ihor
    • languages team (lead: Thomas): work related to support of languages
      • (+) Josh, Viktor, Valerii, Sun
  • [C/C++] arm are investigating ways to optimize clangd usage for the "web" version of their IDE. Of potential interest is to find a way to share compilation database and clangd instances between users, instead of each one having a dedicated one.
    • The Ericsson team has a clangd committer, that may be able to give feedback about these ideas
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